
Barely A Passing Grade

翻訳者: EndlessFantasy Translation 編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the quiet space, everything was pitch black. Only the blood-red moon in the sky was glowing red.


"It's time for you to come back. This is not a place for you to stay."


That strange voice sounded from all directions. It was like a tidal wave surging toward Jiang Xuecheng, trying to swallow his rationality.


"Come back."


That was clearly not a language that he had practiced before.


However, it was so familiar, as if someone had carved this language into his bones a long, long time ago.


Jiang Xuecheng's breathing became more and more rapid. He could not help but stretch out his fist, wanting to break the blank darkness, wanting to tear apart the blood-red moon that was overflowing with evil energy in the sky.


Jiang Xuecheng hated the feeling of being manipulated by others. He shouted with all his might, "Get lost!"