
The Innocence of Murderer

There was a lovely and gifted girl named Cindy, she adored her father since she was a child. Unexpectedly, her father commit sin against her wife, Cindy's mother. And Cindy witnessed that on her 7th Birthday party. While chasing the truth she turns out to be the victim of car accident, the one who hit was her father's mistress. Cindy's dream is to become a cop. She was inspired by her father's dream but she will pursue this dream to prepare revenge. She received criticism and got bullied because of not having a father. When she already studying in High School crime started, all shred of evidence got burnished. Years had passed, she already taking Bachelor of Science in Criminology. She has a tempre that you can tell like she was the murderer. She met the president also the top student of their class named Gamir, she treated him like her rival. Gamir has only one best friend named Jacob, the brother of the first ever victim. Cindy has a bestfriend that she adores the most more than anyone else, suddenly Cindy found out that they have the same father. Yet, crime will prevail, guess who's the one responsible for crimes committed and what's the character of mysterious murderer.

Dark_Athena21 · 若者
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Birth of Cindy

As a result of being in love, Mrs and Mr Sandoval were having a child in Stella's womb. They treat their baby well even though they cannot see her, however, they may meet her soon.

Han is sitting on the sofa while Stella's head is in his lap and they are eating fruits while watching Netflix together. Both of them are happy because Stella's due date is soon, however they miss Stella's mother and they wish she could see her first-ever grandchild.

Stella asked Han if he wanted to name their first child. Stella wants Han to give the name even though it's a baby girl.

Han is thinking of something and he says "I want Cindy's name, are you okay with that?"

Stella answered him with a happy expression and said "Yes it is, what a beautiful name, "I guess she's beautiful too like her mother" then she smirked.

Han smiled but he had doubts. He ignored it for now anyway. They give their daughter a name and she is Cindy. Cindy was full of love and care whenever she's not yet in the real world.

Next, Han searches for some carpenters and painters to renovate and decorate Cindy's room. Han's order for painters was that they could not forget to paint a big gun. Stella doesn't want to allow Han's idea; she brags that it should be a Hello Kitty or a Barbie.

Stella doesn't know that Han's dream is to become a cop someday however it didn't happen. Han got over his dream because he had Stella and he will be a father too.

Han insists that the painters should paint a gun in the whole wall of Cindy's room. While arguing Stella handed in her womb and said it's hurt and she can't walk. There's blood flowing on her thigh down to her foot.

All of them are panicking, and don't know what they should do. One of the carpenters calls for a taxi for Stella and Han. "Mrs Stella needs to go to the hospital," he added.

While in the taxi, there is heavy traffic. Stella is shaking because of nervousness. Han tried to calm her but Stella cried because she felt too hurt on her womb and hip.

When they arrived at the Hospital Stella moved fast in the Emergency Room then after a minute she was dragged out by the nurses and headed into the Operating Room.

While Stella is in the Operating Room Han is in the hallway outside of the Operating Room. He prayed and prayed a lot for the sake of his wife and daughter. He is calm but his hand is shaking.

After an hour, a Doctor comes out from the Operating Room. The Doctor says that there's a lot of blood lost from Stella. "What happened? Han? Did she not notice that the blood was flowing on her thigh?" the Doctor asked.

Han doesn't know what he should answer in Doctor's question. He remembered that he was arguing with Stella a while ago and he thinks it's his fault.

"How are my wife and daughter? Is everything okay?" Han asked the doctor.

"For now the mother is safe, but the baby has an infection. We need to monitor both of them for their sake" said the Doctor.

Stella is 7 months pregnant, and it is an inadequate month for normal delivery.

"Han's POV"

What should I do? If I only knew that we would come into this situation I hopefully would not have had arguments with her. Why does she hate guns? It was only painted though. 

What's wrong with the gun paint? So what if our daughter will love it and dream too to become a cop? There are also a lot of women in that field so what's wrong with that? She's annoying.

"Han", he heard.

Where did that voice come from?

Who's that whispering in my ear. I have goosebumps. Oh my gosh!

When Stella can get out of that room, I feel a bit nervous.

I should be stronger than anyone else, If ever something happens to one of them I can't forgive myself.

"Mr Han…"

I heard someone calling, I didn't know that I got a nap. It's the Nurse who came out from the Operating Room.

"Yes, what is it?" I asked.

Mr Han should buy this medicine that stated in the prescription of medication "You should search at least 3 persons to agree as a blood donor." the Nurse said.

"Okay, I will," I answered.

I stand and walk inside the elevator

What should I do now? My friends are in the States studying Criminology. I'm exhausted. I want to get proper sleep but how can I? If my wife and daughter are suffering in that room.

Where should I buy this? Oh! I didn't know either. If only I have parent's that will guide me it should not be difficult, but where are they? They have left me at my aunt's place since I was born. how cruel they are.

By the way, where did I put my phone? Oh! There you are. I should search for a donor. I should call them one by one… *Phone ringing* Why is Stella calling? Did she know that it is prohibited? She's too stubborn.

"Yes, Why?...." I'm still talking but she countered and talked.

"I Love You! toot. toot." Stella's word before she hung up.

What happened to her? I keep blabbering by myself in the lobby of the Hospital. I should go back to the Operating Room to know what happened.

While I'm in the elevator someone is crying while talking on the phone and he said his wife and baby are dying. I felt hurt and my heart keeps beating faster. So I hurried back to the Operating Room.

While I'm outside of OR the Nurse told me that the Doctor is searching for me, she says that the Doctor wants to talk to me. My heart beats so fast and I can't stop feeling nervous.

When the Doctor sees me he says my wife Stella and my daughter Cindy need urgent medication because the infection of Cindy spread too fast and needs to be treated immediately. He says it can affect Stella and both of them were 50/50 in life.

Despite being exhausted, tired, hungry, and lacking sleep I still chose to stay because my poor wife and daughter are dying. I want to be here if ever my wife calls for me, I want to stay by their side no matter what.

I didn't realize that my tears were already dripping and I slowly fell asleep in the chair. 

Someone is holding my hands and.…

Han is asleep outside, Stella gains consciousness and looks for Han. She asked the Nurses but they said that they did not see Han.

"Han, where are you? why now that we need you the most" said Stella.

She did not know that Han was asleep outside. Her tears are dripping.

The Doctor asks Stella why she is crying then she says "I cannot find Han" the Doctor laughs and says "Han is outside, he is waiting for you. There's nothing to worry about"

Stella smiled and he asked the Doctor for help if he could awaken Han and inform him that he gained consciousness.

"Thank you!" Stella said.

"My pleasure!" Doctor said,

The Doctor comes outside and tries to wake Han. But Han is fully asleep.

The doctor is determined to wake Han to inform him about Stella and he should sign a waiver for Cesarean Section.

Doctor shouting in Mr Han's ear but he can't wake him up. That's why he slapped him and laughed when he saw Mr Han was startled.

"Oh! gosh, I'm so sorry! What is it? How can I help you" Han said while scratching his hair.

The Doctor is laughing and says "Stella gained her consciousness, she will be okay. Also, I need you to sign a waiver."

"What? waiver? why? What did I do? I cannot be detained" Han said with his afraid face.

Mr Doctor scratched his head and said "No! you will not be detained, the waiver is for Cesarean Section"

Stella agreed to be delivered as a Cesarean for the better and to have a faster recovery in both of them.

"Sorry, I feel like I'm still sleeping. Anyway, my cheek hurts."

Han signed the waiver, stating that the Hospital has a right to do a Cesarean for Stella's sake.

Stella had a safe delivery but the baby needs to be put in an incubation. Since the baby is lacking in months.

Stella is safe however Cindy their baby is still fighting for her life.

While Stella is transferring in the private room Han tells Stella the "I Love You Too" over and over. He teases Stella with her last words before she hangs up the phone.

Stella feels disgusted because of Han. She looks like a monster that will kill Han.

Unfortunately, Han talked in a sincere face and he said "I Love You Too."

"Stella's POV"

Thank god, I safely delivered Cindy. Thank you because you have not forsaken us.

 I wish my mom would be here but she is with you now.

I thought something bad would happen to us.

Oh! My tears have fallen.

Thank you love for not leaving us, No words can explain how much I am grateful to have you.

"Of course, I'm your husband. What would be my use as husband and if I'm not taking care of you and baby Cindy" He said while smirking.

"Han, I'm starving. Can you buy me some food in the convenience store near here?" I ask him nicely.

"Sure, I'm hungry too. Since you were brought here I haven't eaten even a glimpse of the food" Han said.

"How sweet you are," I added. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and let's eat together.

"Okay! Okay for me, I'll be right back" He said while he was giving me a kiss sign.

I'm not asking for more, only my family's health and safety is enough!

I thought Han would leave us, I almost flop on the ground when they can't see Han.

Our baby Cindy is still in the incubator, she is fighting with her life. I hope it can be possible if I replace her in her place. Oh! my poor baby.

Cindy is too young but she is already suffering from pain.

I couldn't do anything but praying is one of the best ways to make her survive.

This is what life is, sometimes you were happy, and sometimes you were suffering. You only have to fight for everything and make impossibles possible.

I remembered before I was brought to the hospital I was arguing with Han, I am right though he doesn't think right!

Why would he think to paint a gun on Cindy's wall? Cindy is a girl.

Even though his dream is to become a policeman I would not ever allow him to influence Cindy with guns.

I want Cindy to become a top model and a dancer, not a policewoman just like what he wants for his daughter to become.

Wait, what I'm hearing? It's a nice song. What could be the title of that?

"I remember the day

Even wrote down the date, that I fell for you (mmhm)

And now it's crossed out in red

But I still can't forget if I wanted too

And it drives me insane

Think I'm hearing your name, everywhere I go

But it's all in my head

It's just all in my head

But you won't see me break, call you up in three days

Or send you a bouquet, saying, "It's a mistake"...

La la la la! what a sweet song, I would ask Han to know about this song.

Why is Han taking so long? Where did he go?

The noise of music is coming here in my room.

And when the door's opened, I was surprised. Wait what it is?