
The Scripture

"Ughhh why did they have to throw me like that I could have walked"

A 13-year-old boy started cursing the gates behind him before walking into the cold winter forest. This boy's name is Leon Aeon, the ex-clan member of the Aeon Clan.


Thousands of years ago the Earth was normal, without any magic or creatures but that changed when suddenly 5 alien races invaded earth, Elven Race, Demon Race, Halfling Race, Beast Race, and the Mermaid race. Each race had intelligence and special abilities.

With the invasion came another event, the encapsulation of the Earth with mana. The reason the alien races were so powerful was due to their use of mana they were able to push humanity to the brink of extinction but that is when the evolution of humans kicked in.

The founding emperor and other people started to awaken the ability to manipulate mana and these people were called awakeners. Through the evolution and awakening, humanity was able to push the alien species back and establish the Human Empire ruled by the Astley Clan.

The other races formed the Elven Empire, the Demon Dynasty, the Halfling Nation, the Beast Empire, and Atlantis the Mermaid Nation.

The elves had large Qi reserves and high comprehension but they have weak bodies and can't fight head-on.

The Demon race has average mana reserves and strong body strength with average intelligence but their drawback is their thirst for blood and violent attitudes.

The Beast race has low mana and high body strength but their drawback is they have very low intelligence.

The halflings are very smart and most have strong bodies, but their small sizes and small mana reserves cause them to be very weak in battle.

The Mermaid race has high mana reserves and high body strength, but only in water, outside of water if they die or not matters on if they are of noble blood or not.

Later the humans have classified the awakening powers, there were two types of awakening the physical and the elemental. The physical awakeners awaken meridians which allows them to conduct, store, and then use mana in their bodies in short bursts. The elemental awaken a mage root which allows them to store certain elemental mana based on their root and use spells to dispell mana in a destructive manner. The elemental awakeners have 5 major elements, fire, water, wind, earth, and lightning. But there are other minor elements that one can awaken with the major elements for example light, darkness, and spatial.

People now awaken when they turn 13 years old.

Physical awakeners are called knights and elemental awakeners are called mages.


Leon Aeon was a half breed, his father, Jack Aeon, was the second son of the clan patriarch. He feel in love with a princess elf from the Blighted Elf Clan, Sarya Fexion and had Leon Aeon.

Later his mother was captured back by the clan and has been put into house arrest for the rest of her life, his father was also captured but with the begging of the Aeon Clan Patriarch, Jack Aeon was allowed to go back alive with his newly born son. The only catch was Jack had to destroy his mage root.

Leon Aeon was often shunned by his clan as half-breeds were hated. Actually, it was a miracle Leon was alive since cross-species birth was often fatal, but miraculously Leon survived.

Leon was only allowed to stay because of the clan patriarch but when Leon Aeon turned 13 and he didn't awaken any ability he was thrown out into the ice cold winter.

After 3 days of walking with no sign of civilization Leon Aeon, almost collapsed. He was so tired hungry, and cold he couldn't talk anymore. But excitement could be seen when he saw a cave in the distance. He stumbled into the cave and walked deep into the cave to escape the blistering blizzard.

He layed down on a strange black colored rock and went to sleep.


Leon opened his eyes, but only saw endless darkness, and a weird shape in the distance. After squinting his he realized it was the figuer of an old man, and he was walking towards Leon.

Leon tried to walk back but realized he couldn't move his body.

He stopped struggling and calmly watched the old man walk in front of him.

"Interesting, you are young and have awakened avoid body, very good it seems fate has brought us together."

Leon was confused "Void body? What is that, and who are you."

The old man laughed and said "Hello, my name is Daoist Void, I am an awakened from back in the beginning and awakened the Void body, I was very powerful and talented and due to that my best friend, the founding emperor of the Human Empire, Arthur Astley, killed me. Before I died I found this cave and put this rock to detect anyone with a void body. I am currently just a soul projection my real body has died but I will be teaching you the Divine Void Cultivation Technique, the spell to control the 4 elements of destruction and the Void Martial Arts."

Leon laughed "Old man your joking right, firstly I am a cripple, and secondly, how could you teach me a spell and a martial arts, martial Arts belong to knights and spells belong to mages. Thirdly I have never heard of a mage controlling 4 elements."

Daoist Void looked at Leon and said "I will answer your questions then you need to learn my inheritance, first of all you were said to be a cripple since normal mana can't detect the void body, second the void body has both void meridians and void mana root meaning you can practice both the mage and the knight ways, and your final question the void has 4 elements of destruction the crimson void fire, the violet void water, the azure void wind, and the midnight void lightning. Other than the 4 elements you also get power over the spatial element as a minor element. Now that you have all your questions answered, I will transfer the scripture with all my inheritance into your brain and we will train in this spatial stone until you master all of them."

Leon wanted to stop Daoist Void and ask more, but before he could say anything he passed out and Daoist Void's inheritance was inserted into his mind.