
the first day when I saw her ...

I woke up by the constant ringing of my alarm clock Ring ring RINGGgggg!!! I quickly shut the alarm and woke up Today is the starting of my senior high school and one more year ,finally I will be


Hi If you are wondering who I am My name is Noah ,Noah silver Iam an orphan and I live in my parents house They passed out in an car accident last year and these house is the only memory left by my parents

I quickly made my bed and fresh up Today is kind of a special day since we do not start our senior year everyday I wore a simple black hoodie with some jeans I always tend to wear long sleeve clothes to hide my tattoos and not to gain any attention

l hear the horn of my school bus and quickly locked the front door ,put on my head phones with my favourite song and got on the bus .Today the bus was kind of full and since I do not have much friends so l simply sat on the last seat of the bus near the window and listened to my favourite songs