
The Island - A Love Story

[For Mature Audience Only, 17+] What would you do if you were lost on an island with your biggest celebrity crush? This is the story of Rachel & Ian. Rachel is a simple young girl who loves to have fun and is a bit conservative when it comes to love. Ian is a Hollywood celebrity with quite a few achievements under his belt. The most sought-after actor for moviemakers in Tinseltown. Join them in their journey as they find love in each other in the most unconventional circumstances.

ArohiMPathak · 都市
7 Chs

The Poolside Conversation

By the time we woke up, it was well past noon. I'm not really sure what woke me but I was the first one up. Once I pulled myself up to the sitting position, what I saw not just shocked me, it also made me giggle.

Bianca was sound asleep in her bed. Mark on the other hand was balled up on the floor with one of Bianca's pillows between his legs. A moment later, a rumbling snore like a low-flying aircraft emanated from him.

Mystery solved! I heard myself thinking. I picked up my phone, increased the volume to max, and blasted Chop Suey! through my speakers.

"Oh my God! Rachel stoooppp! What the hell man?!" Bianca woke up abruptly, pressed her hands to her ears, and yelled.

Mark jumped up into a standing position within seconds. He looked around to find me in fits of laughter and Bianca groaning.

The music was still blasting from my phone. Mark took my phone, switched it off, and tossed it on the table. But instead of the standard thud noise, we heard a little splash! Mark had thrown my phone in the glass of water on the table next to my bed!

"NOOOOOO!! No no noooo!!!" I shrieked! I could see little bubbles rising within the glass. I quickly pulled my device out of its watery grave and frantically tried to press all the buttons. It was no use! It was dead as a doornail!

I looked up at Mark. "What's wrong with you?" "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Who in their right mind would ever wake anyone up like this?"

"Oh this is not good for my hangover!" muttered Bianca while massaging her temples.

Great! I thought! What a terrible way to start a day! Not that I like my eyes glued to the phone, but come on, this is not good!

My mom gets a bit paranoid when I don't communicate with her every now and then. Every time I fail to attend my phone, she assumes the worst!

Once, during my final exams, I must've received over 30 missed calls within three hours. She had misheard my schedule and was worried about why I wasn't answering my calls.

I mentally made a note of updating her with my current scenario. I'm sure Bianca won't mind if I make some calls.

An apprehensive Mark approached me. He tried to apologize but I dismissed him. "Nothing can be done here, we have paid good money for this trip. Let's not get into this now. However, once we dock, you're a dead man!"

When I looked up at him, he had a grin from ear to ear! He lifted me and spun me around in that little space we had in between the beds.

"Let me go, you idiot!" "New phone, the best in the market! I promise!" He declared and blew a kiss in my direction.

"Are you crazy? I'm not going to let you buy me a new phone!"

"If she doesn't want it can I keep it?" Bianca interjected.

"Hello?! Was it your phone that decided to nosedive in my glass of water?"

Mark smirked. "See you girls in a bit. I'll just freshen up in my cabin and join you two." with that he took a bow, turned around, and left.

"So what do you want to do today?" Bianca asked.

"I don't know about you but all I want to do is swim in the pool, sip on mojitos, and stuff myself with a lot of junk food!"

"Amen to that!"

Bianca texted Mark about where to find us while I took the liberty to freshen up myself and change into my costume.

I decided to wear my cute black bikini today. I liked the fact that it didn't reveal much. I like to keep things simple and leave something for the imagination.

On the other hand, Bianca just needed an excuse to go wild! It was tough to judge her style. One can say, she looks classy and trashy at the same time.

We quickly put on our sarongs and sandals and headed to the pool deck.

There were two major pools on the cruise deck. The large one was on the lower level and the smaller one was on the upper deck.

Besides these, there was a private Jacuzzi in every First Class Suite.

We first headed to the one on the lower deck. It was a magnificent infinity pool with glass paneling that extended beyond the stern of the vessel.

In contrast, the pool on the upper deck was a heated pool where you can wade up to the bar with water seating and enjoy a cocktail without even needing to dry off.

They even had a giant chess board beside the pool.

It was truly spectacular! In fact, it was one of the reasons why we decided to try out this cruise in the first place.

Just as we stepped onto the lower deck, we luckily found four sun loungers vacating right in front of the pool and quickly occupied three of them.

A waiter walked up to us and waited patiently to take our order. I ordered a Blue Curacao Mojito for myself, a Strawberry Pomegranate Mojito for Bianca, and a Classic Mojito for Mark.

Just as Bianca finished putting sunscreen on my back, Mark showed up. "I just ordered one vegetarian and two pepperoni medium pizzas for us."

"Mark, I literally love you!" I responded! He gave me a friendly wink and sat down in between us.

Mark sat down on his seat, picked up his drink, and took a big swig. "I was speaking with one of the crew members and they told me about this weird storm coming up in the sea. In fact, the ship will be heading back a day earlier than planned."

"What? No way man! I am really having fun here! This always happens to me! Remember in the second year.."

"I'm not done here, babe!" He says with a wink.

I rolled my eyes at him "Please continue..."

"As I was saying, we will be heading back a day earlier, and to make up for that, they have decided to take us to this unique island retreat called LaRosa. They just completed phase one. At the moment, it's just the beach and a few amenities. Phase two involves building chalets, underwater villas, private and public pools, water sports, a marina, and so on. They even claim that the island has its own surprise at night."

"I have a feeling it might be the bioluminescence plankton. Oh gosh! They are amazing! I always wanted to see that!" cried Bianca.

"Are you really getting excited about plankton?" I smirked.

"Girl! If it is what I think it is, you are never going to forget it!" Bianca replied.

"What makes you think it is that?" Mark questioned.

"I had actually read an article sometime back about an island project where they have incorporated these planktons as a part of their décor. It was an experiment, this has never been done before. But I am honestly hoping that they have succeeded in their mission!" Bianca gushed.

"OK. Are you guys done lazing around? Time to work up an appetite!" Mark stated.

Bianca stretched on her sun lounger "Nah! You go ahead. I'm working on my tan."

"..I..uh..think I will stick around.." Mark uttered.

I gave him a knowing look, removed my sarong, and jumped in the pool.

I love swimming! Gliding through the water gives me an immense sense of freedom. I can swim at any time of the day. It feels like the water is my sky and I feel like it's the next best thing to flying.

After about 6 laps, I stop to take a break and look around. The pizzas are still yet to come. I chuckle as I see Mark attempting to make a conversation with Bianca.

I took a moment to scan the crowd and my eyes landed on the gorgeous blue orbs that were staring back at me.

My eyes widened as I realized that I was shamelessly gawking at him. He tipped his Panama hat in my direction in order to say hello and I gave him a small wave.

Suddenly too conscious to swim and with a different agenda in mind, I decided to exit the pool. I went to my lounger and did a quick wipe down, wrapped my sarong around myself, and hesitantly headed towards those gorgeous blue eyes that just took my breath away.

Both Mark and Bianca settled down for a little shut-eye.

As I was approaching him, a giant man in a Hawaiian shirt stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Ma'am, may I help you?"

Confused at the interruption, I tore my eyes away from the prize and instead looked into the stern brown eyes of a rather large individual. He folded his arms and looked down at me.

"Actually, um, if you don't mind, I would like to have a word with Mr. Salvatore." I replied.

"I am his bodyguard. Mr. Salvatore would not like to be distur.."

"That's all right Nathan, you can let her through. I know her."

Did he just say he knows me? Ian Salvatore knows me! Me? I pictured myself doing a little tap dance.

"Hello, Ms. Rachel. How can I help you?"

"Mr. Salvatore.."

"Please call me Ian."

"Ian, I would like to apologize on behalf of my friend. What she said last night.."

"It's true, isn't it? What she said."

"Y-yes, it is," I utter as I immediately blush. I look down and put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Then you have nothing to be sorry for." He assured.

Just as he said this, a gust of wind blows in our direction, making me shiver. I mentally curse myself for my still wet swimsuit. The least I should have done is dry up properly.

Ian picks up a dry towel and wraps me up with it. He looks down at me biting down my lip.

I look up at him and say "Thanks.."

Just then, we were rudely interrupted by the sound of a ringtone.

Ian looks at the display and looks back at me "Now it is my turn to apologize. I'm sorry but I have to take this call."

"That's alright! See you around Ian.."

"I'll be looking forward to meeting you again. Nathan, could you please escort Rachel back to her seat? I'm heading back to the suite."

And with a wave, he disappeared.

Nathan took leave immediately after concluding his obligation.

As I arrived, so did our pizzas. I was so nervous the past ten minutes that I had completely forgotten how hungry I was. I woke my friends up and we enjoyed the rest of the afternoon sipping on cocktails and munching on mouthfuls of this delicious Italian cuisine.