
The Immortal Wants to Die [BL]

UPDATE TWICE A DAY! --- "From now on, you will not age, nor will you die. From now on, you will witness how people around you die. From now on, you will be the undying Immortal Zhang Hei." --- More than four hundred years ago, Zhang Hei callously swung his sword to separate souls from their bodies, leaving no soul attached to the body in Jiangshi Palace. The massacre triggered severe punishment from the God of Life, and he was cursed to witness the death of the humans around him while he himself would not be able to die. From that day on, Zhang Hei became an immortal who would live forever. Zhang Hei had lived in this world for over four hundred years, and he had witnessed so many deaths over the years. As he continued losing people around him, he felt more and more emptiness in his heart, and he finally begged the God of Life to lift his punishment. He said that he wanted to die, and the God of Life then asked him to meet the God of Death. The God of Death then asked him to find a person. That person was one of the people he killed heartlessly more than four hundred years ago, and after meeting him again, his life started to change. As his life continued to change, Zhang Hei also began to see strange images in his mind that seemed to be part of the past that were erased from his memory by the God of Life, and some unexpected things began to happen in his life. Would the immortal still want to die after he once again reunited with someone from the past? Would he be able to die in the end?

26stars · LGBT+
163 Chs


Jun finally turned to Zhang Hei, and for a moment, he seemed unsure about how he should answer, but in the end, he still answered, "I know those people, but I don't owe them anything."

"If you don't owe them anything, then why are they trying to chase you? I'm not deaf, and I can hear them talking about money, too!" Zhang Hei immediately denied it.

"I really don't owe them anything. It was my father who borrowed money from their boss."

"..." Zhang Hei fell silent after hearing Jun's answer. 'This silly bunny is truly ridiculous,' he thought before taking a deep breath to calm himself.

"If it was your father who borrowed money from their boss, they should have come to your father instead of you, right?" Finally, Zhang Hei responded to the young man.

"They have tried to meet my father, but my father's ashes are not giving any answers."

"..." Once again, Zhang Hei believed that the bunny was indeed ridiculous after he heard the unexpected answer.

Zhang Hei tried to remain calm instead of scolding the silly rabbit, and he asked again, "So, it was your father who borrowed the money, but he has passed away, and that's why those people came to you instead?"

"Mhm," Jun answered, but no further explanation came out of his mouth.

This was quite frustrating for Zhang Hei. He had saved Jun from those bad people, but instead of thanking him, Jun continued to disrespect him. 'If I didn't want anything from him, I would throw him out of my car!' He tried to be patient with the poker-faced young man.

"I saw you singing at the bar," Zhang Hei spoke again. "That job must pay you, right? With that money, you can pay back those people little by little, right?"

"Wrong," answered Jun. "Tonight was just an evaluation stage for me, and the bar owner didn't give me a penny for my performance. If he called me again tomorrow, he would offer me a contract, and maybe I would just start making money next month."

'That bitch John is really stingy! How could he bully this silly bunny like that?' Zhang Hei gritted his teeth as he started cursing the bar owner.

"How much does your father owe them?" Zhang Hei asked again.

"Two million yuan[1]," Jun answered.

"Your father owes them that much?" Zhang Hei asked while looking surprised by the amount.

"That includes the interests. My father was indebted to them for many years, and such a debt is no different from a snowball rolling on the surface of the snow. It will only get bigger," for the first time, Jun spoke long, but this time, Zhang Hei didn't answer right away.

The car was enveloped in silence as Zhang Hei continued driving. He actually didn't have a destination in mind, and he didn't think about it either as he spoke again, "Don't tell me that your father committed suicide or something because of debt."

"You're right. My father committed suicide a few months ago because of his debt."

"…" again and again, Jun's calm answer managed to stun Zhang Hei, and he fell silent once again.

This time, it was Jun's voice that broke the silence in the car, "You can stop the car now. Those people are no longer trying to catch me, so I can come down here."

Zhang Hei heard the order, and he looked at the young man before replying, "Did you think I let you into my car just because I wanted to save you? Don't you remember that I tried to catch you before those people came? I won't just let you go, you fool."

"..." This time, it was Jun who looked surprised, and his wide eyes were even fixed on the man driving next to him. "What do you want from me?" He asked.

"I just want you to work for me," Zhang Hei replied. "You have to pay your father's debt as soon as possible, right? If you choose to work at John's bar, it will take you a dozen years to pay the debt because that bastard is too stingy, but if you work for me, I guarantee that you will be able to pay the debt within a month."

"..." Jun widened his eyes again, but somehow, he looked more alert after hearing what Zhang Hei just said. "What job are you talking about? Are you a drug lord or something? Or maybe you want to get my organs and sell them for a high price?"

This time, it was Zhang Hei who seemed surprised by Jun's theory, but then he shook his head helplessly. "Silly bunny, oh silly bunny. If I were a drug lord, I wouldn't want to employ someone as stupid as you. But maybe you're right that I can sell your organs at a high price," he replied casually.

Jun looked more alert. He even tightened his grip on the seat belt on his body. It seemed like he was about to say something, but Zhang Hei's phone suddenly rang loudly in the car.

"Who dares to disturb me this time?" Zhang Hei muttered in annoyance.

His phone was on the dashboard, and he didn't bother to glance at the caller ID as he used his forefinger to swipe the screen, not forgetting to turn on the speaker so he didn't have to hold it to his ear.

"Where are you, Zhang Idiot? Didn't you promise me that you would come to dinner at my house tonight? Don't tell me you forgot about that!" Someone immediately scolded him as soon as the phone call was connected.

When Zhang Hei glanced at his phone screen, he could see the name of the caller. It said "Old Mo," and his eyes immediately widened.

"I completely forgot, Old Mo!" Embarrassed, Zhang Hei admitted his mistake.

"Hah! I expected that!" Old Mo replied. "Just bring your fat ass to my house now! My wife is waiting for you!"

CLICK. Before waiting for Zhang Hei's reply, Old Mo hung up the phone call.

Zhang Hei let out a tired sigh while shaking his head, but then he could hear Jun sneering at him, "You call me silly, but someone else call you idiot. That makes me even more convinced not to accept your job offer, Zhang Idiot!"




[1] Two million yuan: around 270,000 USD.