
Why Do You Care About Me?

翻訳者: EndlessFantasy Translation 編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Jiang Xuecheng held the exquisite dark-patterned plate in his hand. He looked around the hall anxiously, but he could not find any trace of Su Wan!

The medicine that he gave Su Wan earlier was still intact in front of the sofa. No one took it away.

In just ten minutes, Su Wan had disappeared!

Where could this troublesome woman go?!

He had not taken Su Wan into his care before, but didn't she still have an injury on her foot?

How far could she run?!

Jiang Xuecheng's face was seething with anger. He swore in his heart. He suddenly had the urge to throw the tray in his hand to the ground!

Although this emperor of the God's Palace was a little cold, he had always been well-mannered. He would never swear or break anything.

However, in front of Su Wan, he had made too many exceptions for her. Sometimes, he didn't even look like himself.