
The Infinity: An Unusual Tale

Reincarnated in Fairy Tail Universe with no knowledge of the plot or characters, what will Atilla do? "Well, this was unexpected."

bsoysever · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Queen's Visit

This chapter has been rewritten!


Inside of the dark dungeons of Dragnof. A handsome brown-haired man was sitting inside a dark, cold cell.

His hands were tied by the magical clamps and his bare upper body stained by dirt. His red eyes were shining upon the lurking darkness, searching, observing the surroundings.

He was the man who destroyed an underground organization inside of the Dragnof. No one knew why he did that or how, but he managed to kill every member of them.

His name was Atilla Volkan.

"It was already a day," he murmured himself. "Where is my trial already?" he sighed.

"Too much for a fictional world, really," he chuckled. Once upon a time, he was a regular guy, but he got killed by an addictive since he did not give any money to him.

He later found himself in this world, he knew he was in fairy tail, but he did not recall any events or characters.

Most likely, the being who managed to pull him there, sealed or erased his memories, but he gained an unexpected cliche power.

...But the power did not even work like other novels he read, so he had to curse his luck. But, it was an overpowered skill nonetheless, so he can't complain too much either.

Putting that aside, he knew the organization had backers inside of the Dragnof's council. Yet, they did something unforgivable thing for him, and it costed them dearly.

He was mad first, but after the bloodbath, he managed to calm. He did not regret what he did, it wasn't the first time he killed people.

In the most shounen animes and mangas, killing was a hardly a fact, but if you lived there for real when people tried to kill you, you did not have so many options.

Amid his thoughts, he heard footsteps that coming closer to him. He lifted his head to the source as his crimson eyes shined lightly.

When he saw who had come to see him, he startled a little.

"Sorry for the absence," said the gorgeous woman. "I intended to release you earlier, but the case was hard to deal with."

Atilla eyed the woman in front of him. Based on her body language, she was sincere if she was not too well on acting.

"It's okay," he said little hoarsely. "So, what did I do to receive Dragnof's new Queen's visit?" he said playfully.

The Queen chuckled. Her long crimson hair was fluttering in the dark room as her one braid was enchanted her already beautiful face senselessly.

Her same red eyes, like Atilla, were locked on him. She was in the process of something. Whether it's something good or not, Atilla did not know.

'Really, I heard she was beautiful, but to think that she is this much a beauty,' Atilla thought with a little surprise. 'Heh, what did you expect you 19 years old virgin,' he murmured.

"I have a proposal for you," The Queen said determinately.

"Oh," Atilla little startled. In front of him, the new Queen of the Dragnof kingdom, Queen Irene Dragnof. Pride of Dragnof and youngest winner of Dragnof's national tournaments.

She was a warrior, a beauty, and, most importantly, a magician. Only a little few had the magic power, so it will be an understanding that if you have magic power, you stand above a lot of people.

(AN: She changed her surname after Belserion's death. I'll say this before you asked.)

"So, what is my queen's Proposition?" Atilla said curiously. He already planned to escape after night.

He, a criminal about to escape and ran outside of Dragnof, had an offer by the Queen herself. What an unusual event, really.

"Simple. But first, do you want to be free and removed from your so-called sins," Irene asked with a smirk. She was scheming something...

And Atilla always liked to play with fire.

"Depends," he said with a smirk of his own. Two pair of crimson eyes were eying each other. "What's the take?" he asked soon after.

Irene's mood became sour. "War," she said. "I want your help," she added.

"Well, what do I gain?" then Atilla asked. He knew that Irene knew he could escape there whenever he wanted.

So, she had to be desperate to ask for his help, or there was something else.

"I know you can escape here, so I don't beat around the bush," she sighed. "I can release you from your judgments, give you a house, and most importantly..." she looked at Atilla's eyes.

"... I can give your sister a proper burial," she said the last part little sadly. "I'll bury her properly no matter what, I just let you know," she then added.

Atilla's eyes narrowed. He closed his eyes to read the message in front of him.


[Mission: An Unlikely Marriage] (Please Click to See More Details)


"Can I think a little?" Atilla asked little sadly. 'You just have to bring her, don't you' he sighed.

"Of course, I'll come tomorrow morning," Irene said before he began walking.

"No, I do not think I'll think that much. Just give me five minutes," Atilla said before Irene left.

Irene stopped and looked at Atilla curiously. "Okay," she said with a smile as she sat down the closest wooden chair.

Atilla took a deep breath and looked at the detailed explanation of the mission.


[Mission: An Unlikely Marriage] (Please Click to See Fewer Details)

Mission: Queen Irene asked you personally to assist her in the incoming war. Will you help her or flee like a pussy?

[If You Accept]

Objective 1: Help Queen Irene to win the war.

Objective 2: [Secret Mission]

Objective 3: Kill at least a thousand men.



Your late sister buried by the order of Queen Irene Dragnof.

Your judgments will be removed, but some council members will still detest you.

Objective 1: +? releationship with Queen Irene and the folks of Dragnof. (Hehe. I know you like if this happens~)

Objective 2: [Cannot be revealed until the objective is accomplosihed] (I'll tell you in advance. You want this!)

Objective 3: Gravity Magic Manual.

[If You Be a Pussy]

Queen Irene Disappointed and [?].

Your late sister buried by the order of Queen Irene Dragnof.

Your judges will be released, but some council members will still detest or try to kill you.

(I'll burn your balls~! Just kiddin'!)


Atilla sighed. 'I do not have time to deal with this idiotic system.'

"I accept," Atilla said to Irene. "I'll tell you this, I can't hold back a lot so don't put me in a large squat," he added.

Then he averted his eyes on Irene. "And, thank you," he said with a deep, sad breath.

"It's okay. It's my duty to take care of my people," Irene said softly. "So, you don't have to thank me," she then added and opened his gate.

"Ready to be free?" she asked sarcastically.

"Heh," Atilla chuckled lightly. He clenched his fist and tried to expand his arms with his might.

His clamps cracked because of the sheer force Atilla possessed, and soon after, they broke apart.

Atilla, after freeing himself, cracked his fingers. "So, why are we going to war?" he asked Irene with a smile as if he did a usual thing.

Irene startled but managed to mask on his smiling face. "You have to wait for the war meeting for this," she said little sadly. "It's tomorrow on noon. I'll send someone to your room personally," she said and left a relaxing breath.

"So, shall I show you your room?" she asked.

"People will misunderstand this, you know?" Atilla teased.

"Hah," Irene snorted. "It's nothing new, really," she dismissed that thought.

She walked out of the dungeon door and looked at Atilla with a smile. "Come on, let's go," she said with a hand sigh.

Atilla looked at the small window of his cell and sigh. 'I hope it'll worth in the end,' he thought. "Coming," he said.

[For being a man once for a while, I'll give you a gift!]

[one blue ball for ya!](one-time only) card received.

Explanation: Did you blue balled? Fret not! With this card, you can be soft again~ hehe!

Atilla's eyes twitched. 'Damn you system!'