
The Hybrid Eclipse

The whispers started with a murmur, a tremor that rippled through the astronomical community. On November 3rd, 2013, the sky wasn't just going to witness an eclipse; it was bracing itself for a phenomenon unlike any other. They called it the Hybrid Eclipse – a celestial dance so intricate, so precariously balanced, that its effects would shift depending on where you stood on Earth. In some parts of the world, the moon would become a perfect circle, a fiery ring against the sun's brilliance, in a breathtaking display known as an annular eclipse. But for others, the moon would take a bolder step, completely engulfing the sun, plunging the world into an inky blackness for a brief, awe-inspiring moment – a total eclipse. But the true spectacle, the one that sent shivers down the spines of seasoned astronomers, was the way the eclipse would morph. As the moon's shadow, a ghostly silhouette against the cosmic canvas, danced across the Earth's curved surface, the eclipse would transform. It would begin as an annular eclipse, then, in a breathtaking display of celestial geometry, morph into a total eclipse for a select few, before reverting back to its annular form. It was a celestial ballet, a breathtaking display of the universe's clockwork precision. However, what started as a marvel in the sky soon became a turning point in human history. The Hybrid Eclipse wasn't just a dance of light and shadow; it was a foreshadowing of change. The exact nature of that change? Well, that, my friend, is a story waiting to be unraveled. The Hybrid Eclipse had cemented its place in history, not just as a rare astronomical event, but as the day the world, as we knew it, began to shift.

A_Paulxx · ファンタジー
59 Chs


A heavy silence descended upon the Nexus. Alaric stood there, head hung low, the weight of Lumina's words pressing down on him. The world he thought he knew was a mere playground for beings far beyond his comprehension. Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of defiance sparked in his chest. He wouldn't be a pawn. He'd fight.

Suddenly, Lumina's voice, no longer playful but laced with a strange earnestness, filled the cavernous space. "Do you want to live, Alaric? Do you want a chance to change your future?"

Alaric slowly lifted his head, his gaze meeting Lumina's. Determination hardened his features, and he gave a single, resolute nod.

"Then let's make a deal," Lumina proposed, her smile softening into a look of genuine cooperation. "You see, I've been trapped here in this Nexus for as long as I can remember. My purpose, my very existence, is a mystery to me. I can offer you answers about the Labyrinth and its secrets, but I need your help to uncover my own past."

A frown etched itself onto Alaric's brow. "But how, Lumina? How can I possibly help a being like you? I'm just an Untouched, remember? No fancy powers, no special abilities…"

Lumina only smiled, her eyes twinkling with an otherworldly light. With a graceful movement, she raised her hands. The countless golden fireflies that flitted around the Nexus room responded immediately, swirling towards her like a swarm of miniature golden stars. They converged in her hands, forming a mesmerizing ball of light that pulsed with an ethereal energy.

Alaric watched, captivated, as the ball shrunk, its light growing ever more intense. He had to squint, overwhelmed by its brilliance. Finally, when he opened his eyes again, the world had shifted. They were no longer in the vast, cavernous Nexus. The oppressive darkness of the Labyrinth of Lost Memories surrounded them once more.

Relief washed over Alaric as he spotted Ms. Selena, still unconscious, on the dusty ground. He turned back to Lumina, who was now holding a small, intricately carved black box adorned with swirling golden symbols.

"What is that, Lumina?" he inquired, curiosity battling with his lingering confusion.

"A little gift," she replied, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "A present for you, Alaric."

Alaric raised an eyebrow in surprise. "A gift? But…"

"Isn't it a strange coincidence," Lumina interjected, her grin widening, "that you lost your left eye on your journey here? I have a feeling this will fit you perfectly."

As she spoke, the golden symbols on the box pulsed with light. Lumina slowly opened it, revealing a black sphere that pulsed with a soft golden glow. Particles of shimmering gold danced within its depths, a mesmerizing spectacle.

"This, Alaric," Lumina declared, her voice filled with a strange power, "will change your life. It will help you grow stronger, stronger than you ever imagined. This… is the Eye of Chronos."

Alaric's jaw slacked open. "The Eye of... what?" he stammered, his voice barely a whisper. "The Eye of... churros?"

A vein throbbed prominently on Lumina's forehead. The air crackled with a sudden, terrifying energy that sent shivers down Alaric's spine. Before he could even react, a blur of black and gold slammed into his face, sending him sprawling onto the dusty ground.

"Are you deaf, or just plain stupid?!" Lumina shrieked, her voice laced with barely contained fury. A terrifying aura pulsed around her, making Alaric whimper in fear. "The Eye of Chronos! Not churros! Got it?! And what in the seven heavens is a churro anyway?!"

Alaric gingerly sat up, blood trickling from his nose. "I apologize," he mumbled, wiping away the crimson stain with a shaky hand. "I haven't had a decent meal in days. Maybe my growling stomach is to blame. I swear, Lumina, I thought you said Eye of Churros."

Lumina's wrathful expression morphed into one of utter confusion. "Wait," she said, her voice losing some of its bite. "Churros... is that food?" Her features softened, revealing a childlike curiosity that contrasted starkly with her earlier outburst.

"Yes," Alaric confirmed, a hint of a smile playing on his lips despite the throbbing pain in his face. "It's a deep-fried dough pastry, usually dipped in chocolate."

"Ooooooh," Lumina cooed, her eyes wide with wonder. "That sounds delicious! Can I try some?"

Alaric chuckled, a genuine laugh that felt good after days of despair. "Of course you can, Lumina. It's a little expensive, but definitely worth every penny. The problem is, we're still stuck in this Labyrinth."

"Well, then we'll use the Eye of Chronos to solve that little problem, wouldn't we?" Lumina announced, her voice brimming with excitement. "This amazing artifact doesn't just look pretty, you know! For a beginner like you, it has three basic skills you can use. And one of them happens to be opening rifts!"

Alaric listened intently, his earlier fear replaced by a spark of hope. "So, how do I use it?" he asked, eager to learn.

"Simple," Lumina chirped. "Just pop it right into that gaping hole in your left eye socket."

Alaric flinched. "That sounds… unpleasant."

Before he could protest further, Lumina's playful demeanor vanished. "No more buts, Alaric!" she declared, her voice taking on a commanding tone. With a wave of her hand, the Eye of Chronos detached itself from the box and shot towards Alaric's face like a bullet.

A yelp escaped his lips as the sphere slammed into his empty socket, sending him tumbling backwards once again. He groaned, rubbing his head and bracing himself for another bout of pain. But to his surprise, there was none. He opened both eyes tentatively, expecting a void of darkness where his left eye used to be.

Instead, he saw perfectly well. Lumina stood before him, whole and unharmed. But from her perspective, Alaric's left eye had transformed. It was now a swirling vortex of black and gold, a miniature replica of the Eye of Chronos.

"Wait, that's it?" Alaric asked, a hint of disappointment creeping into his voice. "I don't feel any different."

"Of course you don't," Lumina explained, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Unlocking the Eye of Chronos' full potential takes time and training. But for now, you'll need my help to open a rift back to your world. After all, our deal is about to begin."

With a confident smile, Lumina closed her eyes. Her body dissolved into a swirling vortex of black and gold light, merging seamlessly with the Eye of Chronos. Alaric blinked, surprised but not scared. Through the connection with the artifact, he could hear Lumina's voice clear as day.

"Alright, Alaric," her voice boomed, filled with fiery enthusiasm. "From now on, I'll be your guide on this path to becoming stronger. So, let's get this show on the road!"

The Eye of Chronos glowed with an otherworldly light as a rift began to tear open in the fabric of reality, casting an ethereal gateway back to Alaric's world. He scooped up Ms. Selena's unconscious form, a newfound determination burning bright in his remaining eye. He had a new purpose, a chance to change his fate, his future, and perhaps, the fate of his world.