
Chapter two

Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own anything (except maybe OC characters) all characters, places, worlds, universes…etc mentioned here belong to their respective owners and/or companies.

This is purely a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and maybe inspire.

'Mental conversations'

"Normal spoken conversations".

*You people are friggin Amazing! Thank you for all your motivating and praise filled reviews!!! Calm down ego. Without further ado, I give to you chapter deux*




"1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center , Westchester County, New York" I matched the address written on the gates to the one on my phone.

I'm sure Prof X already knows I'm here, the man was a super powerful telepath. I also felt the ambient psychic wind around me. That's what I called it, I've been feeling these energy winds ever since I came to life. It's like my soul was sensitive to it.

I wouldn't worry too much about them finding out where I was truly from. That had to do with my soul, not my brain. If it was my brain then I'd probably be brain dead. I don't think one mind can withstand such phenomenon. And there's also the fact that I can't physically pronounce my name, it comes out my mouth a jumbled mess of words.

I drew my backpack closer and walked through the now open gates. This place was seriously large, it had a small pond and even a forest. The great mansion stood tall in the center of it all. A neat garden surrounded marble angel statues and a fountain on the path to the mansion.

I saw people of all shapes and sizes and then humanoids. Walking masses of rock, a pink gelatinous blob protecting a skeleton, a green reptilian human, a person with pink wings. And a fucker that was seriously hard to look at, it was like a premature bird chick gave birth to a malnourished human with sparse feathers and a beak. I must have been drawing a lot of attention because a lot of gazes were focused on me.

'Welcome, Robert Drake' a voice said in my head, it was like hearing someone talk audibly inches away from your ear.

Invasion of privacy.

I looked ahead to see a woman approach me. The white queen herself, clad in white tight fitting looking leather trousers and heels, a white choker adorned her smooth neck and a white x shaped blouse that only covered her busty cleavage, exposing her fine toned abdominals, the white gown around her shoulders swayed to the wind with each step she took. The first thing you notice is that she is sexy. Holy Word, she is sexy. The x shaped blouse just accentuates her figure, and brought her cleavage to the spotlight, it's almost like she's wearing nothing at all  (those boobs aren't real). That coupled with her mature, sultry aura really took the meaning of sex appeal up a notch.

Calm thoughts, calm thoughts. I'm not Dan.

She approached me with a very disarming smile on her face, her gaze roaming on me as mine did on hers. She raised a brow when it lingered for awhile on my tattoos. To be honest I was expecting the professor, but he wasn't around, no one supposedly knew where he was but I suspect him being in Genosha, maybe he was mourning, or maybe he finally went to Shi'ar space to spend time with his alien wife. I really don't know. So that's that.

"I am Emma Frost, co-headmaster of this institution, it's quite nice meeting you"

Emma Frost was in a relationship with Scott summers and they were the headmasters of the school after the professor left. Jean Grey died, but between us we know that's not gonna last long. And Iceman(I) wasn't a core member of the X-men in this reality. As made clearly evident by now.

"Hello Miss Frost, the pleasure is mine. You must already know why I'm here?" I shook her outstretched hand. I did call beforehand.

"Of course, you awakened your mutant gene like many others. Here at the Charles Xavier's institute of higher learning -a safe haven for mutants like you and me- we help you learn to control and use your abilities in productive ways." She smiled radiantly. I see now how Emma frost could really deceive most, she was skilled at doing this - getting into your comfort zone- like it was natural. Or maybe she was projecting feel good thoughts at me.

These thoughts can't be read, it's like there not even on my mind, I just know it. But these can;

So she can read minds huh

'Indeed so, but I'm not reading, just communicating' she responded in my mind, see. That gets freaky the more I witness it.

"Follow me, Robert. Let's get you acquainted with the mansion"


Emma gestured around.

"This is the main building. The first floor has classrooms, faculty offices and the ballroom which will occasionally serve as the assembly hall"

Large oil paintings of the X-men in their younger days hung on the fine wooden walls of the large hall.

We walked into a large dome like hall with glass roofs and sparse pot plants around it. Chattering students occupied the tables and chairs socializing with each other. It was like a human glasshouse but without the heat or sunlight.

"This, as you can see is our cafeteria. It will be open from breakfast until dinner to accommodate a variety of of eating schedules and diets." she explained.

"We have a basketball court and a swimming pool out back"

Upon exiting the cafeteria we came to an open section which had a basketball court and a very large swimming pool across it.

"Be advised, when you hear the alarms you are to immediately leave the courts. The X-men jet hangar is just directly below, the courts are retractable"

"I guess that's why it's so large" the court had to be one of the largest I had ever seen. I followed behind her, taking time to observe some minor details. Like the fact that she now has more sway to her steps, or the fake grass below it.

We went past various sections of the unbelievably large furnished mansion.

From the silver shiny, semi sphere danger room to the dark room with a single seat and a helmet where they keep Cerebro. To the various offices and ended the tour at the dorms.

The rooms were quite nice. It were sufficiently furnished, with carpets, desks and chairs, a main computer and dressers with closets and it was still spacious enough for two. Which was what it exactly was for — two people.

I set my bag on the foot of the unoccupied bed and flopped down on the soft cushion.

The door creaked open some minutes later with a boy walking in. He looked to be no older than 13, had violet purple skin, red hair and a red gem on his forehead.

He paused when he noticed me on the bed. Staring at me for what seemed to be minutes. I sat up, and he seemed to regain himself.

"Woah dude, nice tatts." he really was a kid, his voice had barely even cracked.

"Thanks man. What's your name" I asked.

"I'm Paras, bro, you can call me Indra" he sounded excited, I had no idea why.

"I'm Robbie"

"Cool name bro, real nice meeting you" he said walking over to his side of the room to pack it up. "I've got the cool guy for roommate…yes!" I heard him mutter excitedly shaking his fist.


"Bro, you wanna see my powers?" I don't know if his eyes could go any wider with hope.

"Sure Indra"

"Boom!" he said flexing his arms. Red and purple Exoskeleton armor grew out of his body and wrapped around him. Making him look larger and more imposing.

"That's actually friggin awesome" kid was like an organic mecha knight.

"Hah! Yeah!" he happily pumped his fists.

I couldn't help chuckling.

He unsummoned his armor.

"What's yours bro"

I created a little bird of ice and made it fly around him, then perching on his nose.

"Woahhh super cool! Bro you're like an Iceman"

"Iceman huh" guess that's what it's gonna be.

"Sure why not"

Headmaster's office

"So what do you think of him?" A stern faced man who looked to be in his late twenties. He leaned back on his chair placing his mug on the desk, adjusting the visor over his eyes.

"Well for one I think he's quiet but confident and from what I could gain. He's just your everyday boy who went through his mutant manifestation, and then he changed. His thoughts processes seemed to mature greatly after that, and he might also be going through a rebellious phase" The white queen sat on the man's desk and leaned forward.

"Which would explain all tattoos?" he questioned with a frown.

"He has a very strong attachment to those. Oh and he smokes too. What a bad boy" the woman said with a seductive jovial mirth.

The man frowned, and tapped his fingers together.

"Hmmm, I'll put him on my student squad. To keep an eye on him, and help him moves past this phase so it doesn't become a problem later on. Help him learn discipline and to use his energy for the right purpose"

"Ohh, darling. He would fit right in with the hellions, why not give him to me"

"It's already decided Emma. Your hellions list is already full as is"

A knock sounded on the door and the large figure of humanoid feline looking man with blue fur walked in.

"Scott we have a problem. It's about the mutant cure" the feline man said urgently holding a vial of yellow substance. He had obtained it after entering -sneaking- into Benetech to obtain it from the leading scientist herself, Dr Rao. She had been his longtime friend and colleague.


In the Teachers Lounge.

A lady with brown hair in a ponytail stepped into the lounge.

"How much detention are we allowed to give? How much detention can the human body withstand?" she asked, pouring a cup of coffee for herself. One of her students had just called her a retard for giving him one of the speeches the professor used to.

"Heh. Counseling going great then kitty?" the healthy man in his prime laughed as he sat on the couch munching on his pizza slice. "Lemme guess, you gave the 'Mutants are a community line'"

"It didn't quite fly wolvie. Kids these days" kitty Pryde shook her head.

"You looked at the news punkin?" wolverine increased the TV volume.

[....A Benetech spokesman says it will be weeks before they can begin the fda approval process for the mutant cure serum…] the voice of the newscaster resounded through the lounge.

"This won't end well, for anyone involved" he said solemnly, it never does he thought to himself.


At the lowest section of Benetech industries.

Ord of Breakworld. That was his name, his title. He comes from a long line of fierce warriors, his people have never known defeat or surrender. His people do not know of compassion or patience, but this woman before him was pushing what little of it existed in him thin.

"Woman, are you insane? Why would you give the X-men a serum" he asked with undisguised anger in his voice, his pale green form towering over the doctor. Dr Rao. She had given the serum he would use to wipe the mutant scourge out of existence to the enemy themselves. Of course that serum wasn't the only one, but she had exposed their hand now.

"I gave an old colleague a sample. They were bound to get it sooner or later" she answered simply, without a hint of distress in her tone.

"You know what the X-men are to me. And show respect when you speak to me Earth Spawn, without my technologies none of this would be possible" Ord despised the mutants. They were prophesied to destroy his home world. He wouldn't give them that victory, no he would wipe out their filth.

"What? The chance for you to dress up like a villain? And it's not your technology, it's the technology of your people." Dr Rao corrected him. She was only going along with this to make a scientific breakthrough, and bring a mutant back to life.

Ord placed his large gloved palm on the doctor's shoulder. "One day. Dr Rao, you will know my anger" the doctor shrugged his gorilla sized hand off her shoulder and went to look after more important matters.

"For now, the X-men will pay for what they did to my face" he had a run in with them once, they had scarred him. He will get his pressing revenge soon enough. People of the breakworld know no mercy, two eyes for an eye, that is their way.

Ord went into the deeper portions of the lab, his section. He opened a box and inside were multiple vials of yellow substance, he didn't trust the doctor with these, he had given her a single vial and she gave to another, so Ord kept these in his protected vault. Ord took out a vial and slotted it into the delivery section of his gloves which had protruding syringes. He admired his weapon, all it would take was a punch and like magic, the X gene of a mutant would be neutralized when the contents of the vial would be introduced into their system.

*Ola Amigos!

There you have it. Chapter deux, right on time!

Whoo! Hope you're all liking it so far.

Now we have the story moving on, Rob is with the X-men, trouble is brewing behind the scenes.

What happens next?

Stay tuned to find out. Don't forget to leave a comment/review. Tap that favorite and follow button to show your powah!!

Till next time.

Rain out*

Ps I just can't get Italics, bolds or page breaks to work on this web novel app. It's more arranged on my ff page.