
The Impish Heart

A killer is on the loose and he targeting young males. Blitzo is a fourteen year old boy, being raised by his best friend. He had lost everything. The boy, is hoping to make it to his fifteenth birthday. But life has dealt him a bad hand. Now a Killer is stalking around, the circus grounds. Searching for his next victim. But even if the killer succeeds in kidnaping Blitzo. Will the Killer continue his killing spree? What happens when he falls in love?. And what will the Cowboy do, when the heartsick Harlequin exposes... his killer's intent to the public.

Mouse87Mouse · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs


your leaving again- Striker spoke breathlessly while blocking the path towards the door. A look of exhaustion washes over his face. Refusing to let the Boss imp leave through the threshold. His golden eyes sharpened. "I thought we agreed you wouldn't be seeing him anymore sugar-cube?.

"I thought we were working things out, you and I being men of our words and all" Striker growls.

"You and I both know what we had was nothing more than pent up frustration! Blitzo snarls back from the shadows. "You and I both know that I can't conduct business without Stolas's grimoire and as far as I'm concerned Cowboy, that was all it was now step aside Striker.

"This isn't about some book darlin, if it was as simple as that, I would've stolen it for ya

"You can't leave me!, I won't let you, your making a big mistake Blitz" "And How would you know Striker" The Boss imps snaps. "You know shit about me!" "Your as bad as Stolas but at least with him my company can thrive!"

"I can be anything you want me to be Blitz! just don't shut me out!" "After all, Striker smirks aren't I your number one, the one who can lay, the devil himself at your feet so long as your remain mine and mine alone" The Cowboy grins thinking he couldn't want anything more.

"Those vermin you call family abandoned you, when you needed the most- and who did you call-whimpering blubbering hmm... "I set things right, I opened your eyes and this is how you repay me"

That shameless mutt of a daughter of yours, what did she do Blitz, she left you to go party with her friends. Striker carried on disregarding Blitzo's growl of warning. No one disrespected his daughter- not even Striker. "Take that back!" he growls. "Do you know a better way to access the human world?" Blitzo hisses out barely containing his rage. "I have a business to run Cowboy, Vengeful clients who pay good money, for me to fucking off someone!"

"I need to take care of them, people don't off themselves ya know- will- Blitzo thought about it and shrugged his shoulders. And Stolas is the only one dumb enough to fall for my dumbass!, and I'm not going to throw my career away so Stella can off him.

"And- before you begin- You shouldn't leave your phone open around me, I tend to snoop" Blitz grits out.

He's not the only one, grumbles Striker refusing to budge from the doorway. He needed Blitz to calm down. He wouldn't let Blitz leave this apartment. He wouldn't let Blitz throw everything he'd work so hard to open the Boss imp's eyes. "This is just a set back, we can get over this you and I, you belong by my side as my equal!" as my Partner in crime and in life. "Don't do this Blitz, don't throw me away! like you did all the rest. "I'm not like them, I won't allow you to make this mistake" "I'm your mate, for Lucifer's sake open your eyes! your hurting, I can see that but if you walk out that door- "I'll have no choice but to drag you back, don't make shoot you Blitzy, I hesitated back at the harvest moon festival and if we weren't interrupted I'd would've walked away that night with you in my arms. "I don't care if I have to poison you, your not leaving me for him" Striker growls his tail rattling.

"Cowboy if you don't move away from that door, I'm going to put a bullet between your eyes and then rub the heel of my boot into your forehead. growls Blitzo. Striker growls running his claws across the foyer's walls. " He scares you darlin, I see that look of uncertainty in your eyes, I know where your allegiance lies.

Blitzo frantically looks around for another escape route. "you don't understand, Striker I can't break free. I know he didn't stand up for me, but there is something about him, that keeps me tethered to his side. "I've tried, believe me I've tried and failed." "It's stupid book, I can easily steal it for you, don't go tonight! stay with me, Striker purrs. "I haven't seen you in awhile. "We could take a hot bath together" The Cowboy suggested edging Blitzo's flintlock away from his chest. Blitzo could feel the heat radiating off of Striker's body as his tail slid up Blitzo's thigh and his knee came up wedging into Blitzo's thigh and presses into his groin. Blitzo gasps. "You wreak of that filthy blueblood, his musk is all over your skin, but I'm willing to forgive you I'm willing to take you back. Blitzo hisses in pleasure as arousal burns through him. "I can wash his scent away, I can replace him, I'll give you everything, anything you can dream of will be yours. "Stay with me, be with me, I could make you feel good again, real good Bossman, the cowboy purrs in his ears

"I can wash it all away" Spoke the Gunslinger his hot breath trickling down Blitzo's neck. the Boss imp shuddered. he hadn't expected to run into Striker tonight. "I can feel you so full of my seed. I can twist in you in ways that would leave you begging for more" "You don't have to be unfaithful Blitzy" "I'll make writhe beneath me, I want you Bossman, you'll scream, you'll twist and ache in ways that will curl your toes. Purrs Striker flicking his tongue gripping Blitzo by his jacket and rips it open: brass buttons fly all over the room as he bows his head nibbling on scarlet flesh. "What do ya say, Partner, we could patch this up here and now. he growls running his claws down Blitzo's back his bare hands drifting below Blitzo's pant line, and coming to cup a handful of ass-cheeks. Blitzo stumbles on his feet, feeling hot and heady. he needed to cool down before Striker took him then and there.

Static rung in his ears as he closed his eyes and let a few tears slide down his face. He moans, relenting. Striker's mouth fell over his collarbone as one hand came to unclasp his belt. Striker kissed him, and Blitzo melted allowing himself to be dragged into the kitchen. Blitz glanced at the door Striker saw this, and tilted Blitzo's head to look at him. Striker looped Blitzo's legs over his shoulders, digging his claws into Blitzo's thighs. The Cowboy left fleeting kissing, trailing them down a toned scarlet stomach that trembled at his touch. Striker wasted no time he pernitrates Blitz with one swift thrust. The Boss imp cries out, his nails digging into the floor as Striker nibbled and suckled. "I'll make you forget. "When I'm through with you tonight Blitzy, You'll barely remember why you wanted to leave me in the first place. why Stolas is so important to you, that bird brained, prince of yours doesn't deserve ya. Blitzo couldn't focus to his horror, Striker was right. He knew the snake imp wasn't lying. But Blitz wasn't ready to admit it. It had been so long since he had last seen them, he was beginning to forget their faces. And Striker, didn't allow him to go far. Blitzo whimpers trying to throw the cowboy off him. twisting, and turning, writhing in pain and agony as the Cowboy continues to thrust: each thrust was punishing and to the point. Blitz grits his teeth. He should have never said yes in the first place. it was one big disaster.

Stolas was gone. Moxxie and Millie were gone too. All he had left was Bombproof and Striker. Striker was keeping him safe, he should have never deviated from him. but those dreams, those persistent dreams kept him awake at night, and haunted him. Loona, never found him. Blitz had wondered into the ally, drunk and grumbling to himself. He was the perfect prey that night. Striker leaned up, kissing a tear away. "At least ya know where you stand with me Blitzy, I'll never leave you, I'll never stray so long as you remain by my side. "Let your business fall to ruin, I'll be here to pick up the pieces.

Blitzo springs up, just as Striker rolls his hips and the Boss imp crumbles under the might of his prowess. "You keep on amazing me, sugar-cube, how defiant you can be sometimes but I know what makes ya tick bossman, and I know how to please ya. "So stop fighting Blitz, and surrender to me"







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