
Since You Don’t Acknowledge Me

翻訳者: EndlessFantasy Translation 編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Hearing what Jiang Xuecheng said, the smile on Master Lei's face stiffened. Jiang Xuecheng dared say not to let things dirty their eyes!


Was he comparing him and Su Yurou to garbage?


Su Yurou felt the increased pressure of Master Lei's hand on her shoulder. She was afraid he would vent his anger on her. So, she quickly showed a gentle smile.


"Master Lei, don't get angry. Let's not argue with the younger generation."


After Jiang Xuecheng said that, he did not take another look at Su Yurou and Master Lei.


Perhaps it was because of yesterday's rainy day that tonight's air was exceptionally fresh. Although the moonlight wasn' bright, there were a few stars in the night sky in a charming full bloom.


Su Wan held Jiang Xuecheng's hand. When she thought of the scene at the restaurant, she wasn't happy.


"Who was that person whom Su Yurou called Master Lei?"