
The Japanese Girlfriend of the Academic Ace

Airi Sakura, the Beautiful Japanese Exchange Student - under the arrangement of her father, she stayed as a lodger in my house, and I was honored to be appointed as her guide to life in China. While spending time together, I discovered numerous secrets about her… Getting lost whenever she goes out, curling up into a ball when sleeping, holding a cup with both hands when drinking water, having an insane passion for claw machines, and being determined to earn money to buy her own house…

Elshar · 現実
14 Chs

Just arrived and was bullied

Yokohama, Japan.

At the airport, Kazuo Asaba held his daughter's hand and earnestly advised her, "My dear daughter, when you arrive in Huaxia, make sure to stay in touch with us regularly. And, most importantly, maintain a good relationship with the Aaron family."

Airi Sakura understood that besides her studies, this time she had an important diplomatic mission, representing the Asaba family and continuing the good cooperation with the Aaron family. She nodded solemnly and said, "I will remember!"

"Mr. Aaron's company is our largest client, and due to the pandemic's impact, the Huaxia market has become even more crucial. Our company is on the verge of collapsing, so we must not sever ties with Mr. Aaron," Kazuo Asaba continued.

Furthermore, he added, "I have arranged for you to board at the Aaron residence this time, and they are very welcoming. Deny Aaron, Mr. Aaron's son, will take care of your daily life. You must not be disrespectful in front of them."

"Yes, I understand!" Airi Sakura replied.

Feeling a bit reluctant to part with her father, after all, this was the first time she was going so far away from home. She said, "Dad, I will miss you!"

Kazuo Asaba gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, looking at her delicate face. He spoke softly, "You have grown up, and it's time for you to learn to live on your own. This journey to a distant place is also a part of your growth. Besides, if you happen to meet a boy you like, feel free to pursue him. I used to forbid you from dating because I was afraid you would get hurt, but now you're grown up, and you should learn to handle your emotions."

Airi Sakura was surprised. Her father had never allowed her to date before, so it was unexpected that he had made an exception this time.

As a young girl, she naturally had moments of emotional flutter, but she hadn't encountered someone she truly liked yet. She held a sense of anticipation and curiosity

about love.

"I-I don't want to date," Airi Sakura responded.

"No one can say for sure about such things. It's time, hurry now. Give me a call once you arrive," her father said.

"Okay, okay!"

On the plane, Airi Sakura sat by the window, watching as the city below became smaller and gradually disappeared behind the clouds. She couldn't help but lean against the window, straining her neck to look downward.

What should I do...

She had only just taken off, and she already missed home.

A rare opportunity arose where Deny Aaron had an hour free, so he and Michael Aaron decided to clean up the second-floor room together.

Glancing at the time, Michael Aaron instructed, "Airi Sakura's flight is at four o'clock. I have something to attend to later, so you drive to the airport to pick her up."

Deny Aaron had just sat down at his computer, and naturally, he was reluctant to comply. "That's so troublesome. She's twenty years old, she can just take a taxi herself. I'm really busy."

"Even if you're busy, you need to go!" Michael Aaron couldn't help but want to shut off his computer. "She's traveled all the way here, and as the host, leaving her stranded at the airport is unacceptable!"

"Fine, what's her number? I'll go wait for her," Deny Aaron reluctantly agreed.

"That's more like it."

After Michael Aaron left, Deny Aaron immersed himself in his work. When he snapped back to reality, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Oh no, I almost forgot about picking her up!

Deny Aaron attempted to call Airi Sakura but received a voicemail indicating her phone was off, meaning she was still on the plane. He sent her a text message instead and prepared to leave.

Coincidentally, a bug appeared on his computer screen as the code flickered. Like a magnet, the bug captured Deny Aaron's attention, and he found himself sitting back down to address the problem. By the time he resolved the bug, it was already past 4:20.

At that moment, his phone rang, displaying an international number signaling it was Airi Sakura's call. Deny Aaron recognized it instantly since he had just dialed it. He had an exceptional memory for numbers.

Answering the call, he heard a soft and hesitant voice on the other end.

"Moshi moshi...?"

"Hello? This is Deny Aaron."

It seemed like a sigh of relief came from the other side as Airi Sakura continued speaking, her Chinese not entirely fluent but polite and apologetic. "Hello, Deny Aaron. I've arrived at the airport. Could you please tell me what to do next?"

Due to her father's instructions to establish a good relationship with Deny Aaron, Airi Sakura spoke with extra courtesy. Her naturally gentle personality, combined with her reluctance to inconvenience others as a typical Japanese individual, made it difficult for her to ask Deny Aaron to come and pick her up. It would be too embarrassing.

For a fleeting moment, Deny Aaron almost blurted out, "Can't you just take a taxi?" But the mental image of his father threatening him with a knife made him quickly retract that thought. Annoyed, he replied, "I understand. Just wait there, I'll come to pick you up."

"Thank you! I'm sorry for making you personally come. I..."

Before Airi Sakura could finish her sentence, she heard the beep of a busy tone from her phone. She felt a bit anxious, wondering if Deny Aaron was upset with her. Would he bully her when she stayed in his house in the future?

The thought of being bullied made Airi Sakura miss home even more.

In the bustling airport filled with unfamiliar faces, Airi Sakura felt a sense of unease, a feeling of unprecedented loneliness in this distant and foreign country.

What should I do if I really get bullied?

Sob... For the sake of the family business, I'll try my best to please him.

Airi Sakura found a seat in the waiting area and anxiously waited.

The car parked in the yard, and as Deny Aaron got into the car, he drove straight towards the airport, taking several shortcuts to save time.

He didn't rely on a map or navigation system. Any road he had traveled before, Deny Aaron would recognize it without fail. When it came to his memory, Deny Aaron had no match.

Half an hour later, Deny Aaron arrived near the airport, but the traffic suddenly became heavy, especially near the entrance to the parking lot, where the queue seemed never-ending. It was even worse than waiting in line for a long time.

Time, oh time!

Deny Aaron hated waiting the most. The time wasted waiting could have been spent solving countless math problems!

As he thought about how other guys often complained about their girlfriends taking forever to get ready, making them wait for an hour, Deny Aaron found it unreasonable. This single aspect alone made him hesitant to pursue romantic relationships.

Feeling frustrated, Deny Aaron pulled out his phone and called Airi Sakura.

"Moshi moshi...?"

"Where are you now?"

"Deny Aaron-kun! I... I'm at the international arrival gate on the third floor of Terminal 2... um, yes, here! I'm here!"

"I'm stuck in traffic."

"It's fine! Deny Aaron-kun, I'm not in a hurry. I can wait for you. I'm already sorry for making you come and pick me up!"

You're not in a hurry, but I am!

Deny Aaron glanced at the traffic around him and said, "Come to the taxi pick-up area. I'll wait for you there. Do you know how to get here? It's simple, just follow the exit signs, go north for 200 meters after reaching the lobby, there's a small newsstand on the right side of the traffic lights at the crosswalk. It's faster from this point."

Airi Sakura listened to the long string of instructions in Chinese and felt on the verge of tears. He spoke so quickly, and some parts she couldn't understand clearly. Moreover, as someone who got easily lost, she couldn't rely on herself to find the place Deny Aaron mentioned.

"Deny Aaron-kun, I..."

"Is there a problem?"

"No problem..."

After hanging up, Airi Sakura felt a sense of despair.

Is this... bullying?