
Wanting Her To Give Up

翻訳者: EndlessFantasy Translation 編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Fiennes curled his lips and looked away from the plate reluctantly.

Did the emperor need to protect his food like this?!

This was just an ordinary potato omelet. No matter how delicious it was, it couldn't be compared to the delicacies of the mountains and seas, right?

However, to be able to make the emperor treat her differently, didn't it mean that Su Wan's cooking skills were just like her music?

Thinking of this, Fiennes suddenly changed his target. A pair of deep blue eyes stared straight at Su Wan, making Su Wan almost have goosebumps all over her body.

Su Wan frowned. Being stared at by Fiennes like this, although she could endure it, she felt that something was going on in her heart.

Su Wan's unhappy expression was too obvious. It immediately made Fiennes realize that he might have scared Su Wan.

Fiennes quickly made his gaze look more natural. He stroked his hair with a purely curious expression.