

March 16, 2004, New York City

The city lights could be seen very nicely from the balcony of the apartment.

Too bad Melody hadn't had much time to look at them lately. The problems that had been accumulating lately were kind of turning his life upside down. Which exhausted her, and her only concern was that she could have hurt the baby she had recently found out she was carrying in her womb.

Melody Smith was one of the most popular women in New York. And this not only because of the beauty she acquired, but also because of the strong and authoritarian personality she showed, even though she was only 20 years old.

With her chocolate-colored eyes and embers-black hair, up to her thighs, she made any man on the street look away.

He hoped his daughter would look like him. Or the son, even though he knew in his heart that he wanted his baby to be a little girl. But something was still bothering her.

The woman was afraid of the dangerous world in which her child would live.

Everything had changed a year ago, when Melody met him.

He was the man who had managed to melt her icy heart. He was the only man she had trusted. And the only man she had ever fallen in love with. Even if he had a secret. Even if he only endangered her with his mere presence. Even though he knew he would take her away from him, just to protect her from the world he had inadvertently put her in. Which made him think all this was going to make her walk away on her own. That will scare her. But it wasn't like that, in fact, she loved him even more.

But it all ended two weeks ago. Melody knew she would leave someday, and only to protect her, but she would have chosen to be in danger a thousand times than never see him again.

She liked to go out on the balcony at night to look at the moon and the stars because that was the only thing that made her feel close. He remembered the evenings he spent there for hours, telling him about his world. About where he actually came from, and how much he would have liked to take her to the place he loved to call home. But still, he disappeared without a trace, leaving behind a broken heart, and a child who, when he grows up, will not know all this, because all the secrets will be hidden very carefully, but not completely. one.

Confidence in the body, the mind

And our spirit allows us to

We are looking for new adventures, new directions

In which to grow, and new lessons on

Let's teach them - that's what it's about

