

Name: Crystal Bianca Nicholas

Eye color: blue but wears brown contacts

Hair: blue at the base and white at the tip sometimes but other time it changes to a sea blue color

Gender: female

Powers: ice/snow

Origin: Celestia

Title: Fairy of winter, crown princess of celestia, Guardian Fairy of Celestia, keeper of the snow fox

Age (first appearance): 16

Birthday: November 4

Sign: snow fox

Pets: owns a pet snake that is always around her waist or her neck sleeping which she loves

Fairy magic: can turn snow into water and can also manipulate the water, she can breathe heal someone because of this ability can see past through water and many more.

Hobbies: ice skating and swimming occasionally baking, dress designing and ballet she's also a kendo championship winner she also uses a sword but that will rarely happen here.

Favorite color: White and blue

Likes: Sweets, shiny things, the latest fashion styles, Mermaids and fairies, Eric

Attitude: she's just like Stella but she knows when to keep her mouth shut and when not too.

Facts: she was adopted by a rich French couple that sadly were unable to have children but they still love her unconditionally, her mother owns lots of male clothing malls while her father is a doctor so she doesn't know what broke means, she and Mitzi were friends when she was younger but they grew apart after Crystal started hanging out with Bloom. She wears glasses when she's alone but outside that she wears contacts, a day before leaving for magix she found Mitzi's cousin kissing her now ex-boyfriend.

There are going to be other things about my oc but for now this is all


Name: Eric Florian

Eye color: blue

Hair color:brown

Affiliation: red fountain, specialists, Florian third prince

Age: 17

Birthday: April 10

Hobbies: training, sketching

Likes: Crystal, Crystal and only Crystal (the oc)
