
The Immortal Wants to Die [BL]

UPDATE TWICE A DAY! --- "From now on, you will not age, nor will you die. From now on, you will witness how people around you die. From now on, you will be the undying Immortal Zhang Hei." --- More than four hundred years ago, Zhang Hei callously swung his sword to separate souls from their bodies, leaving no soul attached to the body in Jiangshi Palace. The massacre triggered severe punishment from the God of Life, and he was cursed to witness the death of the humans around him while he himself would not be able to die. From that day on, Zhang Hei became an immortal who would live forever. Zhang Hei had lived in this world for over four hundred years, and he had witnessed so many deaths over the years. As he continued losing people around him, he felt more and more emptiness in his heart, and he finally begged the God of Life to lift his punishment. He said that he wanted to die, and the God of Life then asked him to meet the God of Death. The God of Death then asked him to find a person. That person was one of the people he killed heartlessly more than four hundred years ago, and after meeting him again, his life started to change. As his life continued to change, Zhang Hei also began to see strange images in his mind that seemed to be part of the past that were erased from his memory by the God of Life, and some unexpected things began to happen in his life. Would the immortal still want to die after he once again reunited with someone from the past? Would he be able to die in the end?

26stars · LGBT+
163 Chs


"You actually don't need to take me home," Jun broke the silence in the car.

At noon, when everything was settled at the company, Zhang Hei finally took Jun home. But the two of them had been shrouded in silence since they left the company, and only now did Jun's voice break the silence.

"You will carry a lot of cash today, and it's my money. I'm the one who will get a disadvantage if you get robbed," Zhang Hei replied as he continued to focus on the road in front of him.

Silently, Jun glanced at the back seat, and he could see two large black bags on the seat. The black bags were not empty and contained money that he would use to pay his father's debt.

So far, Zhang Hei kept his promise. Earlier today, he said he would lend Jun the money, and he really gave him cash so that the debt could be paid off today. Of course, Jun appreciated his kindness, and that's why he let the man take him home today.

"In a few days, you can join other members in the dormitory prepared by the company," Zhang Hei said again. "Tomorrow, you also have to come to the company so I can immediately introduce you to the other members. You can start training with those people too."

Suddenly, Jun felt anxious in his heart, he even clenched the seat belt tightly on his body. However, before he could say anything in response to Zhang Hei, he could feel how the car slowed down, and he realized that they had arrived at his neighborhood.

The red car then stopped near his rented house, and Zhang Hei turned off the car's engine before saying, "As expected, those thugs are waiting for you. Do you want me to accompany you when you meet them?"

From a distance, Jun could see familiar men who had always come to him to disturb his peace in the last few months after his father died. They must have come to him to ask for money, and he steeled his heart as he answered Zhang Hei, "No need. I brought money today, so they won't do anything bad to me. After this, those thugs will leave me alone for sure."

"Don't get yourself into debt like this again in the future," Zhang Hei replied to him. "In a year, just focus on making money and getting a better life. I'm your boss now, and I'm responsible for you, so you can come to me if you need my help."

"..." Jun didn't expect Zhang Hei to say something like that to him, and he looked at the man in disbelief.

He once again clenched his seat belt, but then he took a deep breath before releasing it and answering the man, "I already owe you a favor, so I won't dare bother you after this. However, I promise you that I will return the money to you as soon as possible."

Without waiting for Zhang Hei's reply, Jun finally opened the car door, and after getting out of the car, he moved towards the back door before opening it. He then took out the two bags of money before closing the door again.

Zhang Hei was alone in his car, and he let out a heavy sigh before his moment was interrupted by a knock on the passenger window. He frowned in confusion, but then he rolled down the window, only to see how Jun smiled slightly at him before muttering, "Thank you."

Jun didn't even wait for Zhang Hei's reply, and he immediately turned around before walking toward the group of thugs who were waiting for him in front of his house.

Little did he know that what he said managed to influence Zhang Hei in a big way. "So, he knows how to smile, and he also knows how to show gratitude, huh?" He muttered to himself as he continued to stare at the figure walking away from him.

He could see Jun talking to the thugs, and the young man then handed the two bags of money to one of the thugs. The thugs then opened the large bags and were seen counting the cash. After they made sure the numbers were right, they finally left Jun alone.

Jun was no longer surrounded by the thugs, he seemed to let out a sigh of relief before finally stepping into his house.

Zhang Hei's car was still parked near Jun's house, and he witnessed everything. "Is it true that this kid is special to me?" He muttered to himself when he remembered what Sasha said about Jun earlier today. However, he then immediately shook his head to dismiss those unnecessary thoughts when he remembered something, "I shouldn't think about anything else, and I just need to focus on how I can end this punishment. The God of Death said that I needed to find one of the reincarnations of the people I killed four hundred years ago, but he said that I wouldn't immediately recognize that person because that person is just a normal human now. How am I supposed to find that person when there isn't a single clue that I can use?"

Zhang Hei lamented to himself, and he looked extremely tired before he took a deep breath and started his car engine once again. He then drove his car out of Jun's neighborhood, without paying attention to the two figures who had been watching him from afar.

The two figures were dressed in black and white, and they were standing on the roof of one of the residences in the neighborhood. However, no one could see them, and a figure in black suddenly spoke, "It's actually quite interesting."

The figure in black looked excited as if he was playing a game, and the figure in white immediately rebuked him, "This isn't a game, but it's a matter of life and death. Once those two people remember what happened in the past, they'll just try to kill each other."