
Question from the legal department

"One day, you will dance to my tune," Lex could not help but say. He did not even know who he was saying it to. Whether it was his system, the system network, or whatever entity behind Lex, they had contributed greatly in his rise, even if he did like being treated like an entertainer.

He accepted the grace of this favor without putting on airs. But that did not mean that one day, he could not use them for entertainment as well. Life was unpredictable, and he was now immortal. Barring murder, he would live for a very long time.

He would see everything this life had to show him, taste all its flavors and feel the winds of destiny blow against his skin throughout the ages. Who knew where time would take him? He certainly didn't know. But if he could help it… he would certainly organize a play at least once, and have the creator of the systems star in it for Lex's entertainment.