
Chapter 18: Triple Bliss

Li Daoxuan grinned mischievously, playfully scaring off Qing Xuan.

The new house fell into a quiet lull. Li Daoxuan remained composed, but Ji Ziling felt a slight unease.

Approaching her, Li Daoxuan extended his hand to gently pat Ji Ziling's head, asking softly, "Ziling, would you like to become my wife?"

Ji Ziling's mind was in disarray at this moment. Her cheeks flushed, and her delicate ears turned pink.

She lowered her head, unable to meet Li Daoxuan's gaze directly.

Initially, Ji Ziling might have harbored dissatisfaction about this marriage.

However, as they grew acquainted, she felt fortunate. Everyone in the Li family treated her kindly, and her husband was caring and considerate.

Life here was far better than in the palace.

"I... I'm willing," she murmured in a barely audible voice. Though quiet, Li Daoxuan, with his keen senses as a cultivator, heard her clearly.

Li Daoxuan felt a pang of sympathy and said, "Ziling, you don't need to be cautious here, nor worry about anyone else's opinions."

"Here, you can be yourself!"

"I will take care of you for the rest of our lives!"

Aware of her tragic past, Li Daoxuan was all the more determined to protect her.

Ji Ziling raised her head, her eyes glistening with tears as she said firmly, "Thank you, husband... husband."

"Wife, it's getting late. Shouldn't we..."


*Congratulations, the master's family has added a new member!*

*Rewards are as follows:*

*Twenty foundational cultivation techniques (all yellow-grade)*

*One breakthrough pill (can elevate a Foundation Building cultivator by one small realm)*

*One basic alchemy technique, twenty types of pill formulas*


In the blink of an eye, several months passed.

There was more good news: Ji Ziling was pregnant.

During these months, Li Daoxuan didn't idle. Apart from caring for his three wives and eagerly anticipating the new life, he also began delving into alchemy.

Previously a cultivation enthusiast fixated solely on training, settling in Heavenly River City prompted him to expand the family's endeavors.

Recently, he discovered a knack for alchemy. Progressing swiftly, he was on the verge of becoming a first-grade alchemist.

Although he hadn't yet mastered pill refining, his skills in medicinal preparation were solid enough to open a thriving medicine shop in Heavenly River City.

Li Daoxuan was engrossed in alchemy in a secluded chamber when urgent knocking disrupted his focus.

Something urgent?

Usually, no one dared disturb him unless it was crucial.

"Xiao Man? What's the matter?"

"Master! Master! Madam is about to give birth!"

Taken aback, Li Daoxuan smiled broadly. "There's no need to rush. By the way, which madam is it?"

"Both of them!"

"Ah, that's wonderful!"

Li Daoxuan was genuinely excited. He had been eagerly anticipating this moment.

Beyond the rewards, he genuinely loved children.

Li Daoxuan hurried to the birthing chamber and found Ji Ziling looking apprehensive.

Numerous maids and midwives were already present. With prior experience, Li Daoxuan wasn't overly worried.

Qing Xuan, a cultivator, should have no issues during childbirth. Even Su Youruo, despite lacking cultivation, possessed a robust physique surpassing Li Daoxuan's.

"Ziling, you're here too?"

"Husband, I'm worried about the two sisters!"

Li Daoxuan smiled, gently patting Ji Ziling's head. "Don't worry, they're not ordinary. Focus on yourself!"

"Yes, husband. I understand."

Already showing signs of pregnancy, Ji Ziling's condition had vastly improved under Li Daoxuan's attentive care.


"Wow~ wow~"

First came two vigorous cries, followed shortly by another.

Indeed, three children were born this time.

Qing Xuan surprised everyone by delivering twins.

Several midwives hurried out, joyously announcing, "Congratulations, Lord Li!"

"Madam has given birth to a daughter!"

"The Second Madam has given birth to twins, a dragon and phoenix pair, and both mother and children are safe!"

"Hahaha... Rewards! Rewards for everyone!"


*Congratulations to the master's family on the new addition!*

*Rewards are as follows:*


Li Daoxuan didn't have time to check the rewards, rushing into the birthing chamber instead.

Despite the absence of safety concerns, he eagerly wanted to see his wives and children.


"Senior Brother, you're here. Come see how these two little ones look!"

"They look nothing like me, not at all cute!"



Li Daoxuan and Su Youruo couldn't help laughing. Even the young maid beside them covered her mouth, giggling.

Affectionately patting Qing Xuan's head, Li Daoxuan reassured her with a smile, "Newborns often look like this. They'll grow up to be adorable in no time."



"Phew! You had me worried there!"

Li Daoxuan comforted his wives before picking up the children. One cradled in each arm, he was well-prepared this time.

Since his wives' pregnancies, he had been administering various elixirs and herbs, ensuring their children received spiritual energy nourishment daily.

Confident in the high-grade spiritual roots of their offspring, Li Daoxuan eagerly awaited confirmation.

Aware of his emphasis on their children's spiritual roots, Su Youruo suggested, "Husband, shall we test the children's spiritual roots?"

"Yes, I'm curious about their spiritual roots too," Qing Xuan chimed in, always eager to join in the excitement.

Li Daoxuan glanced at his children, then at his wives, suggesting, "Shall we test them?"

"Let's do it!"

Li Daoxuan retrieved a spiritual stone, acquired at considerable expense.

Nervous anticipation filled the room, even quieting Qing Xuan, who held her daughter close.

"Who shall we test first?"

Qing Xuan hesitated before volunteering to test her daughter's spiritual roots.

"Why hesitate, Qing Xuan? Our children are destined to excel. Even if they lack spiritual roots, I'll still love them."

"Yes, yes~"

Gently placing her daughter's tiny hand on the spiritual stone, Qing Xuan watched in awe as a brilliant white light burst forth, growing stronger and more dazzling.

"Wow~ It's a water spiritual root."

"Indeed, it's a top-grade earth-level water spiritual root!"