

Derik James, a 17 years old boy lost his parents due to pandemic and was kicked out of the house by his uncle. He worked part-time jobs to pay rent and has to dropout from school due to not having enough money to pay. One sunny day he was working at a hotel as a waiter when sudden terror attack happened and he died by some random terrorist. Or so he thought but after sometime passed, he slowly opened his eyes but he could not move.. After sometime passed he understood one thing that he reincarnated in the Novel he used to read in his previous life, but not as a main character but as a character whose body was already poisoned. A baron's son who was going to get killed by poisoning in the original novel at the start and that already happened so the real son of baron was already dead and derik was the one who was now the owner of this body but to him this was a curse rather than a blessing as a large amount of poison was still in his body. so in this story we will see how he will be able overcome poison and many other adversities despite being in so much mistery and pain during his previous and current life. in this story we will see how Derik will overcome all different predicaments. in this story we will see how Derik James will change the world as a son of baron. this is a journey of Derik James who died in Vain with only pain as his partner during his whole life and got reincarnated in a novel called "THE HERO OF JUSTICE". this is a journey of a baron's son "Kevin wall".

Religious_Guy · アクション
3 Chs


March, 2019

A boy lost his parents due the pendamic and was left alone in the world without having anyone to rely on.

While doing a part-time job to earn money for his parents treatment, he heard this news and was devastated. He rushed to the hospital while barely holding his body from falling over and over again, due to the shock of hearing this news he was losing control over his emotions and body altogether.

While reaching and looking at his parents he felt his mind going numb. After hearing this devastating news he came running while being barely able to keep him self calm. Thanks to hospital being nearby he reached there in 5 minutes.

Reaching the hospital and while looking at his parents' lifeless bodies sudden fatigue rushed his whole body and he collapsed.

Due to him working for over 12 hours and suddenly hearing this news he was so mentally exhausted that he could no longer able to handle his mind and body while looking at his parents.


After 2 hours,

opening his eyes the boy started to shout in his mind while realising the predicament he was in.

'how... how can this be real... Dad and mom were getting better. how... how... how can this happen to me.'

While shouting these words in his mind and sobbing he rushed to where his parents hospital room was.

There he saw his parents lifeless bodies and realised that everything was destroyed. his life became meaningless, still while looking at his parents and remembering his parents smiles when they were still alive. he tried to keep himself together and went to see his parents with the smile on his face while remembering his parents' words.

Whenever he came to see his parents at hospital. his parents used to encourage him to move on as fast as possible if something were to happen to them.

He remembered those words and repeated those words in his mind.

'Remember, even if we die and left you alone you have to keep living no matter what and you have to let us go with the smile on your face. Remember it doesn't matter that we are with you or not. you have to live no matter what. Remember this my son you can still fulfill our dream of beautiful future for our son without us, do you understand me?'

This words might sound harsh from the perspective of others but he knew his parents loved him.

"yes.. father.. yes.. mother.."

He muttered while still smiling while his eyes full of tears that were running down his cheeks.

To the others in the hospital room that smile looked like the smile of someone who lost his soul.


"Mom.. Dad.. "

sob.. sob..

the boy was crying at his parents funeral while calling for them while looking at their bodies for the last time.

Despite putting a strong face at the hospital room he was still a young boy without many life experiences of losing anyone close to him.

The boy was so unfortunate that he could not even able to be there with his parents for their last moments.

Derik James, a 17 years old boy with nothing to live for after his parents death still had to live on because he had no other option, he was not enough mentally strong to kill himself, so he had to live on.

Derik was born in a middle class family with loving parents and had a normal childhood with no note worthy talents he went through his education without any great achievements and was not particularly good at sports but he loved gaming, reading novels/comics and watching action animes, but despite loving gaming he was pretty average at gaming as well.

So in other words he was your normal average naive teenage boy who knew nothing about how world works. But after his parents getting hospitalised he learnt many things in just 3 months while doing part-time job and taking care of his parents.

Still he had yet to see the real face of the world he is living in. So, after his parents died he started to understand how this world works.

After his parents death in just 2 months his uncle kicked him out of his own parents house in other words his own house.

Then he started to realise more and more how the world works while doing odd part-time jobs and paying rent with the help of those jobs. He had to quit study due to not having enough money.

At the start he didn't understand what hit him but after his uncle's betrayal he understood that now he is finally alone and no one will be able to help him so he started to more and more seclude himself from the world.

The only time he felt alive was while reading a particular Novel called "THE HERO OF JUSTICE". Actually he himself didn't understand why he liked this novel even after he dropped everything else after his parents death.

After 10 months

On a sunny day while doing part-time job in a hotel as waiter. The hotel he was working got attacked by sudden terror attack and while barely keeping himself alive during this attack for 30 minutes he got shot in the leg and then after shoulder.

While looking around him he saw countless dead bodies of people. While looking around he turned his face straight where he found the terrorist that shot him.

While looking at the terrorist who was about to shot him.

Derik thought 'so this is the end'.

he closed his eyes and then heard the words of the terrorist.

"This is for salvation, This is for a greater good, This is a gift to our GOD. you will become the part of the GOD."

These were the last words that Derik heard before being shot straight into the head.

This is how Derik James took his last breath, or so he thought.


After a moment of nothingness,

Derik open his eyes slowly, he saw an unfamiliar ceiling that was too old fashioned but was beautiful. In his life he only saw this kind of ceilings in historical and fantacy comics and animes.

"Huh... what the.."

Derik muttered in inaudible voice in confusion but he could not move his body at all. He could only see an unfamiliar ceiling but could not move to look around.

then he heard a sound from his side.The sound of something falling and breaking. then he heard an unfamiliar sound of someone shouting beside him.

"Master... Master... young master has opened his eyes."

As those words faded he heard someone running towards him as they came into his view. He saw one middle-aged man in some fancy clothes and one beautiful girl wearing maid dress.

The man with long black hair, white skin and black eyes with reasonably handsome face despite looking middle-aged and a beautiful young girl with white hair, while skin and blue eyes.