
Odd Named

{Horus Detective Agency, 47th Folk street, Madi Planet, Horus Region, Tian Quadran. 3 hours after sunset}

In the small room at the bottom floor of the two storey building sat a teenage boy who was around the age of 17. The boy reclined on his worn out leather chair as he looked through the window to his left. The room had a L- shaped desk on which had a monitor. A scarcely empty cupboard was based on the wall to his left, a little in front of the window. Opposite was bookshelf lined with worn out books. The room was generally clean.

His neon green eyes, which matched his black hair, seemed to bored as he looked at the futuristic city on Madi Planet through the window.

The sky was as starry without the two red and blue suns that dominated the day. Instead the usual four moons aligned together to make an eerie eclipse.

Sucking on the lollipop in his mouth, the boy adjusted the plaque on the desk of his detective office which was engraved with the title - Detective Fate -

There was a similar plaque outside on his office door but it was long since scribbled on his infamous nickname 'Incompetent'

It was a household name at the agency and was usually the subject of scorn. But it wasn't just some merciless bullying since he was young.

That was the second reason.

The first reason was because he, by universal standards, actually incompetent.

Usually detectives had helpful skills like [Lie Detection] or [Expert Tracking] and in some special cases [Mind Attacks].

Unfortunately, the boy didn't have such or related skills. He only had one low ranked bronze skill.

His skill was [ReThink].

It's only use was to cause anyone who looks in his eyes to rethink decisions, thoughts or actions. It was useful in some situations, like in his job interview, but it was total garbage if they avoid eye contact.

'Its not like I need a fancy skill to solve problems'

The boy thought and heaved a sigh, wondering when skills became so important but he already knew.

A few thousand years from then humans from planet Earth developed means of space transportation. While finding other planets, they came across various humanoid races like elves, dwarfs, dragon and others which were thought to be only in fantasy.

Together with other races they formed a universal alliance to charter the universe. After a few years, the alliance chartered millions upon billions of galaxies and star systems.

The chartered part of the universe was thus called the Known Universe which was split into Quadrans consisting of several galaxies, then to Regions consisting of a star systems then planets.

The use of augmented abilities known as 'skills' was introduced by elves and modified for all races to learn.

' Damn Elves. Couldn't they have kept their skills to themselves '

The boy thought bitterly as shifted the lollipop in his mouth.

Skills were considered a gift and was categorized into four: Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze; from strongest to weakest respectively. Each was futher divided into high, mid and low ranks.

So on hindsight, the boy was considered the lowest of the low.

The boy sighed.

"It's not like it matters anyway since I'm not getting any clients"

He remarked loathingly. His co-workers were pretty well known with incredible reputations, so most of the time customers already decided on who to hire even before entering the building.

Detectives had the right to charge any price but since the boy was ostracized, he could only charge a maximum of 5 zetas (around 10 USD) removing the 1 zeta withdrawn by the agency, he would be left with 9 zetas. And that's if he had a client.

" Safe to say I ain't getting a client anytime soon "

He muttered under his breath.

As if to prove him wrong,the office door creaked open.

A girl who looked around his age entered.

The girl closed the door behind her and stood with her back against the door. Detective Fate looked at the girl before him.

She was visibly half a head shorter than him. Strands of gold tipped silver hair peeked from under her black hood. Determined Strom bright grey eyes regarded the detective who noticed that her ears hidden in her hair were rather sharp.

' An elf. A goddamn elf '

He quietly deducted. ' Right after I blamed the elves for lack of clients, an elf appears as one '. His calm expression didn't waver as he scowled deeply internally. 'Just my rotten luck'


The boy greeted the elf girl

"How should I refer to you as?"

With a bit of hesitation, the girl informally replied with a smooth voice. "Chris. Refer to me as Chris"

Slightly irked by her rude and informal speaking, though he didn't show it, continued.

"Alright miss Chris, what brings you hear and why to me specifically?"

He wasn't a fool to whole heartily believed that he was genuinely chosen without any conditions attached.

' Even if I had the IQ of a monkey, I wouldn't believe such lies '

The boy thought, being self aware of his non existent reputation.

After a while, Chris answered. "I come from a common family and I have little money." She paused and after a while continued. "Despite this, I have an Error that allows me to see the place,time, date, method and cause of death. I usually wear gloves to keep it in check"

Looking into the detective's listening eyes, she naturally paused and rethought what she wanted to say. She continued

"Today in the morning in the train, a glove slipped off and before I could put it back on, I accidentally touched a man and saw his death. The cause of death was related to Demonic Black "

This had the boy intrigued for several reasons.

Number one - Money

' Calm down, remember money first, money last, the story in between ' this showed the extent of his integrity.

Of course, she other things she said we're important. Firstly, the fact that she has an Error. This was a secret skill that can only be revealed by the holder and is common among the rich under personal trainers. He could clearly figure out why she came to him. An average elf having an Error? The other would have laughed and shooed her off. They probably did.

Secondly, the matter of the Demonic Black. It was an infamous cult that commit terrorism and arson in the name of pleasing the devil through sacrifice. Anyone would jump at that story to gain publicity but as already confirmed, all the boy cared about money

' If it's Demonic Black I might get an extra 100 zetas. What should I buy with it? '

He thought with a serious expression creating an image of contemplating the story while in reality he was scrolling through an internal catalog.

" Alright, I'll help you " the boy said " you can call me Blank Fate ". Chris was a little taken aback as her eyes grew wide. " You believe me? " Chris said with a surprised tone with visible disbelief. With a serious face Blank replied " Yes I do believe "

'- in your pockets '

Blank completed in his mind. " Now can you tell me when and where he died " Blank asked interrogatively. ' Time for business to get my moneys worth '

"48th Folk street in the back alley" Chris said with new found confidence while avoiding his eyes. "When?" Blank continued to question. Chris glanced at the wall clock that hung on the wall behind Blank, right above his head. It just reached 4 hours after sunset.


This is my first novel judge it however you want

Sane_Caxiancreators' thoughts