
The Japanese Girlfriend of the Academic Ace

Airi Sakura, the Beautiful Japanese Exchange Student - under the arrangement of her father, she stayed as a lodger in my house, and I was honored to be appointed as her guide to life in China. While spending time together, I discovered numerous secrets about her… Getting lost whenever she goes out, curling up into a ball when sleeping, holding a cup with both hands when drinking water, having an insane passion for claw machines, and being determined to earn money to buy her own house…

Elshar · 現実
14 Chs

School would start again

"Deny Aaron, when did you guys get married?"

"She's not my wife."

"When are you going to have a baby?"

"She's not my wife."

"If you have a baby, will I become a big sister?"

"She's not my wife, and you're not becoming a big sister."

"Then what am I?"

"You... you're a silly goose."

Deny Aaron finally realized and almost got caught up in her logic. This little girl was single-minded and the more he explained, the more confused she became.

"You're the silly one! A big! Silly! Goose!"

Su Zhifu couldn't believe it. They lived together, so they must be husband and wife.

Deny Aaron must be shy!

But when Su Zhifu thought about Deny Aaron having a wife, she felt a bit sad. Would he find his wife more interesting and stop playing with her?

In this old alley, there weren't many kids her age. Most of the residents were middle-aged or elderly. After school, she didn't have any playmates except when she went to Deny Aaron's house.

Deny Aaron didn't have time to play hide and seek with her, but she always found her own joy in this small courtyard. Either playing with Bai Xiaomeng or quietly watching Deny Aaron do programming and make various mechanical gadgets.

She thought Deny Aaron was probably the most amazing person in the world. He knew everything, why the sky was blue, why the air conditioner blew cold air, why people riding bicycles didn't fall over, why airplanes didn't fall from the sky...

"What's in this big bag?"

Deny Aaron curiously asked. Su Zhifu was small, but the bag was not small, and it was filled with many things. It looked heavy, and she must have put in a lot of effort to bring it here.

"It's gifts I brought for you from the countryside!"

Su Zhifu quickly opened the bag and inside were many sweet potatoes, an old radio, a broken clock that didn't work, an unlit desk lamp, a rusty computer motherboard...

Oh, and a transparent plastic box with several small holes, inside were six cicadas.

"These cicadas are the loudest, so I got them for you."

Su Zhifu opened the bag and took out the box of cicadas. The six cicadas inside were weak and couldn't make any sound.

"And this, and this..."

Deny Aaron asked, "Did you pick up junk in the countryside?"

"Yes, I picked them up, but I thought you would want them, so I brought them all back."

Su Zhifu said, "Deny Aaron, you're going to make a robot, right? This desk lamp can be used as eyes, the radio can be used as a mouth, and this motherboard has many electronic components, it must be very useful."

Deny Aaron felt both annoyed and amused. He didn't expect that when he casually mentioned making a robot, she actually remembered and brought back all the parts.

Deny Aaron didn't have many friends, but it wasn't because of his personality or character. His good friends knew that he was actually a very nice person, just more focused on his goals than other people his age, and he usually stayed busy with his own things after school, so he rarely played with everyone.

Su Zhifu was only six or seven years old, lively and mischievous. Although Deny Aaron often called her dumb, she wasn't actually that dumb, just average dumb. She was full of curiosity about the world, and Deny Aaron could see a little bit of his own childhood in her.

But there were also differences. If he had to say, Deny Aaron would probably envy her childhood. When he was Su Zhifu's age, it seemed like he was already studying and didn't have the opportunity to play in the countryside during the summer vacation.

"These sweet potatoes taste so good, you can roast them, and they smell amazing. They can also be used to make sweet soup."

"How do you roast them... using direct fire?"

Su Zhifu excitedly talked about her life in the countryside. At first, Airi Sakura seemed a bit unfamiliar to her, but kids get along quickly when they meet another kid.

"Really? Should we give it a try!"

"Sure, let's do it!"

Deny Aaron didn't know what they were talking about, but they seemed to have a good time chatting, making him feel like they were getting along well. Birds of a feather flock together.

He neatly stored away the bag of junk that Su Zhifu brought. The radio looked like it could still be used, so he took out screwdrivers and other tools to disassemble the circuit board and test the circuits.

While Deny Aaron was engrossed in tinkering with the junk, the two girls outside hadn't gone far. They had come to Su Zhifu's house to bring back some charcoal for roasting sweet potatoes later.

Deny Aaron: "?"

A misleading big daze leading a little daze, please don't get lost!

Deny Aaron couldn't be bothered and was absorbed by the old radio. It was interesting to repair these antique items.

Airi Sakura and Su Zhifu didn't go far. They went to Su Zhifu's house together to get some charcoal for roasting sweet potatoes.

Suzi Fu's family runs a breakfast and late-night snack business. There are a lot of charcoal in the kitchen, so when Wang Yi saw her daughter bring a young girl home, she was a bit confused at first but then recognized her face. "Hey, isn't this the girl who sat in the passenger seat of Deny Aaron's car this morning?"

"Mommy, give me some charcoal. We're going to have a barbecue at Deny Aaron's house!"

"Hello, Auntie."

Airi Sakura greeted politely, bowing slightly.

"Hello, hello, so polite! I saw you this morning, and you look so beautiful!"

"She's not Deny Aaron's wife!"

"No, no! I'm not his wife!"

"Then you must be his girlfriend, right?"

A girlfriend usually means a romantic partner, while a female friend is just a regular friend, so Airi Sakura nodded.

"That's what I thought! You look like one!"

Wang Yi enthusiastically picked up a big bag of charcoal, and also gave Airi Sakura some meatballs, ham, and other ingredients for barbecue. She even lent her a small grill.

Airi Sakura felt something was off. Did she get something wrong?

It should be right, because this morning when she heard Wang Yi complimenting "your girlfriend is so handsome," Airi Sakura specifically asked if Deny Aaron was talking about her, andy Aaron confirmed it.

"Sister, let's go back and start the fire! I'll do it!"

"Yes, yes!"

Airi Sakura didn't dwell on it, it must be like this, there's no doubt.

The yard was spacious, and after finding an empty space, Airi Sakura and Suzi Fu started to light the charcoal.

Suzi Fu took out a magnifying glass from her pocket, focusing the sunlight on a tissue paper with a concentrated expression.

"Will it catch fire like this?"

"Yes, I often use it to burn ants."

Airi Sakura and Suzi Fu squatted on the ground like two fools.

After using the magnifying glass for a while, the tissue paper only charred a black spot, still far from catching fire.

Deny Aaron couldn't bear watching anymore, so he brought out a lighter from the house and ignited the charcoal. The two little girls cheered and jumped around, making Deny Aaron feel like they were primitive people seeing a fire for the first time...

Now it's time to grill the food. Airi Sakura indeed had cooking skills, at least the meatballs and ham were grilled to perfection.

As for the sweet potatoes, they would be thrown into the charcoal fire and cooked until the charcoal extinguished. By then, the sweet potatoes would be cooked.

"It smells so good!"

Airi Sakura's face was full of anticipation. After waiting for the sweet potatoes to cook, she used tongs to take them out. The aroma gradually seeped into her nostrils.

After roasting in the charcoal fire, the sweet potato skin was charred, and peeling it revealed the golden flesh inside, emitting a delicious burnt aroma.

Deny Aaron also fixed his radio, and now it started to emit sound from this broken device.

"Deny Aaron, you fixed it!"

"Thank you!!"

While Airi Sakura and Suzi Fu were eating roasted sweet potatoes, their mouths and hands were covered in soot, making them look like two little kittens. Seeing Deny Aaron actually fixing the broken radio, they were amazed.

Deny Aaron tuned the radio a bit, and a dry voice came out of the speakers: "Tzz... lying on your school's... tzz... playground, watching the stars... the classroom lights are still on, you haven't left..."

It happened to be Jay Chou's "Waiting for You" playing, quite fitting.

Tomorrow, school would start again.