
Chapter 15 [Q&A Troubles]

"Tomorrow is a Q&A event."

"That's what she emailed us but... I don't even know how we should prepare for something like that." Kana who is currently inside a trainstation waiting to meet up with Kiara, said out loud as she just received an email from their agency about the next activity on their schedule as a unit the previous evening.

"I just don't know..." She sighed, many people stared at her because even though she wore a surgical mask to conceal her identity to not attract attention, she still stood out because of how she still looked like someone that's a celebrity.

They're staring at me again... Why....

Feeling a bit uncomfortable at the fact that she knew she was being watched by the passersby everytime they pass by infront of her, she started to mess with her phone as an attempt to distract herself.

Where are you, Ms. Kiara... Hurry up and get here already...

That was when she felt a tap on her shoulder and a voice that sounded familiar to her: "Sorry, have you been waiting long?" It was Kiara who was also wearing a surgical mask for the same exact reason, which mask didn't make a difference on her either. It only made her stand out even more since she wasn't japanese at all.

"No, I just got here a little bit ago." Kana replied, trying her best to not sound like she was troubled by the stares that were still on her.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"W-Well... How should I put this..." Kana scratched her head, trying to think of how to explain what the reason for the meet up was.

"Hey, aren't they those two models from that one billboard we saw somewhere?"

"We should probably move somewhere else first..." Kana taking back what she said, asking Kiara to follow her to a family restaurant nearby.


"It's about the next even that we'll be going to..." Kana quickly took a seat at one of the tables, answering Kiara's question quickly not wasting anytime.

Has she not done a Q&A before?

The pink-haired girl started to wonder, taking in the factor that there were preparations to make when you were told that a Q&A event would be held.

"Oh, that? Just answer as honestly as you can."

"That doesn't really help me..."


Kiara thought long and hard about how she could rephrase her answer, whilst she was doing this a waitress approached their table with her server's notepad in one hand ready to take both of their orders: "Welcome to Gen's, may I take your order?"

"Oh! Uh..."

Kana completely forgot that they haven't ordered yet because of their discussion, making her quickly grab the menu which was placed on the right side from where she was sitting and quickly looked for something to order.

Meanwhile, Kiara already knew what she wanted and said: "I'll have a salad, please."

"And what drink will you be having today?" The waitress quickly wrote down what Kiara just said.

"Just a glass of water would be fine."

"And how about you miss?" The waitress faced Kana as soon as she was done taking one of their orders.

"I'll just have the same as her."

"Ok, two salads and two glasses of water coming right up!" The waitress slowly walked away from their table and into the kitchen, her footsteps barely audible.

"Back to what I was trying to say, as long as you think hard and answer as honestly as possible you should be just fine." Kiara coming back to their on-hand topic.

"As honestly as possible, huh?" Kana murmured under her breath, while she looked away from Kiara and out of the establishment's window.

After a short breath, she looked back at Kiara.

"But how honestly exactly?"

Seeing this, Kiara shrugged and said: "That's for you to figure out, since the questions are gonna be addressed to you."

"I suppose, you don't know any common questions to that kind of thing?" Kana inquired, now looking like she understood what she was just told.

"No, I don't sorry."

Well, I guess I'll try and look at some Idol-based magazines at a convinience store later... Kana thought, already spotting the waitress on the way back to their table with a tray with their food on it.

The waitress set their food and drink on the table then left with the tray that the objects were placed on with her.

"Is there any other questions that you want to ask me?" Kiara inquired, already starting to grab her eating utensils.

"No, that was it."

They finished eating their food then left the establishment immediately after together...

"Well, I'll be going this way. How about you?" Kana stated, pointing to her left where a shopping district is located.

"I'll be going straight home, I still have some homework to do so..." Kiara awkwardly laughed, already messing with her phone trying to call her family's driver to come pick her up.

"Ok then, goodbye. See you!" Kiara waved goodbye as Kana walked to the shopping district that she had pointed at.

What a random moment... I Didn't really expect Kana to contact me and ask for us to meet up in person for this kind of thing...

Kiara let out a sigh just as she was about to press the "Call" button.

I don't want to make excuses for why I haven't published any chapters lately but... My house burned down so yeah... that sucks...

I'm ok BTW, I lost my stuff though but they got replaced already. (including my laptop which I use for writing my web novels.)

So I'm now in the middle of a hunt for a new place to move to right now. (currently staying at a relative's flat atm)

SoraNekohimecreators' thoughts