

Where are you Sneha, are you still in class", I got a message from Shivani. Shivani was Aditya's girl friend and was one of my friends in gymnastic class. She was very fair complexioned girl with less flesh in her body. In other words she was meant to be my future sister in law. Aditya and Shivani look perfect with each other unlike me and Rishi; we were totally opposite to each other. He was tall, skinny and I was short statured with flesh all around. Sometimes even these things makes me uncomfortable with them, but Rishi , his words were like the last habitable resorts for me. I don't know how he could find me beautiful in whatever I wear or whether just used to tell to please me.

Aditya , was among the guys who dreamt of touching sky. He was one of the excellent gymnastic players I'd seen in my entire life. I still remember how he cared about Shivani in every tournament, he used to prepare her for the competition, offered her chocolates so that she could perform well. They often fought but yet they seemed to be made for each other. There were time when Aditya left her alone in the streets after a fight and again returned back to her the next moment .In one hand Aditya was one of the charming guy , the most wanted whereas Shivani , the prettiest girl in our entire gymnasium.

"No, am already in my way to bus stop." I replied . Rishi and Shivani were waiting for me and as usual I was late. We had planned for a movie "The chronicles of Narnia, the voyage of dawn threader" that day.

"We'll get the tickets nah?" I asked Rishi to start the conversation.

"Probably, you came so early" he said without looking at me. I couldn't continued the conversation and started looking outside the window.

"Hey you all are late" Aditya shouted at us.

"No, we reached on time but , madam was late" Shivani replied indicating me. I smiled at Aditya like I was the thief caught by the policeman.

"Ok lets go now , the movie is about to start" Rishi said trying to change the situation and ,thank god it had changed. We took our tickets and entered the hall. I was surprised ,the entire hall was empty except few couples that too were in the heights of their adrenal level with all the excited level of testosterone and estrogen. Shivani and Aditya moved to a darker corner of the hall leaving me alone with Rishi. God knows what they wanted us to do. I totally avoided eye contact with Rishi, and pretended to be normal. At the midst of the movie I noticed that Rishi was staring at me. That was the time again my fantasizing mind started thinking " what if he kisses me, should I too or should I pushed him back".

In order to avoid the situation I said " Hey this rat is so cute" . I wonder how could I say such a stupid thing to him, but at that time it seemed so perfect to avoid probably the first kiss of my life.

"But for me the one sitting in front of me is the cutest of all, with tiny tiny hands" Rishi whispered in my ears. I still remember it felt like stars were falling from heaven just for me. Boys were actually perfect in

impressing a girl . The movie was over and nothing happened like what I thought. Rishi even didn't touch my hands and kiss was far away.

It was evening by that time , Aditya handed over the keys of his bike to Rishi and went to the bus stop with Shivani. "Let's go" Rishi said pointing towards his bike. It was first ride with him.

"Hey, the weather is very cold , isn't it? Rishi asked me still riding his bike.

"Yes it is and you were not wearing any warm clothes" I said

"But you can protect me, by holding me tight" he said slightly turning his head towards me.

"What did he said right now,…hold him tight , what did he mean, I know well why boys used to say all these to girls" my talkative mind again started knocking my head . overcoming all these thoughts I tried to hold him but may be cldn't hold him that intensely . After few minutes he stopped the bike and took a jacket from one of his friend's house. He looked at me and smiled " You can't even hold" . I kept quiet and in the mean while reached the gymnasium. We didn't practice that day as we were late but we sat aside and watched others.

"hey Rishi, I've an important meeting, can you do me a favor" our gymnastic teacher said.

"Yes, sir" Rishi said moving towards Islam sir.

"Just lock the room after the practice and hand over the keys to Gopal."

"Ok sure sir"

The practiced was over. We locked the room and was just about to leave when Islam sir called Rishi

"Rishi I left my purse there, just keep it with you, I'll take it tomorrow "Islam sir said and . we had to open the gymnasium again. I switched on the lights and when turned back I found Rishi , standing infront of me . He hugged me, looking into my eyes he said " I love you and I promise whatever might be the situation I'll never leave you" . His words were as sharp as sword, it stabbed my heart for a good sake; to fall in love with him boundlessly.

"I love you too" and this time I actually mean it. My talkative mind suddenly became calm, my body freezes, a gentle breeze flowed all around and finally I found my lips into his. I closed my eyes to feel the feeling of the first kiss of my life. He lifted me in his arms as I was too short for him but yet all these seems to be so perfect. We kissed for another minute. He dropped me home.