
The Immortals System

Xavier Style. A Person who was born crippled. He started his life's journey with a deformity in his his lower body that hindered muscle growth by a large amount. Because of this he was only able to walk by the time he was 6. But just as things looked like they were gonna get better he suffered his first but not last bout of cancer. Over the next 18 years of his life he found himself in and out of hospitals struggling to survive. After his second bout of cancer he became paralyzed from the hip down. Crippled was all he knew at that point of his life. Besides the fact that he knew it was gonna end soon. He was slipping in and out of consciousness and could barely stomach food. But he wasn't sad. He wasn't angry. He was happy. He wanted it to end. This cursed life needed to end. But then he met him. Nik, he called himself. Offered him a second chance at life. A chance to become immortal and have fun with others who would be special just like he was. A second chance was what Nik offered. And it's what Xavier took without a moment's notice.

maddaug · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Prodigy of The Garden

After a few minutes Bran finally regained his composure and explained.

"You see.... It took me around a year to do what you just did. I was a wizard as well which meant that I should have been naturally talented in the area and... I was. I was known as a genius among my peers." Bran said with a smile.

"Your.... a monster genius to say the least." Bran said finally.

"So your saying I have a shot.... at becoming a wizard?" Xavier asked confusedly.

Brans smile wavered as he slowly began to speak once more. "You see... you have incredible talent but... in all of the known history of Pharis there have only been 11 recorded individuals to ever become dual practitioners."

"All of those people were.... Monsters among monsters. One of them is our Emperor. He is known as The Snapcaster. I'm not saying it's impossible but.... I think it will be a lot of work." Bran said.

Xavier nodded his head in understanding. 'Difficult. But i'm immortal. Or at least going to be one. so that means I will be able to... no matter what I have to do.' he thought before asking Bran a final question.

"So.... what's next?"

Bran shrugged and said "I don't know honestly. There should be a few books up here that should help you understand how to increase your current path but I guess just read. Usually you would need to be a Path Level Two Mage to be able to tend to the garden. So maybe become a Path Level Two Warrior?"

"I mean... The main reason a Wizard would have to wait that long would be for body strengthening spells but.... maybe you could do it before a wizard seeing as Warriors are meant to be stronger."

"O-Okay I guess. I will just start reading then." Xavier said before nervously pulling off a book from a shelf filled with purple and blue books.

"Umm.... Not those. Those are for wizards. They detail mana and how to collect it via nature." Bran said before whispering to himself. After a few moments the branch started to lower itself and lower itself until we were only around 20 feet away from the ground.

In front of Xavier were around 4 books that were a dull brown. They looked old and dusty but still fairly unused.

"These are the books the tree has on The Path of the Warrior. Read up. Tell me when you reach path Level Two and I can start trying to teach you the first steps of gardening which will eventually lead to... Alchemy." Bran said finally as he smiled and gave a single nod. He then proceeded to jump off of the Branch and land gracefully on the ground.

After Bran left Xavier felt lost. "Only Four Books? Compared to the hundreds of books meant for wizards there were only four books for warriors."

He felt let down. He felt betrayed. 'I guess I better start'

He reached out and felt the same enthralment from the previous book he had read as he read the book in a short period of town. It was actually only about 30 minutes to be exact.

Knowledge of the body flooded through his body and the ways to naturally strengthen it via the world around him. It included a simple training method as well as in depth knowledge on how to help prevent muscle tears and help heal them after practicing it.

Xavier frowned at how short the book was before going on to the next one.

Once more the book was finished in around half an hour. But this one detailed a type of technique to harness the power of nature to put yourself into a semi-battle will state. It was called Adrenaline Rush.

It would simply control your body and let you push back the limits of your body. Though it detailed this was a technique that came from beasts and could be highly damaging to the body if overused.

He continued once more to the third book. Again thirty minutes. It was such a short book. Only around 80 pages.

Xavier was starting to get frustrated but was actually intrigued by this book. It talked about the weakness of creatures and how to abuse them. It also talked about how to prevent your vitals and weak spots from being used by your opponents.

Another book. But this time it took him around an hour. It was much larger at around 180 pages and he realized why after reading through the first few pages.

It detailed in depth a combat style called 'Nature's Wrath'. It was a fist technique that focused on using the environment around you to increase your speed and strength while punishing your opponents for being blind to what your doing. It was extremely confusing and complicated but after rereading it twice he finally go the general gist of it.

It seemed like this was the most secretive and hard to understand book he had read. It seemed as if the only way to understand it was by simply doing it.

After he finally figured out how to start practicing it a system prompt awoke him from his knowledge filled craze.

<You have read 4/4 books in the 'Natures Power' secret collection. Would you like to make this your primary practice for The Path of The Warrior? This will allow you to practice it's hidden techniques and absorb the energy around you while training to perfect your body in the way that nature met for it to be perfected.>

<Yes or No>

"Yes I guess..." Xavier answered hesitantly.

After saying yes he felt his body getting lighter as a strange energy slowly filled his body. It felt refreshing. Like he was in a jacuzzi but it also felt as if it was relaxing and strengthening his body at the same time.

And as soon as he said yes the tree seemed to be reacting as it started to quickly raise him throughout the branches going higher and higher until he was at the peak of the tree.

On the very peak of the tree was a simple green orb attached to the peak. A small warm voice appeared before him as he felt the motherly care wash over him.

"You are the first human to finally embrace the way of nature. As such you have earned access to the roots of my tree. Access to the knowledge that nature doesn't offer freely. This knowledge is given to those who are believed to have a chance at becoming a guardian. A guardian of the garden. A Guardian of the Forest. A Guardian of Nature itself. "

"You, though only a young adult, have impressed nature. You are chosen. The first chosen that has been marked for the past hundred years. Do not fail us like those before you." It said before it's green glow started to grow in size and brightness.

It started to enter his body and after a burning flash of light all that remained was a wisp of what was. A small burning green orb that bounced freely.

"Please make me proud child of Nature." It said before he was lowered to the ground. No not to the ground. Lower.

The branch took him down into the bowels of the tree. The large roots seemed to writhe to get out of the way of him. After a few minutes he was in a small circular room that held 5 tables with five different colored books on them.

Each book gave out an energy that seemed primal and each seemed anciently powerful.

Xavier was confused but the warmth feeling that was coursing through his body made him feel at peace with what had happened.

'I won't let you down.' Xavier thought before quickly picking up the only brown book in the room.

It was incredibly short. Only 5 pages to be exact. But as soon as he opened it he felt energy soar through his body like none before. The book was filled with thousands of images that seemed to be barely visible because of how small they were.

The pictures seemed to evolve. Going from a small man who found enlightenment from nature to him absorbing the worlds energies and slowly using it to increase his strength and wisdom. But it was so confusing. It was almost like a comic book that had been shrunk and compacted to just 5 pages.

It would take some time for him to make any sense of this but.... he had time.