
Chapter-6:Student Council

3rd POV

"Why did you transfer here? " A boy asked Sharma.

"To rule this place " Varun replied.

<After school>

After his time at the school, Varun has gathered enough fame for him to be called the dark horse of gambling, they call him by the name 'The snatcher'.

Varun has gotten so much for the wins to purchase all the house pets under his wing to gather some military power in his hand.

Currently, he is standing in front of the student council holding some papers in his hand.

He pushed the doors roughly while replying in a mocking tone " MAY...I...COME...IN " Varun entered with a dashing while putting glasses in his face.

Everyone on the student council is shocked by Varun's presence. Meanwhile, some members had other reactions to this.

"VARUN, VARUN...YAAS KIIIINNNNG " Midari screamed scuffling in her chair like a madwoman.

"What the hell- " Sayaka replied angered pulling out her taser.

"Calm down Amul baby, go to your seat," Varun said further angering Sayaka.

She pulled out a taser and strikes him with it, but he caught it.

And he destroyed the taser with his bare hands, leaving her in a daze by his action.

"Keep it within your pocket," Varun said pouring the pieces of the destroyed tazer into Sayaka's pocket.

"You have come to finally see me huh....VARUN~ " Midari said with a lewd grin on her face.

"What...he destroyed the taser with his own hands? " Runa replied while licking her own lollipop.

"How barbaric, " Kaede said.

"Oh! my, " Kirari said greeting her childhood friend.

"And nice to see you again. Miss ultimate stalker " Varun replied to the masked woman in the room, Ririka Momobami.

Kirari and Varun are childhood friends since primary school, they even had a gambling match in which Varun won, which made Kirari pretty much obsessed with finding him.

When the news has reached, he had arrived at this school. Kirari tried to keep track of him, by having Ririka follow him around.

Kirari wants to have a rematch against him.

"Get out," Sayaka said, Making Varun shrug.

"Yo Amul baby, didn't I tell you I have important with my childhood friend here," Varun said.

"Sorry for the interruption, But who is the childhood friend you are talking about? Does anyone know him? " Yuriko said confused.

"He is talking about me...We have studied in the same primary school " Kirari said leaving the student council shocked by her statement.

"I didn't expect President to remember any of her childhood friends " Kaede stated.

"Oh my is this the childhood friend? I have heard the president is talking about " Runa stated while licking her lollipop.

Sayaka glared at Varun in full of hatred, it is obvious that she envies the attention and the obsession Kirari has for Varun. The way Kirari talks about Varun, and the way she has paid much time in finding him.

Made Sayaka wish she was in his place. In her deep heart, Sayaka knew that Varun will steal President away from her.

"I have some important business to talk about, " You said making the secretary of the president move next to you in anger.

Varun pushed her away from him into her seat.

"It's nice to finally meet you, folks...You all look so much cute together. " Varun said.

"Defeating two of my members and entering into my own lair. You sure have a death wish. Varun...As expected of you to perform such unpredictable stunts. " Kirari called to him.

"Hope you sign now the miss President. " Varun said looking dead straight into her eyes making her look at him with a monotone.

"Why should we listen to a plebian like you? " Kaede said clearly insulting Varun.

"Shut up four eyes...If someone who got his position by his father's influence has this much of arrogance. Then how much someone who crammed all information 24/7 in school, and had to deal with nosy relatives, and has to do with jee preparation, and has to get 100 percent all the time, which is the only acceptable score for my mother, and sometimes she won't let me sleep until I have finished my academics. Tell me how much arrogance should I have " Varun taunted him back.

"What do you think you are saying? " Kaede replied being taken aback by Varun.

"You can't control your own life, and you are trying to control my life. You are the type of person that is better suited to being a gentleman. So don't do any extra stunts or you will become a hospital patient " Varun told him taking Kaede taken aback by his confidence.

"You should c-chose the work that suits you well, you are even qualified to enter the student council. Do you really think you are a hero entering student council with a dashing entrance? " Kaede taunted Varun.

"Heh...You have seen Varun as a Hero, he will be completely different when is villain, be careful for what you wish for " Varun taunted him back.

"Excuse me! But what is within the papers " Yumemei asked him.

"Varun? How is your family doing? " Kirari asked him, resting her chin in her hands.

"She is still expecting me to have a government job and to be an engineer despite me having a lot of cash " Varun told her.

"What the heck? You can make tons of cash by gambling and still she wanted a government job, THAT'S CRAZY " Midari said losing her mind.

"That's how things are with my mother. I never understand her. Come to India if you want to see loads of engineers and doctors. " Varun told her.

"Are you sure you are gamblers? Looks like you are nothing but load of chumps to me " Varun said irritating and making most of the student council angry by that.

"You are in front of lion's den eagerly rushing into his own death, unaware of the dangers that await you " Kaede taunted Varun while Glaring.

"Are you sure, you don't want your life span being decreased. Be careful....what you say, you may end up being a house pet " Runa said in a cold and statistical tone.

"Just because you defeated two of our members, do you think so highly of yourself. It is nothing but just dumb luck " Sayaka told him.

"You can't say about like this, we have worked so far to achieve what we are " Yumemi said while cursing silently.

"That's some high voltage reaction I have expected from you, you guys are ganging up on a normal student like me, shows how powerful you guys are. In the end you guys are really narcrasstic really thinking no one can really defeat you. Do you guys really think you are that untouchable? " Varun told them.

"I expect you to Respect the student council as every student does " Sayaka said glaring at Varun.

"Take this 50 Yen and purchase 'Respect' From the local stores in our town. That's only way you student council can have it " Varun replied shutting her up.

"Oh! A smartass...That's clever comeback from you " Runa commented.

"Do we really look stupid to you?, hmm " Kirari hummed.

"To be precise, yes " Varun told her.

"You have created the house pet system, and has failed to make some modifications to it. The whole rules you have made look like a lazy set of design of rules by you " Varun told her.

"What modification and what do you mean 'lazy' " Sayaka said further glaring at Varun.

"What I meant is that the 'Housepet' don't have proper master don't we. It's clear that you are scamming them with the whole 'Donations' . You never explain the gambling rules properly...And there is no student elections....Like that there are many rules I can't point out, which I have written in the document I have " Varun said giving a certain to Kirari

"Do you really expect me to accept being scammed like that or Do you really think I would let such a council who wouldn't care anything about our life and our expenses to run like that..... I may be a spendthrift but I don't like wasting my money needlessly. " Varun said

"I expect you the change the system, before I change by myself...with force " Varun declared.

"So it seems you clearly don't like my aquarium " Kirari pointed out.

"It seems you have misunderstood. I am the fisher man that devors on the strong and feeds the weak fish to convert it into the strong fish and eat it. " Varun said.

"To be fair, I am not that interested in weaker opponents, so I expect some serious stuff from you...Don't disappoint me " Varun stated while leaving the student council.

"What has happened? " Yuriko said completely dumbfolded.


"OH YEAH! I finally captured a perfect photo of Varun " Midari lost in her own phone.

"Who is that guy, he is nuts " Kaede stated not believing what is happening.

"Finally! An interesting person has appeared. I wonder how entertaining he will be " Runa cheered.

".....What do he think he is " Yumemi is totally confused about his goal.

"Intresting, So that's how he want to play this huh! I will see more of him soon, Ririka observe him...Farewell for my now my childhood friend...Varun Sharma " Kirari told losing in her own mindpalace.

"I will keep an eye of him, Madam President " Sayaka instinctively knew what Kirari is thinking.

I will add more about Varun in the upcoming few chapters. How his luck works, and who is he.

*Spoilers* It is related to Danganronpa.

latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts