
The Hybrid's Mate

A Witch, A werewolf , A vampire. As a witch, she has a betrothed As a werewolf, she has a mate As a vampire, she has a beloved. *** Centuries ago, a mage had prophesied that a savior with a special blood would be born. She would be born with great powers to save and to destroy; to build and to crumble; to save the magical race from an impending doom. This prophecy leads the various races to a power thirsty and selfish, desperate search for this prophesied savior. *** On the day Elena is mysteriously born into the world as a Hybrid, her fate had been decided and it was inescapable. Stuck between her fated love for three different men from different races and the destiny that had been prophesied her, Elena must make the right choices and suffer the consequences of her fated duty.

DaoisteekVoa · ファンタジー
10 Chs



"Dad thinks Elena is the Salvatore." I immediately froze and released grip of Madelyn's hand. The Salvatore! I had never thought that the Salvatore could be real talk less of the Salvatore actually being my mate.

I was shocked and at the same time scared for Elena. If she was truly the Salvatore, then Griffin would do anything to use her as a weapon or as an upper hand over other race and groups.

"Jonah believes she isn't and Elena also claims that she isn't the Salvatore," Madelyn continued and I just stared at her without saying a word. Could Elena be lying, or was she saying the truth! I became bothered about this.

"I don't even know why you are so bothered about her. I don't want to believe anything right now." Madelyn added and walked away, leaving me to just stare into the empty air. I need to make my findings.

A minute later, I was standing before Jonah's room and I swallowed nervously while staring at the door. I have tried my best to avoid talking to Jonah since the incident that happened two years back, but right now, I can't help it.

I attempted to knock on the door, but I withdrew my hand while still pondering on whether I do it or not. I finally summoned up courage and decided to knock when suddenly, the door opened up.

"What do you want?" Jonah asked with a stoic expression as he stood in the space of his half opened door.

"I want to know about Elena." I went straight to the point and he just stared like he knew that was what I wanted to ask.

He didn't say a word, but just opened the door wider and walked in. I took that as an invite into his room and I walked in. I took a quick glance around before sitting on a couch next to Jonah's bed. It's been about two years since I've been actually in his room.

"You do know that she is the Salvatore, so what else do you want to know?" Jonah asked casually and I stared at him in surprise.

"I saw you eavesdropping on me and Dad and I heard your conversation with Madelyn," Jonah confessed on noticing my shocked expression.

Of course, who was I kidding, they must have sensed me or heard any tiniest sound I made. They just had nothing to hide.

"How did Dad....Why does dad believe that Elena is the Salvatore?" I asked curiously without giving off too much or any emotion to avoid arousing Jonah's curiosity. Nobody knew Elena was my Mate yet.

"Of course you know each vampire coven have a unique tattoo that glows in the presence of the Salvatore," Jonah said and I gave an affirmative nod, "A spy in the Feurkahur Coven informed us that a combatlord reported that his tattoo glowed and Dad investigated it quickly." Jonah continued.

I became even more worried. That evidence looked very convincing even though there was a slight chance it was a false information.

"We got her before the vampires could?" Jonah asked and was about to ask me to leave when I suddenly asked, "If Elena's the Salvatore, what does Dad plan to do?"

Jonah looked at me as though I was sounding hilarious and he threatened to burst into laughter.

"Of course he'll use her as a leverage over the other races and to claim leadership of the werewolf race by either convincing her to support us or controlling her." Jonah looked hysterical as he said this and this even intensified my feeling of dread. Control? I thought within myself and asked this same question out, "Control?"

"How can he control the Salvatore?" I asked.

"There's a Serum that was developed by ancient Witches and Werewolves," Jonah replied, "it's called Serum X and it's possible of controlling the Salvatore," Jonah continued.

No! They can't turn my Mate into a puppet who they'll bend to their will. They can't.

I didn't know what pushed me to say what came to my mind next, but I said it.

"Jonah, we can't let Dad do this," I said and waited for Jonah's reply as he just stared blankly at me.

"You want us to stop Dad?!" Jonah asked in shock. He didn't let me give a reply and he continued instead, "If she's the Salvatore then it's a good thing. We'll have supremacy." Jonah continued.

"So you're going to let Dad turn her into his puppet?" I asked.

"Yes," Jonah replied blatantly and stared at me in an awkward kind of way.

"What's your deal with this lady anyway?" He asked and I stood up in anger.

"Sorry for proposing that. I forgot you're still the Jonah of two years ago." I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth.

"We are not really going over this matter again, are we?" Jonah asked hysterically and then suddenly became serious, "Mom committed treason and she needed to be death with no matter what!" He yelled.

Here he goes again. Claiming that killing mom was right. Two years ago, Mom had committed treason and Dad was after us. He made four pack members, Jonah and me inclusive to go after her. He promised to make whoever got and killed her the new Beta of the pack.

I got mom first, but I could never kill her; I couldn't bring my self to do this. Sighting my hesitation, Jonah killed mom in my own very hands.

"But she was your own mom. She gave birth to you," I said with a crackled voice and my eyes threatened to flow with tears.

"Bye," I said and glanced at Jonah one last time before walking out of the room.

As soon as I stepped out, I saw the door to the mansion open and Griffin stepped in with an eerie looking man. He had a dark countenance and he was dressed in a black cloak draped down his shoulder.

Who is this? I wanted to ask, but Griffin answered the question already.

"Meet Rafi, he is a dark mage." Griffin introduced the eerie man.

Yes, but why is here? Griffin once again gave an answer to my thought and he said, "He's here to confirm if Elena is the Salvatore."