
The Immortal Wants to Die [BL]

UPDATE TWICE A DAY! --- "From now on, you will not age, nor will you die. From now on, you will witness how people around you die. From now on, you will be the undying Immortal Zhang Hei." --- More than four hundred years ago, Zhang Hei callously swung his sword to separate souls from their bodies, leaving no soul attached to the body in Jiangshi Palace. The massacre triggered severe punishment from the God of Life, and he was cursed to witness the death of the humans around him while he himself would not be able to die. From that day on, Zhang Hei became an immortal who would live forever. Zhang Hei had lived in this world for over four hundred years, and he had witnessed so many deaths over the years. As he continued losing people around him, he felt more and more emptiness in his heart, and he finally begged the God of Life to lift his punishment. He said that he wanted to die, and the God of Life then asked him to meet the God of Death. The God of Death then asked him to find a person. That person was one of the people he killed heartlessly more than four hundred years ago, and after meeting him again, his life started to change. As his life continued to change, Zhang Hei also began to see strange images in his mind that seemed to be part of the past that were erased from his memory by the God of Life, and some unexpected things began to happen in his life. Would the immortal still want to die after he once again reunited with someone from the past? Would he be able to die in the end?

26stars · LGBT+
163 Chs


"Is this your office?" Jun immediately asked that question after he entered the spacious room on the 9th floor.

If he was alone when he came to this building, he would definitely not be allowed to go to this floor, but since he came with the boss of this place, no one dared to stop him.

Previously, he thought that there would be no one in the company at this hour, but he was wrong because he passed several people on his way to the 9th floor. It seemed that there were several employees and also some trainees, and they were still working when it was already 11 pm.

"This is my office," Zhang Hei answered as he sat on the chair behind the rectangular desk.

On the desk, there was a computer and a laptop, and some documents were also there even though Jun couldn't guess what documents they were.

Apart from the desk and chairs, Jun could also see a set of sofas in the office, and he could also see two cupboards full of books in the room. Apart from that, there was also a cupboard full of trophies and awards, and he assumed that they were awards that Zhang Hei had personally received. Even the walls in the room also had several award certificates, and Zhang Hei's name was written on them.

'So, this guy isn't actually just a lazy guy, huh? I think he got some talents,' he thought as he continued to look at the awards that made him quite envious.

Zhang Hei finally realized that the young man didn't even come near him at his desk, and he let out a heavy sigh before saying, "An idol can also win various awards even though the type may be different from mine."

Jun almost gasped in surprise when he heard Zhang Hei's words, perhaps not expecting the long-haired man would be able to see that he was envious.

Quietly, Jun then brought his feet towards Zhang Hei's desk, and he placed his bottom on one of the two chairs in front of his desk. "Why did you bring me to your office?" He asked.

"You still ask that question?" Instead of answering, Zhang Hei asked back. "I brought you here because you didn't want me to take you to my house. Besides, you thought I was a pervert, and that's why I could only bring you here."

"..." Jun didn't immediately reply to Zhang Hei's sarcastic remark.

However, even though Zhang Hei didn't get a reply from the brunette, he still moved his hand toward one of the documents on his desk, and he carelessly pushed it toward the young man.

"That's the general plan of the boygroup project. Before you sign the contract tomorrow, you better learn a little about the group you'll be joining," calmly, Zhang Hei gave the order.

The documents were on the table right in front of Jun, and he carefully raised his hand to open the cover. "ZHUI?" He then asked after reading the big words written on the paper right behind the cover.

"Mhm," Zhang Hei nodded his head. "It means 'to persistently pursue,' and I chose that name because I wanted each member of the group not to give up on their dreams easily. I can't promise that the group members will always walk on a flowery path, and that's why I want them to always remember their dreams through the group name."

Of course, Jun knew the meaning of the word "ZHUI," but he didn't expect Zhang Hei to think so deeply when choosing the group name. In the end, he didn't comment anymore on the name, and he continued flipping through the pages of the document.

"So, this group will have six members?" Jun asked again, and Zhang Hei also nodded his head again.

"From the start, I planned to have a boy group of six members, but then one of them decided to run away and left everything behind. Someone like that doesn't belong in the group at all. He gives up on his dreams too easily," Zhang Hei answered quite detailed this time.

Jun listened to the explanation, but this time, he didn't respond. Instead, he focused his eyes on the members' profiles displayed on the page. There were indeed six photos on the page, but one of them was crossed out with a red marker, and he could immediately guess that it was the person who dared to run away from the company.

"The person who ran away is supposed to be the main vocalist of the group, and that's the reason why you insist on recruiting me into the group?" Jun asked again while looking at Zhang Hei again.

"That's right," Zhang Hei replied. "That kid has been a trainee at this company for more than three years, and I was the one who auditioned him before he officially became a trainee here. I somehow liked his vocal color at that time, and that's why I decided to choose him among the hundred people who came to the audition that day. Unfortunately, only talent without a strong will wouldn't be enough to help one achieve one's goals, and that was proven because the talented kid chose to stop before starting. I don't even know his reason."

At this time, Jun thought that Zhang Hei was also exhausted. The black-haired man was leaning his head against the back of his chair, and he could see a hint of gloom in his pair of eyes.

However, Jun didn't want to think too much about the other man's affairs, he just returned to focusing on the documents in his hand and reading the other members' profiles. He could read each member's position in the group, but he suddenly looked doubtful when he kept seeing one word written on the profile.

"These people can dance, so should I learn to dance too?" Anxious, Jun questioned the long-haired man.

"Of course," Zhang Hei replied carelessly. "You have less than a month to practice dancing before the debut showcase, and like what I said earlier today, I'm the one who will train you in everything. Don't worry, you won't see the lazy version of me when I'm teaching you."