
New Place

Hayen decided to start from scratch and try his luck in this mega city. He had nothing here, he was alone and had no companions nor people that really cared for him or he cared for. He was a lonely soul, a person without family or friends. He had only himself.

A few days later, in an airport as big as a town of big size, a small airplane landed in one of dozens of landing routes. This airplane was nothing special, it only transported someone that will make this city tremble from its core.

An half an hour later, a young man with a back bag left the airport and took a taxi.

„Where do you want to go sir?" asked the taxi driver after the young man got in the car.

„Take me to the city center, I want to see the core of the biggest city in Euras." Hayen replied while still looking out from the window.

The taxi driver saw him in the mirror and smiled: „Yes, sir!", then he asked: „Is this your first time here? The airport is impressive, right?"

„Yeah, I never imagined that an airport could be so big, so modern and so full. The airport where I took the plane from has only one terminal and this one is very small. But this airport is like a mini city!" Hayen replied excitedly, he was very impressed with the architecture of this place and about all the different things he never saw.

„I know, this airport is so big that the workers and passengers have a metro line from terminal to terminal. And a lot of workers even have cars, so that they can move from A to B. I heard on the radio a few days ago that the airport did buy 200 new electric cars." The taxi driver said with pride, he seemed to be very happy that other people praised the city he was living in.

„Really impressive!" Hayen said and continued chatting with the taxi driver.

There weren't any problems on their way to the city center, the streets had many lanes and the traffic was also very well regulated, so even if there were many cars, the car flow didn't stop at all.

Hayen learned a lot of things from the taxi driver and he also got many tips from him, for example about the cost of living here and the job market.

„The cost of living here is very high, but the salaries are also over the average for a big margin compared to the other places in the country. You can have a good living for 4000 to 5000 dollars, if you don't live in the city center and the surroundings. The city is divided in many areas, but that doesn't mean that they are worse or better. Every area has its own characteristics." The taxi driver explained the situation here with patience.

„And what's about renting a house?" Hayen asked.

„That is more complicated, there has been a lot of protests because of the rising rent cost. But the cause of that is the shortage of housing and the strict limitations from the government to build new housing." The man replied and then continued: „I live in a peaceful area with old and modern buildings, it is an average place with all kinds of people. My apartment with two bedrooms costs me around 1000 dollars every month, but to be honest it is a fair price for me."

„So high? In my city such an apartment costs only 300 to 500 dollars at most."

And so their conversation continued and shortly after the taxi entered a very spacious street with tall buildings on both sides of the street. Hayen couldn't stop looking at the beautiful and magnificent buildings.

But that wasn't what surprised him the most, it was the green gardens on the buildings and in the buildings that made the skyscrapers look like standing gardens. And the green streets too.

„Are you surprised? This is the latest project of the city, since climate change is hunting us further, the city government decided to make it obligatory for the skyscrapers and all the buildings and streets in the city center to be climate neutral." The taxi driver said happily laughing.

„I understand now why this city is more advanced by decades than the other places in the continent, it seems like they act and try to change instead of making politics all the time." Hayen was truly surprised that the city government did something like this. Because he also had the issue about climate change in school and outside, but he only learned one thing: Everyone is using climate change for Green Washing and nobody cares really.

But this city may be different, because it was independent from the county it was in, the central government had nothing to do with the city government, which means that they were more free than others.

„I have high expectations for this place now, I hope it doesn't disappoint me." Hayen said and at the same time the taxi stopped and the taxi driver said: „Welcome to Haleen, we are at its core now!"

Hayen thanked the man and paid the taxi fare and then got out of the car. Now it was time to find a place to stay in the future.

And with his feets on the streets of Haleen, Hayen began his new adventure in this foreign place, where he planned to grow up.