

The story focuses on a young girl “Mizuki” who dies and is taken to another world where her job is to defeat the Demon King, however, she has not been the only one summoned, she really just has to live quietly in a new world as the thirteenth heroine of the new era! It is a fantasy world, without many technological advances.

DaoistABy69c · ファンタジー
9 Chs


I wake up in the darkness before dawn, with the full moon reigning in the firmament. Something in the air makes me uneasy, a feeling that makes my skin crawl. Life has taught me that trusting instinct can be the difference between safety and death.

 I silently cast the "Analyze" skill, while it allows you to analyze a nearby target, it can also be used to detect vital signs in living beings.

After a slight investigation, I realize the truth, there is a group of Undead approaching, covered by a thin but dense blanket of dark mana, for the moment I will not attack, not all undead are weak, some are quite high level, I will continue to rest until they notice me.


Under the silvery blanket of the full moon, the snowy pine forest is transformed into a scene of magic and serenity. Each branch, heavy with the burden of freshly fallen snow, becomes a delicate white lace that is illuminated by flashes of moonlight. The ground, covered by an immaculate white mantle, reflects the celestial light, creating an ethereal atmosphere.

Silence reigns in this dreamy forest, only interrupted by the occasional soft crunch of snow under the paws of some nocturnal animal. The stillness is so deep that you can hear the whisper of the wind playing among the high branches of the pines.

The elongated shadows of the trees are cast on the snow, forming an intricate pattern on the ground. The moonlight highlights the details of the rough bark of the pine trees, creating contrasts between the darkness of the shadows and the silvery luminosity that bathes the landscape.

In the crisp, cold air, snow particles dance like shooting stars when touched by lunar light. The night sky stretches over the forest, adorned with twinkling stars that seem to whisper ancient secrets.

In that dreamlike environment, some figures advance at a slow trot in the cold snow, they are 11 beings, however there is something strange, those beings are just bones, living skeletons, each one with a quiver and worn out clothes, but there is something else, in the center there is a figure covered with a thin purple hood with inlaid gem fragments that shine under the moonlight, it seems to be the brain behind the undead, suddenly, that figure speaks.

 - Come on, faster, we have no time to lose, the more time passes your life will be in danger in this icy night, after all, this has been one of the coldest nights even for me. -A beautiful and delicate voice speaks, in her voice you can only hear concern and a bit of guilt.

 - My lady, we understand your concern but we are moving as fast as we can - Said the skeleton, not something that anyone could understand as to untrained ears it would only sound like a slight chattering.

- My lady, don't worry, I can feel that you are close by and still alive, but your temperature...

- I know, his temperature is very low... At this point... I may have my squadron back up and for the wrong reasons.

 - My lady, I found her, she is in the top of that tree, but she seems to be trying to hide.

 - Oh my... She must be scared of the wolves in the area, should we go up? No... We can't, we'd better wait for her to wake up, In the meantime I'll cast a faint dark protection over her so she won't be harmed by the cold - With her delicate voice, she begins to recite a chant:

In the icy darkness lies the power of frost,

Beneath the pale moon, my spell is woven with cunning,

Icy winds, hear my call!

 From the deepest abyss, protection shall be revealed.

I invoke the essence of Eternal Frost,

Let mortal coldness dare not brush my flesh.

With grim words, my incantation entangles,

Guardians of ice and storm, the barrier rises.

Shield of Infinite Night, defend me from the icy bite,

Let no blast of icy wind disturb my spectral abode.

Beneath the lich's shadow, cold magic envelops all,

So be it! The spell is sealed, my protection never perishes.

 [Protection of the Grim Frost]

 -Well, with this it should last at least until dawn, right?


Those undead have surrounded the tree, are they waiting for me? I can't see much of their information, their level must be much higher than mine... Let's keep waiting...

After a while of waiting, I start to hear the Undead chanting something, I can't hear very well, could it be dangerous? I will keep watching

They've finished their chant and ugh, my head and body, I'm starting to feel sick [Analyze] With close inspection it looks like I've just been cursed "Dark night cold huh?" Dark magic, I don't think I can defeat them, so should I run away, how could I escape them if they're surrounding my tree? There are other trees closer but will I be able to jump, what if they see me?

Questions began to flood my head, but I don't see any solution, if only they could stop watching me for a moment....


 - My lady, I've been thinking about something, our target is a lady, right?

 - Yes, that seems to be the case Why?

 - And we're watching her sleep, right?

 It seems that the Lich has just realized that little detail....

 - I-I order all undead to stop watching her all the time!

 - My lady, what if it falls out of the tree?

 - Th-That... We'll look at it from time to time! Okay?

 The Undead nodded in unison.


They started talking about something again? I can't hear them at this distance. Maybe they have a noise isolation barrier? Huh? Did they stop looking? -With disbelief in my voice I wonder- Can these things really happen in real life? W-Well who am I to waste this opportunity?

From what I see they flip once every minute, so I'll start reciting an acceleration spell:

In the flow of time and in the dance of the winds,

I, summoner of speed, conjure thee, O accelerated spell.

Lightning speed, storm speed,

May speed be my ally, May my pace transform.

With mystic words and nimble gestures, I

invoke the essence of speed, That traverses a thousand miles,

Quicken, quicken, O energy of the skies!

 May my march be as swift as the archer's arrow.

Let time contract, let distance vanish,

I am the wind in the race, the rushing gust.

Beneath the moon and stars, in this corner of the cosmos,

Let acceleration be my gift, my mighty spell,

So be it, so be it, let speed envelop me!

 This spell is sealed, acceleration is my path.


 I'll get great speed but the mana consumption is too high, maybe I can only use it for 2 seconds? I just need to lose them, I need to save mana for "Subtle Concealment" I don't know how useful it's going to be but the book mentioned that I could hide from even a night dragon if I used it right.

As I prepared to jump a strange feeling flooded my heart 'Greet' I began to feel that I should greet them and not try to escape, but was it really okay? They're Undead, the Undead hate life so.... Geez, never mind, I'll trust my instinct again! I'll deactivate Swift Path

Author: Swift Path is an acceleration spell that consumes mana for every few meters advanced, being in place the mana consumption is minimal.

 -H-Hello - I can't say anything else, I'm not shy by any means, but now I'm very weak... fighting against Undead requires a lot of mana.

The hooded person was silent and the skeletons all turned in my direction, no bloodlust just curiosity?


- My lady, the girl has woken up, what should we do? -asked the skeletons while directing their bones towards Mizuki. However, something unexpected happened: they were stunned by her beauty. At 16, Mizuki radiated a lunar glow with silver skin and hair, and captivating crimson eyes. Although she wore a wolf-skin coat, her presence was simply breathtaking. For her part, the skeleton leader's mind was in turmoil, her thoughts whirling like a whirlwind with various impressions, "She is truly beautiful, how lovely! I would like to adopt you! Would you follow me? Would she be my little sister if I asked her?" Her thoughts danced between the desire to protect and the fascination for the young girl. In the meantime she said quietly to herself: "N-No, concentrate, Lilia! Then she slapped herself lightly on the face in order to wake up.


-H-Hello, m-I introduce myself, I'm Lilia, a-a lich, I'm in charge of this z-zone and I saw that someone t-teletransported in my domain, s-so I came to a-get him out! - As Lilia spoke the skeletons congratulated her, phrases like "Well done my lady", "Keep it up", "Go ahead, you can do it" resounded, of course only the creaking of bones could be heard but still.

I nodded at what he said, I'd still go and take out anyone who gets on my turf, so I guess they're 'good'?

 -I understand what you're saying, but still.... I can't quite know if they're good or bad though, not feeling bloodlust tells me most of what I want to know.

 - B-Good!

 -My lady, what if you take off your hood?

 - O-Oh, R-Right! L-Look, I-I'll take off my hood for you to see.

Beneath the hood, a beautiful 16-year-old girl stands wearing an imposing purple gothic gown, unfurling like the darkness of night, her face, enchantingly beautiful, glowing in the lunar light. The eyes, deep purple, reflect magic and its latent darkness, yet an equal naiveté that enamors.

Despite the frigid night, her smile radiates warmth and confidence. Like the full moon that presides over the sky, her presence is magnetic and full of mystery. Captivates with a unique charm

 Her beauty won over Mizuki, who was captivated by that charming existence and her head began to get tangled with the same ideas: Is she really an Undead? She looks more alive to me than most people I know.... She's very cute. Accidentally he said: -She's cute. - He said it in a very subdued way but Lilia heard him, turning red as a tomato.

HOW ON EARTH CAN AN UNDEAD MAN BLUSH? Well, with the magic of love, anything can be done, right?

 -Th-Thank you... -she murmured, covering her reddened face with her hands. Meanwhile, the Undead watched them with mischievous expressions 7w7. One of them approached and tactlessly said to her, "Your father will be very pleased, my lady. The statement caused the blush on Lilia's cheeks to intensify. Unable to contain herself, Lilia let out a cry: -S-silence!- unloading all her strength in a direct blow against the skeleton that had spoken, causing its skull to explode into multiple fragments and it fell. -I-I'm so sorry!" While Lilia was doing that, Mizuki was blushing.

After a brief moment, the atmosphere finally calmed down and I answered: "It doesn't matter, they still bothered me for things like that, I understand..." At my answer, everyone was stunned, so the skeleton, whose head had previously been smashed, asked: "Y-You can understand us?" Mizuki, perplexed, turned her head a few degrees and then returned another question: "Yes, why? shouldn't I?" A sepulchral silence filled the place.

-It's not that you shouldn't, but rather why can't you? Most humans only hear a chattering sound when skeletons try to speak.

Oh, I see... That's right, that was in a book, now that I think about it, why can I understand them?

AI: Ding, new skill has been created by itself "15 Languages of Origin (L+)" All the knowledge about language has been unified in one skill, with [15 Languages of Origin] you can understand all 72 certified Languages of the world and 153 other languages.

Well, I guess that explains it, but why barely?

AI: Skills are usually triggered in specific situations, even if you have the knowledge if you don't put it into practice it will not work and sometimes you have to practice many times.

-I had read it in books and didn't realize when I acquired it....

 - Wow, that's something impressive...- Lilia stopped suddenly, her face soon paled- You've been listening t-everything?

- Yes, all of everything, well, since we started talking, before I couldn't hear you, the audio was distorted. - You're blushing again, aren't you? How nice... I'm thinking about it this time, aren't I? Yes? Okay, that's cute~

It's been a while and he's calmed down again, hasn't he?

 -Well, I guess now it's time for me to introduce myself, isn't it? My name is Aisha, Aisha Mizuki, please, just call me Mizuki.

 - Is Aisha a last name? - Lilia asked while tilting her head, she is very pretty.

 -No, my surname is... No, I don't have one. In my native place it's normal to have 2 first names and 2 last names, but I only have 2 first names. Wait, I'm going downstairs.

Mizuki's figure descends from the towering pine tree as if dancing with the branches. Each movement seems choreographed by nature itself, combining agility and lightness in a harmonious dance. Her feet barely touch the branches, gliding gently over them with the same delicacy with which petals fall in spring. Her arms extend elegantly, balancing the descent as if they were wings caressing the air.

As it descended the tree, everyone's mouths instinctively dropped open at such a display of agility and elegance. Can you imagine if all monkeys descended trees with such grace?

The moment Mizuki touched the ground, a torrent of cheers resounded in her praise, the skeletons, with bones, wrote 10, 10, 10, 10, Lilia for her part, was still gawking, clapping her hands. Meanwhile, Mizuki just wondered what just happened, she had just climbed down from a tree, was that weird?

 - Lilia? -Lilia seems lost in her thoughts, let her come to her senses for a moment, in the meantime, I will record in my pupils this side of her.

After a moment of waiting, Lilia seems to have recovered her senses, too bad....

 -Huh? Ah! -Continue.

 - As I was saying, I don't have any last name, but let's leave that aside. Now what should I do, should I get out of your domain?

 -Yes, but first are you hungry or sleepy? If you like, I could call a skeleton carriage for us to leave.

 -I'm not sleepy or hungry, I already ate a very delicious salad, besides, I haven't been sleepy since I came to this world - Dominion, since I came to your domain I haven't been sleepy - I almost ruined it! I almost said "To this world".

 -It's funny, uhm.... Come to think of it, you haven't told me how you got to this place. -That's true, even if you did teleport, what compelled you to come all the way here? It's pretty suspicious, but... His life energy shows no signs of him wanting to harm us...

 -About that, my village was attacked so my master told me to run away, he gave me a teleportation stone and that's how I got here.

 - Yes... It's understandable... Do you want to go back to your village?" After her words, what Lilia really wanted to hear was "No" But, if Mizuki wanted to, she wouldn't stop her from going.

 -Actually, no, my teacher was about to die anyway and there is no reason for him to come back.... - My acting skills are pretty good, aren't they? Even I was going to get a tear in my eye.

- Do you want to go to a nearby human village?

 A human village Huh? Maybe I should, but I'm still very weak... If I get into trouble there will be no one to defend me.... Honestly, I'm more afraid of humans than monsters....

- N-No, humans are scary to a certain extent....

- I see, a-are you afraid of the undead? - Lilia started to stutter at the last part, she looked so cute.

 - I don't know many, but from the ones I've met so far, I'd say not. - As she said that, a knot unraveled in Lilia's heart, letting out a sigh of relief.

 -Would you like to spend some time in the necropolis? T-There are a lot of Undead B-But they won't harm you unless you start! Sure, once in a while there are attacks from humans or those kinds of races, but with my father none of them make it out alive!

He said some strong words with a smile, didn't he? Well, I guess if you're on the side of the Undead it's a good thing. Now then, should I go to a Necropolis?

 - Are there good places to hunt in the necropolis? Or rather, are there places where you can easily gain experience?

- Yes, there are! In particular, there is a dungeon of 10,000 floors that gives a lot of experience! I've been there a few times and I'm already level 370. The first few floors are easy, but the upper floors....

- I understand, then, I am in your care," I said as I bowed slightly.

-I-It's not necessary for you to do that! J-Just come on- As she said that, Lilia tore up a card and a skeleton carriage came out of it.

 - Oh my... Is that...? - I didn't know what it was, he tore a paper and a carriage came out...

- Is this? It's just an undead summoning scroll, I'm not very good at summoning them.

A Lich that can't summon Undead? That's a bit...

 -It's not sad! I can create undead and summon them, but I need a body! I can't summon an Undead from another existential plane. My summonings have no time limit, but they are limited.... A-Although they are stronger and more loyal," he says as he quickly moves his hands...

 - I understand...

- L-Let's go anyway!

- Okay~

I feel like the skeletons are seeing me as a child....