
The Immortal Wants to Die [BL]

UPDATE TWICE A DAY! --- "From now on, you will not age, nor will you die. From now on, you will witness how people around you die. From now on, you will be the undying Immortal Zhang Hei." --- More than four hundred years ago, Zhang Hei callously swung his sword to separate souls from their bodies, leaving no soul attached to the body in Jiangshi Palace. The massacre triggered severe punishment from the God of Life, and he was cursed to witness the death of the humans around him while he himself would not be able to die. From that day on, Zhang Hei became an immortal who would live forever. Zhang Hei had lived in this world for over four hundred years, and he had witnessed so many deaths over the years. As he continued losing people around him, he felt more and more emptiness in his heart, and he finally begged the God of Life to lift his punishment. He said that he wanted to die, and the God of Life then asked him to meet the God of Death. The God of Death then asked him to find a person. That person was one of the people he killed heartlessly more than four hundred years ago, and after meeting him again, his life started to change. As his life continued to change, Zhang Hei also began to see strange images in his mind that seemed to be part of the past that were erased from his memory by the God of Life, and some unexpected things began to happen in his life. Would the immortal still want to die after he once again reunited with someone from the past? Would he be able to die in the end?

26stars · LGBT+
163 Chs


"Your ears can still function well, right? That kid sings really well, right?" John asked him two questions in a row, but Zhang Hei seemed deaf.

His eyes were focused on the stage even though the young man named Jun had finished singing. The young man with brown hair bowed to the guests one last time before he left the stage with his guitar, and his steps from the stage were accompanied by applause from the guests.

"Does he only need to sing one song?" Finally, Zhang Hei responded to John, but somehow, he sounded like he was in a rush.

"Mhm," John confirmed while nodding his head. "Tonight is just testing the water. If my guest likes his singing, then I'll call him again tom—Hey! Where are you going, Zhang Hei? You can't just leave because you haven't paid yet!"

Unfortunately, Zhang Hei ignored it when the yellow-haired man shouted right after he ran over from the high chair. The last time he saw the young man named Jun was when the man was about to leave the bar through the exit after returning the guitar to one of the staff. That was why Zhang Hei immediately ran towards the exit, but he didn't see anyone after he was outside the bar.

"Tsk! His legs are obviously shorter than mine, but he's pretty fast like a rabbit!" He groaned as he placed his hands on his hips, but he refused to give in.

There were two roads in front of the bar, one leading west, and the other leading east. The one that led to the west was a larger road, but the one that led to the east was only a small road with minimal lighting. The small path seemed more dangerous, but somehow, Zhang Hei decided to move his feet towards that path instead of going onto the larger path.

He quickened his steps, and finally, he could see the silhouette of a man wearing a brown flannel shirt. Even his brown hair was visible to his eyes from the distance, and he felt determination in his heart.

"I'll catch you, silly bunny!" He muttered as he increased his running speed, and his hand was finally able to catch the back collar of the brown shirt worn by the rabbit.

The rabbit, of course, was startled by the sudden grasp on his collar, and he tried to pull himself away. "Who are you? Let me go!" He even shouted at him, but Zhang Hei did not budge.

"Earlier, when you were singing at the bar, your voice sounded very soft, so why did you suddenly sound harsh? If I didn't remember your face, I would have thought it wasn't you who was singing at the bar earlier!" Zhang Hei carelessly replied, and he still refused to let go of the collar.

From this distance, Zhang Hei could conclude that the young man was probably ten or fifteen centimeters shorter than him, and that was why he needed to lower his gaze when talking to him.

"So, you're one of the guests at that bar? What do you want from me?" Without letting his guard down, the young man named Jun questioned Zhang Hei.

Zhang Hei was about to say his intentions, but he stopped when he heard footsteps approaching. When he turned to the source of the sound, he could see five men blocking the path in front of them, and each of them was holding a bat in his hand.

"What took you so long, asshole? You finally got a job tonight, so you must have some money you can give us, right?" One of the men standing at the front of the group arrogantly asked the questions.

Zhang Hei didn't know any of them, but judging from the way those people looked at Jun, who was still in his grasp, he could guess that they were talking to Jun.

"Do you know them?" Zhang Hei asked Jun while glancing at him.

"..." Unfortunately, all he got from Jun was silence.

The silence annoyed him, but the thugs' presence annoyed him even more. Therefore, he decided to let go of Jun's collar and step forward, automatically blocking Jun's small figure from the thugs' hungry eyes.

"I don't know what business you guys have with this bunny, but since you dare interrupt what I'm about to say to him, I might as well teach you guys a lesson," Zhang Hei left his red jacket at the bar, and his upper body was only covered by a black shirt at the moment.

He started to roll up his sleeves as he prepared to fight, but then he remembered something, 'Damn! I still remember what happened more than four hundred years ago, and I don't want to kill anyone tonight! The God of Life might extend my punishment if I kill these people!'

With that realization, Zhang Hei quickly changed his mind. He was no longer prepared to fight the men, and instead, he turned his body around before using his hand to grasp Jun's thin wrist.

Of course, Jun was confused as to what Zhang Hei was doing, and the next thing he heard was Zhang Hei speaking, "Let's quickly leave this place!"

Without waiting for Jun's reply, Zhang Hei started to pull the shorter man to escape from that place. The thugs looked shocked when the two men started to run away, but they soon came to their senses and started running to catch them.

From a distance, Zhang Hei could see his red car parked in front of the bar, and he immediately opened the passenger seat door before pushing Jun into the seat. Jun was more confused, but then the door was closed again by the long-haired man.

The long-haired man then sat in the driver's seat, and he started driving the car, leaving the thugs looking frustrated because they failed to catch their target.

The car had left the bar area, but Jun still looked back to make sure the people were no longer trying to chase him. Zhang Hei noticed, and he asked, "Who are they? Do you owe them anything?"