
The Immortal Wants to Die [BL]

UPDATE TWICE A DAY! --- "From now on, you will not age, nor will you die. From now on, you will witness how people around you die. From now on, you will be the undying Immortal Zhang Hei." --- More than four hundred years ago, Zhang Hei callously swung his sword to separate souls from their bodies, leaving no soul attached to the body in Jiangshi Palace. The massacre triggered severe punishment from the God of Life, and he was cursed to witness the death of the humans around him while he himself would not be able to die. From that day on, Zhang Hei became an immortal who would live forever. Zhang Hei had lived in this world for over four hundred years, and he had witnessed so many deaths over the years. As he continued losing people around him, he felt more and more emptiness in his heart, and he finally begged the God of Life to lift his punishment. He said that he wanted to die, and the God of Life then asked him to meet the God of Death. The God of Death then asked him to find a person. That person was one of the people he killed heartlessly more than four hundred years ago, and after meeting him again, his life started to change. As his life continued to change, Zhang Hei also began to see strange images in his mind that seemed to be part of the past that were erased from his memory by the God of Life, and some unexpected things began to happen in his life. Would the immortal still want to die after he once again reunited with someone from the past? Would he be able to die in the end?

26stars · LGBT+
163 Chs


"Where are we?"

"I'm going to meet someone before I send you home. Let's go."

Zhang Hei was about to open the car door, but his movements were stopped because someone suddenly grabbed a small part of his right sleeve. When he turned to look at the person who dared to stop his movements, he could see that it was Jun.

"What? I already answered your question that I was going to meet someone first, right? Don't worry, I'll send you back after this. I'm not an irresponsible person," Zhang Hei said, but Jun didn't look satisfied after hearing his explanation.

"I can go home myself," Jun answered as he pulled his hand from Zhang Hei's sleeve. "So, you can meet the person yourself, and I'll go home now."

This time, it was Zhang Hei who stopped Jun's movements by grabbing his wrist. "What if the thugs are waiting for you at your house? They must know where you live, right?" He asked.

For a moment, Jun didn't answer, and it seemed like he didn't expect such a question. However, he suddenly snorted when he realized something, and he also pulled his hand from the other man's grasp. "You sound like you care about me, but you're only saying that because you want me to work for you in your illicit business, right? Dream on. I'd rather work for stingy John than work on the dangerous road with you," he replied coldly.

"What illicit business are you talking about?" Zhang Hei responded, and this time, he sounded frustrated. "Let's meet someone first, and I will explain what business I have."

"..." Once again, Jun didn't answer right away, but his continuously narrowed eyes at Zhang Hei were enough to show that he was considering the man's words.

After a few seconds passed, he let out a heavy sigh before asking, "Who are you going to meet? It's not someone dangerous, right?"

Zhang Hei rolled his eyes lazily after hearing the question, and this time, he did not answer immediately. Instead, he simply opened the car door before getting out of the vehicle. Jun had no choice, and he decided to get out of the car too.

When he finally got outside the car, his mouth dropped open at the sight of what kind of building appeared in front of him.

"Are we at the residence of some royal family in this country? Why does this place look like a castle? But wait a minute. The Chinese royal family isn't supposed to live in a Western-style building like this, right?" Suddenly, Jun acted as if he was a child who didn't understand anything, and Zhang Hei even smiled a little when he noticed it.

The cold and indifferent young man suddenly no longer appeared, and Zhang Hei only saw an innocent young man full of curiosity.

"I'll introduce you to the owner of this place later. Let's go," Zhang Hei led the way, and even though he felt a little hesitant in his heart, Jun ultimately followed him.

In front of the modern-style house, there were stairs, and before reaching the stairs, Jun turned his head slightly to observe his surroundings, and he was even more amazed when he realized how vast the front yard was. There was even a huge fountain there, and it wasn't just any ordinary fountain. Instead, it was a dancing fountain accompanied by colorful lights, and Jun was completely amazed that he didn't look where he was going.

"Ouch!" Suddenly, he hissed in pain after his forehead hit something hard and wide. When he looked up, he could see the color was black, but then he realized that it was Zhang Hei's back that was covered by a black shirt as well as his long black hair. "Why did you suddenly stop walking, Zhang Idiot?" He irritably asked the long-haired man.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" With the same annoyance, Zhang Hei questioned the shorter man instead of answering.

"Because the name suits you," answered Jun. "Moreover, I don't know your real name, so don't expect me to call you by your real name."

Zhang Hei fell silent, and he shook his head helplessly before saying, "Alright. I will formally introduce myself to you, and my name is—"

"Hey, Zhang Hei! Why are you standing there instead of coming straight in? Don't you know that I've been waiting for you for hours?"

Before Zhang Hei could continue saying his name, someone called out to him, and he could see a short and fat man standing in front of the mansion door.

"You heard that, didn't you?" He then questioned Jun who was still standing behind him, but his eyes kept looking at the fat man. "My name is Zhang Hei, and you better carve those characters properly in your head from now on."

Without waiting for an answer, Zhang Hei continued walking towards the entrance of the mansion, while Jun was stunned as he kept looking at the stairs instead of following the man. "What's so special about that name that I have to carve its character into my head?" He muttered irritably.

However, he then saw how Zhang Hei gestured for him to follow him, and he could only let out a heavy sigh before starting to walk towards the entrance of the mansion.

The two of them then arrived before the fat man, and the fat man looked surprised to see him before finally asking, "Who is he, Zhang? I think this is the first time you have brought someone to visit me."

Of course, the fat man was referring to Jun, and Zhang Hei stared at Jun for a moment before answering, "He's someone I found at John's bar. I thought he would be useful to me, and that's why I picked him."

'Picked me, you say? Do you think I'm a stray cat?' Annoyed, Jun protested in his heart, but then he was surprised by the next question asked by the fat man.

"Just now you said that he might be useful to you. Does that mean you will sell him after this, Zhang?"