
The Invincibles, standing guilt

The world has many supernatural things maybes vampire and werewolves do exist, If they are all are hiding but the government is on rush to have their powers ,powers which are beyond reality ,.................This is a brief story about 7 group of teenagers who have supernatural powers. The starting start from the past ,and starts with two boys ,later there will be chapters.........Hoping to be liked by everyone.

lost_faith · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 2 . Commissioners

Chapter 2

Sarah : Rhuysaki ...

Rhuy : hey,you can call me Rhuy * looks at haru *

Haru : and you can call me haru

Sarah : is it fine ,Rhuy ...and Haru ...,

Rhuy : ya it's fine ,by the way it looks like you had been here before ..

Sarah : yup ,you noticed I came here when I was 5 or 6 years old and lived for 2 years ....,I came to visit my grandpa he lives near the statue temple....

Rhuy : * signals haru * ( it seems like they are here ) * ( thoughts) *

Haru : * glances *

Swoosh commissioner A and commissioners C , two men with black suit blocks their way !!

Rhuy : finally, why don't you people come straight away except for hiding around

Haru : only two of them ,●︿●

The protected space activated...

Haru : Rhuy, you go left and I will go right ok

Rhuy: hey ,I'll go right you go left

Haru : you go left and I go right

Rhuy: No !! You go left and I go right ...

Sarah : .....

Haru : whatever ,you go wherever you want

Rhuy : you should say like that


Sarah : mmhmm

Commissioner B ,holds sarah

Haru : I knew there should three !!

Rhuy: get serious haru .....punching commissioner A ,commissioner A passed out

Rhuy : Ha ....I got carried away

Haru : only one left commis B ..

Rhuy : leave sarah ..

Haru : that was my line

Rhuy : whatever

Sarah : mmhmmmhm.....😐😐

Rhuy : ok ,if you do tell your boss ,his lifespan will be short .

Haru : no ,Rhuy ,you have to threaten him not his imaginary boss ,who is not even here

ヽ(  ̄д ̄)ノ

Rhuy : shut up .. goes straight to commissioner B

Commis B : a...●︿●

Rhuy : punches straight in the face

Commissioner B ,•aahh• ,I 'll remember...leaves

Sarah : what the heck !! ,why were you guys wasting the time

Rhuy : aahaha...😅😅

Haru : it's Rhuy , he is the one

Rhuy : hey you were also in the mess ..... ..

Sarah : but who were those funny looking guys ...

Rhuy : I don't know

Haru : me too

Sarah : * glares at Rhuy and haru *

Protected space break

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