
Chapter 28: The Duel and Unexpected Confessions


Wang Teng thought this method was good!

"Li Daoxuan, how about we make a deal?"

"It's not interesting to just drag on like this. Why don't we have a fight? What do you think?"

Li Daoxuan saw the three of them whispering together and didn't know what they were up to. However, he believed that as long as they couldn't get in, they wouldn't have a chance to cause trouble.

"Use stillness to control movement! Let's see what they're up to."

"How do we fight? Who fights whom?"

Wang Teng cleverly said, "Last time, didn't you defeat Fatty and Skinny? How about another round?"

"Not interested!"

"If you... if you defeat both of them, I'll go back to Heavenly Dao Sect directly, and I won't pursue Junior Sister anymore!"

Li Daoxuan sneered, "What do you mean?"

"Junior Sister isn't yours. Why do you want her?"

Impatiently, Wang Teng said, "Just say whether you'll fight or not?"

Li Daoxuan thought for a moment. He hadn't been idle during this period. His cultivation had greatly improved, and most importantly, his techniques and swordsmanship had made significant progress. Though not perfect, they were close.

Every time Li Daoxuan fought ten beasts of the same level in the Heavenly Tower, it wasn't in vain.

Li Daoxuan knew Fatty and Skinny had broken through to the Gold Core stage.

He wanted to test if a higher realm could defeat the enemy.

"Let's fight!"

"But I get to choose the location!"

Wang Teng couldn't help but laugh. "You can choose whatever you want!"

Li Daoxuan said, "Fatty, Skinny, place your hands on the light curtain of the formation, and we'll fight inside!"

This also suited Wang Teng's intentions, so he didn't refuse.



Two figures were pulled directly into the formation by Li Daoxuan, leaving only Wang Teng outside.

Fatty and Skinny weren't fools. As soon as they entered, they immediately took out their weapons and formed a joint attack at the fastest speed.

Li Daoxuan nodded secretly. These two reacted well.

However, it was completely useless!

"Oh! Changed weapons, but your weapons are still... so ugly!"

"You... you..."

"Our weapons this time are much stronger than last time. You brat, get ready to die!"

Fatty Senior Brother and Skinny Junior Brother were caught off guard by Li Daoxuan's words. This brat was too shameless.

Li Daoxuan stood there motionless, not even revealing his weapon.

"Are you going to fight or not?"

Li Daoxuan ignored them, just waved his hand, and the Heavenly Star Formation immediately shifted, creating a designated area.

Now there was no need to worry about the battle affecting the Li Family.

"Let's begin!" Li Daoxuan said calmly.

Fatty and Skinny couldn't hold back anymore. They didn't care about martial ethics anymore and charged towards Li Daoxuan side by side, intending to capture him in one fell swoop.

Li Daoxuan didn't panic; his eyes seemed absent-minded.

It wasn't until the two of them charged close to Li Daoxuan that he finally made a move.

Two flashes of light.





Then the scene suddenly fell into an eerie silence. Wang Teng, who was watching outside the formation, was also stunned. It was too fast.

Inside the formation, Li Daoxuan had somehow flown behind Fatty and Skinny, holding two swords against their necks.

Fatty and Skinny were also dumbfounded! Their weapons had been knocked away.

A single strike determines victory or defeat!

Li Daoxuan's strike was precise and at its peak.

He first used extreme speed and hand dexterity, combined with sharp eyesight, to disarm the two.

Then he came behind them and placed his swords at their necks.

It was that simple, that swift, that unbelievable.

Fatty Senior Brother and Skinny Junior Brother were shocked, their hearts suffering a huge blow. Last time, they had a back-and-forth fight with Li Daoxuan, but this time they were instantly defeated.

At this moment, Li Daoxuan's mocking words sounded: "How about it? Are you convinced? Will you admit defeat?"

Fatty Senior Brother reacted quickly. "We are convinced, but as for admitting defeat..."

He wanted to admit defeat, but even if he said it, it wouldn't count!

Wang Teng was conflicted too. He couldn't admit defeat. He had never lost since he was young.

"Li Daoxuan, I refuse to accept! I won't admit defeat!"

"If you come out and fight me, if you defeat me, then I will admit defeat!"

Wang Teng babbled but suddenly fell silent, his pupils dilated, his face red!

"You... you guys..."


Wang Teng burst into loud sobs. Li Daoxuan was stunned.

Hearing the commotion behind him, he turned around and saw Qing Xuan had come out.

"Wang Teng! Have you caused enough trouble?" Qing Xuan's voice was cold, her gaze icy as she looked at Wang Teng.

This guy was really annoying. Even if he ran far, he couldn't escape his harassment. How could she not be annoyed?

Wang Teng's eyes filled with tears. He said sadly, "Qing Xuan Junior Sister, why... why are you..."

Wang Teng hadn't finished speaking when he started crying again, sounding very aggrieved. "I was just cultivating in seclusion. Why did you all have to come here?"

"Can you justify yourself to me?"


"Shut up!" Qing Xuan cut off Wang Teng's words and angrily said, "What relationship do I have with you? None at all!"

Li Daoxuan was dumbfounded on the side.

What kind of person was this Wang Teng? He was so fragile and sensitive!

Wang Teng: "..."

"You want to fight, right? I'll fight you!"



Two voices sounded at the same time. Li Daoxuan stopped her because he was afraid she would harm the fetus.

Unexpectedly, Wang Teng also stopped her. It seemed he had deep feelings for her!

"Qing Xuan Junior Sister, can't we stop fighting? Let's go back to the sect together. I... I don't mind you. I..."

"Get lost!"

This guy, Wang Teng, was shameless. He continued, "Even if you have a child, I don't mind!"

"If you give birth to him, I will treat him as my own..."

"Shut up!" Li Daoxuan couldn't help but curse. "Wang Teng, are you crazy? Qing Xuan Junior Sister is my Dao companion. Our child doesn't need you to raise!"

If it weren't for Li Daoxuan holding Qing Xuan back, she would have already run out and slashed Wang Teng with a sword.

Qing Xuan finally managed to suppress her anger. "Wang Teng, I'll say it one last time. We have no relationship."


Wang Teng weakly said, "Didn't our elders from both families agree to let us become Dao companions?"

"Whoever said that, go find them. Why are you looking for me?"

"I... I..."

Li Daoxuan understood. This guy, Wang Teng, was just a sycophant, a big one in the cultivation world!

Li Daoxuan made a decision:

When his cultivation level improves, he will definitely give this guy a good beating.
