
The immortality of love

The girl who was treated badly by her own family. They locked her up in the big cage in the dark, cold room with a broken leg. She wanted to be free like a bird but she didn't has wings to fly away from such a disgusting parents. Even so her enemy didn't treat her badly at all. She unexpectedly fall in love with a hot-serial killer-villian.

Dzvelinaskebiyars · ファンタジー
5 Chs


<p>I won't ask for anything more just please, let me be free. <br/><br/>Freedom,something i always wanted and still want. Yet no one gave me that. Not even my parents. To be honest, my parents are the reason why i'm not free. Like now, i'm locked in big cage by my parents...<br/><br/>Why you ask? I don't know...<br/><br/>They never gave me an explanation, i don't know why i'm being locked up, i don't know why i'm being treated like that, i don't know why i'm being hated. What i know is that i shouldn't have been born at all.<br/><br/>That's what my dad said to me. Why? I just need normal explanation of why i'm treated like this by my parents. <br/><br/>I want know why and then i can die happily, but who will tell me that? No one. I have no one to tell me why--<br/><br/>The sound of the door wake me up and bring me to reality. I'm still locked up in the cage while my leg is broken and chained. <br/><br/>I look at the person who open the door...Mother.<br/>_Don't look at me!<br/>She said.<br/><br/>I immediately look away from her. She put the dish down on the floor and leave, doesn't want to stay with me any longer. I don't understand, if she hates me enough to lock me up like that and doesn't give me any affection then why is she bringing me single bread? If she wants me to die then why not starve me to death? <br/><br/> I guess she just want to make my life miserable and she wants me to wishing for a death. Of course that's what she wants...Otherwise why would she told my brother and other relatives i died? She even paid for fake funeral and buried the fake me.<br/>But why? She is treating my brother like treasure and giving him everything as does my dad...But what about me?<br/><br/>You know, i'm so cold, why aren't you hugging me like you are hugging brother Akio? <br/>Why weren't you singing the Lullaby to me like you are singing to him, mom? <br/>Why are you praising him like that when i gave my everything but you didn't praise me, dad? <br/>Why are you all having a great, happy family time...Without me.<br/>Why? Why? Why? Why? Just why?! <br/><br/>I shake my head as i hug my legs and bury my face in them.<br/><br/>It hurts...My leg...<br/>Dad really has strong arms doesn't he? <br/><br/>I really wish someone to come and get me out of here. Let me see the sun, the nature, the sky...Let me see what's going on in the world, did anything change? Is the world dying like me or is it still so lovely and beautiful? <br/>Just let me be...Free.</p>