
The Inheritance Cycle: Getting My Wish Fulfilled (Eragon)

A guy dies and is reborn in The Inheritance Cycle world with some advantages. What will he do now?

CouchPotatoDandy · 書籍·文学
25 Chs

Chapter 11: First Flight

[2,730 words]

Step~ Step~ Huff~ Huff~

Brom watched with deep satisfaction, mingled with disbelief, as Eragon ran across the clearing, a huge and heavy rock balanced precariously on his shoulders. His feet moved swiftly, muscles rippling beneath his skin as sweat poured down his face. It was as if Eragon was more of a beast than a boy, training harder than anyone Brom had ever seen.

He have checked repeatedly with magic but he couldn't find anything wrong with Eragon's body, in fact he more healthy and strong then any human has any right to be!

Eventually he simply decided to leave the matter be for now until he could consult his teacher on the matter. His teacher is much smarter and wiser than he is, so he would know what's going on... hopefully.

But it wasn't just Eragon's strength or speed that left Brom in awe—it was everything about the boy's body. Over the past few months, Eragon's physique seemed to have evolved far beyond that of a normal human.

His flexibility was uncanny, allowing him to twist and contort his body with ease during combat drills. His balance was impeccable, even when burdened with heavy loads or moving across uneven terrain. Brom had also noticed how Eragon's eyesight had sharpened to the point where he could spot distant figures with startling clarity, and his hearing had become so acute that he could pick up faint sounds that even Brom struggled to hear.

Yet what astonished Brom more than anything was Eragon's incredible endurance and natural talent. No matter how intense or exhausting the training became, Eragon never complained or showed signs of weakness. Where most would tire, his energy only seemed to surge, as if there was no limit to his stamina. He faced every challenge head-on, his drive unshakable, as though nothing could stand in his way.

And then there was his talent. It was almost unnerving how quickly Eragon picked up on new concepts. Brom only needed to demonstrate something once, maybe twice, and Eragon would grasp it with uncanny precision. The boy had a sharp memory too—once taught a word in the ancient language, it stuck with him, embedded as if etched into stone. He rarely stumbled over incantations or struggled with their meanings, mastering each new lesson with surprising ease. Brom, though impressed, couldn't help but wonder how deep this well of potential truly went.

'No matter how many times I witness him train,' Brom thought to himself, 'it never ceases to amaze me. That boy's body is as if it were crafted by gods, and even his face is slightly angular and handsome. If I didn't know better, I would think he is an elf in human disguise or something.' He grimaced at the thought. He could almost hear the echoes of their laughter from decades past, taunting him with their natural grace and power.

Elves had always had the advantage in strength, speed, and stamina over humans. Brom had struggled for years as a Dragon Rider to keep up with their inherent superiority, even though he had once had a dragon by his side. 'But Eragon...' he mused, watching the boy's inhuman strength and tireless effort. 'If only he wasn't so vain, so drawn to pleasure and attention... he could be the perfect Dragon Rider.'

A/N: time for some flashback magic people.

A flicker of memory crossed Brom's mind, recalling a conversation from two months prior. It had been late at night, after a particularly hard day of training. The firelight had cast shadows across Eragon's young face as Brom had asked him:

"Why do you train so hard, Eragon?"

Eragon had leaned back on his elbows and observed the stars, a smirk tugging at his lips. "What any person who suddenly received superpowers want? To be a hero or a villain!" he said, "For me it's the same, and I want to be a hero, to be admired by many people and have riches and comfort. And well... you know, to impress beautiful girls." His smile had grown at that, clearly pleased with his answer.

Brom had frowned deeply, finding the words shallow. "That's too vain of a reason," he had said, his tone stern. "You should train to help people, to fight and restore order to Alagaësia. That is what being a Dragon Rider is truly about. Not for vanity or fame."

Eragon had sat up, his face hardening. "That's your opinion, not mine. I'm not some tool to be used at the expense of my own happiness, Brom. Yes, I'll help people. I understand my duty. But I'm also human. I don't intend to waste my life span on people who don't care about me or what I do for them. And if I ever end up somewhere where they hate me, I won't go out of my way to help them either. Even if Galbatorix sends his soldiers to slaughter them, I won't care. I won't beg people to let me save them."

The conversation had escalated into a heated argument, and Brom had left that night feeling frustrated, unable to change the boy's mind.

'If only he wasn't so focused on his own desires,' Brom now thought, shaking his head. 'But still, he is definitely a gifted young man. Perhaps even truly by the gods. It's a wonder how his body has mutated in such a way to grant him this divine strength and talent. But one thing is for certain, with proper training, he'll be the perfect warrior to bring Galbatorix down.'

Brom sighed heavily. 'Now, if I can only fix his flawed character, he'll be the perfect leader to the new order of Dragon Riders.'

Except for this little thing, Brom felt a deep sense of satisfaction as he reflected on the past three months of training Eragon. Never once had the boy complained about the grueling regimen Brom had set for him. Eragon had taken to the training like a sponge, absorbing every lesson with an eagerness and discipline that surprised even Brom.

Whether it was mental fortitude, swordplay, or the ancient language, Eragon tackled each challenge head-on, pushing himself beyond the limits of any normal student. It was clear to Brom that he was shaping a true Dragon Rider—one who was not only strong but resilient and hungry for knowledge

The fact that "secretly" Eragon was his own son, only elevated his pride and satisfaction to new heights.

Swoosh~ Rumble~

Just then, a shadow passed over the clearing, and Brom looked up. Saphira, her scales gleaming like polished sapphire in the sunlight, soared down from the sky. Clutched tightly in her fangs was a freshly killed deer. As she landed beside Brom, the ground shook slightly beneath her weight.

She was massive now, nearly the size of a bus, her wings spanning wide enough to block out the sun.

Brom took a moment to marvel at how much she had grown in just three months. Her eyes, intelligent and watchful, turned toward Brom as she dropped the deer at his feet.

'So graceful and beautiful,' Brom thought to himself. 'And yet so fierce and deadly.'

Saphira's voice echoed in his mind, her tone both proud and teasing. 'I've brought lunch. Do you plan to watch Eragon run all day again, or will you let him eat?'

Brom chuckled softly. "You're more thoughtful than you look," he replied, smiling at her. 'And growing stronger by the day,' he added in his thoughts.

'I am as strong as my Rider needs me to be,' Saphira replied, her mind brushing against Brom's. 'Though sometimes I wonder if I will ever be strong enough to handle his stubbornness.'

Brom laughed out loud, shaking his head. "Well, let's not push him too far just yet. Besides, I have a present for you two I'm sure you will like."

Saphira tilted her head, curious but silent. Brom turned toward the clearing and called out to Eragon. "Boy! That's enough training for now. Come here, I've something to show you."

Eragon jogged over, panting slightly but still looking as if he could go on for hours longer. His body was covered in sweat, but there was an eager glint in his eyes. "What is it?" he asked, wiping his brow with the back of his hand.

Brom grinned and gestured toward the ground where he had laid out a sturdy leather saddle, expertly crafted and designed specifically for a dragon. "This," Brom said, "is for you. For some reason, Saphira has grown big so fast and she is now large enough for you to ride her into the sky."

Eragon's eyes widened, and a broad smile broke across his face. His heart raced with excitement as he turned to Saphira, who was watching him intently. "Really?" he asked, hardly daring to believe it.

Saphira nudged him with her snout, her eyes twinkling. 'It's about time,' she said. 'I've been ready for a while now.'

Without wasting another moment, Eragon hurriedly fastened the saddle onto Saphira's back with Brom's guidance, his hands trembling slightly with excitement. Once it was secure, he climbed onto her back, feeling the firm leather beneath him as he settled into place.

Saphira glanced back at him. 'Are you ready?' she asked, her mind voice full of anticipation.

Eragon nodded, barely able to contain his joy. "Yeah, let's go!"

Bang! Swoosh~ Swoosh~

With a powerful beat of her wings, Saphira launched herself into the sky. The ground fell away beneath them as they soared higher and higher, the wind rushing past Eragon's face. His heart swelled with exhilaration as they broke through the clouds, the world stretching out beneath them like a vast canvas.

"Wohooo! This is unbelievable! Hahaha" Eragon shouted, his voice filled with awe. "This is amazing, Saphira!"

Saphira's laughter echoed in his mind as she banked left, gliding smoothly through the air. 'Hold on tight,' she warned playfully. 'Let's see what we can really do.'

She began to perform a series of aerial maneuvers—twists, turns, and spirals—her massive body moving with surprising agility. Eragon grinned, his hands gripping the saddle tightly, but he felt no fear. His vertigo resistance kept him steady, allowing him to fully enjoy the sensation of flight without any discomfort.

After nearly an hour of soaring through the skies, Saphira descended back to the clearing, landing gracefully beside Brom. Eragon slid off her back, his face flushed with excitement, while Saphira's eyes sparkled with pride.

"How was it?" Brom asked, a knowing smile on his face as he observed their reactions.

Eragon could barely contain his enthusiasm. "It was incredible! I've never felt anything like it! Saphira's amazing!"

Saphira dipped her head slightly in acknowledgment, her mind brushing against both Eragon's and Brom's with a sense of shared satisfaction. 'It's good that now you know how awesome I am. For me too it was everything I imagined it would be, a rider and his dragon are only truly whole when they fly in the sky' she said, her voice warm.

Brom nodded, pleased. "I'm glad you both enjoyed your first flight together," he said, his tone more serious now. "But I'm afraid I have some news for you both."

Eragon and Saphira exchanged glances, their excitement dimming slightly as they turned their attention back to Brom. "What is it?" Eragon asked, his brow furrowing in concern.

Brom's expression darkened, his eyes turning serious. "Eragon," he said quietly, his tone almost heavy with the weight of what he was about to say. "Have you ever wondered how Saphira's egg ended up in your hands? Why it appeared so suddenly, as if out of thin air, right next to you?"

Eragon glanced at Saphira, his heart quickening. He already knew the answer, of course. His knowledge of the future granted him insights that others could never fathom. But that was a secret he would carry to his grave—revealing it now would only complicate things. He couldn't tell Brom and Saphira about the events to come, the twisted paths that lay ahead. So, he played his part, keeping his expression calm and composed, though acting as if curiosity danced in his eyes.

"Of course, I've wondered," Eragon admitted, his voice carrying an edge of controlled curiosity. "Ever since I found Saphira, I've been haunted by the question of her origins. But there's no one here who could provide answers. No one who could tell me where she came from or how her egg found its way to me." His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at Brom. "But are you saying you know?"

Brom gave a small, almost imperceptible nod. His eyes gleamed with a quiet, ancient wisdom, and for a brief moment, the years seemed to fall away from him. "Yes," he said, his voice low, "I do know something about it."

Eragon leaned forward slightly, his "curiosity" fully piqued. Saphira also shifted her large, scaled head to listen, her blue eyes gleaming with interest.

Brom looked at Eragon with a measured gaze, his brow furrowed in contemplation. After a moment of silence, he spoke, his voice low but steady. "Normally, I wouldn't share this information with you so soon," Brom began, his tone carrying the weight of a cautious mentor. "But... you've shown me something special about you in this 3 months, Eragon." He paused, his eyes studying the young Rider as if gauging his every reaction.

"You've proven yourself to be calm and collected, far beyond your years," Brom continued, his voice softening slightly. "I've seen you handle challenges that would break most grown men—both in studying and in your training. Despite your youth, you carry a certain composure, a steadiness that I believe comes from something deeper. It's for that reason I've decided to tell you some things in advance" He nodded solemnly, as if sealing his own decision.

Brom took a deep breath before continuing. "It's a long story, but several decades ago, I was able to steal Saphira's egg from Galbatorix's clutches," he began. "It was one of the few victories I've had against that wretched king." His lips twisted into a grimace of both pride and pain. "Since then, her egg was entrusted to the elves. They carried the egg with them, keeping it safe, and moving it through their cities in Du Weldenvarden. Then after a few months they take the egg for a round at the human resistance, the Varden. Like this the cycle continue every few months. The hope was that a new Rider would eventually be found—someone worthy enough to bond with the dragon inside."

He paused for a moment, his gaze hardening. "But for decades, no one was chosen. Saphira's egg remained dormant, waiting…"

Saphira stirred at that, lifting her head higher. Her voice entered their minds, gentle yet filled with centuries-old wisdom. 'I have always waited,' she said softly, her mind brushing against both Eragon and Brom. 'Waiting for the one who would be worthy… the one who would be strong enough to stand beside me… to share in our destiny to bring down the vile Oath-Breaker.'

Her words resonated with a depth of emotion that left Eragon speechless for a moment. The bond between them pulsed in his chest, stronger than ever before. She had chosen him—despite all odds, despite everything that had gone wrong. She had chosen him.

Eragon's heart swelled with emotion, and he couldn't help but smile as he looked at Saphira. "You waited for me," he said softly, reaching out to gently touch her scaled head. "I'll never take that for granted, Saphira. We'll face whatever comes together. I'll never let you down."

Saphira let out a soft rumble of affection, her warmth flooding their mental connection. 'I know, Eragon. We are bound now, in heart and soul. Whatever comes, we will face it together.'


[Pain Resistance Level 160]

[Radiation Resistance Level 182]

[Fatigue Resistance Level 199]

[Abrasion Resistance Level 141]

[Heat Resistance Level 174]

[Blunt Force Resistance Level 112]

[Oxygen Deprivation Resistance Level 83]

[Vertigo Resistance Level 72]

[Irritant Resistance Level 23]

[Cold Resistance Level 149]

[Poison Resistance Level 37]

[Sleep Deprivation Resistance Level 153]

[Alcohol Resistance Level 12]

[Cut Resistance Level 34]

[Hunger Resistance Level 72]

[Pressure Resistance Level 21]

[Dehydration Resistance Level 73]

[Sickness Resistance Level 3]

[Virus Resistance Level 3]

[Sensory Overload Resistance Level 52]

[Magic Resistance Level 77]

[Mental Invasion Resistance Level 52]