
The Hybrid's Mate

A Witch, A werewolf , A vampire. As a witch, she has a betrothed As a werewolf, she has a mate As a vampire, she has a beloved. *** Centuries ago, a mage had prophesied that a savior with a special blood would be born. She would be born with great powers to save and to destroy; to build and to crumble; to save the magical race from an impending doom. This prophecy leads the various races to a power thirsty and selfish, desperate search for this prophesied savior. *** On the day Elena is mysteriously born into the world as a Hybrid, her fate had been decided and it was inescapable. Stuck between her fated love for three different men from different races and the destiny that had been prophesied her, Elena must make the right choices and suffer the consequences of her fated duty.

DaoisteekVoa · ファンタジー
10 Chs



"Elena Mendez," I told him my name and he smiled. Since he still held on to the handshake, I had to withdraw my hand myself.

Like he was already accustomed to the house, Eren walked into the kitchen and grabbed a kettle.

"Last time we met, I asked you why I couldn't smell any distinct blood in you," Eren said with his back turned to me as he filled the kettle with water and ignited the gas cooker. He wasn't going to give up, was he? He still wants to know why I'm the way I am.

"Are you ready to give me an honest answer now?" Eren asked and grabbed a chocolate and milk packs from the cupboard.

"As I said, I'm special," I tried not to give a complete truth. I don't know why I felt the need to lie to him. He was my beloved after all, but maybe I'm afraid he'll also hate or abandon me if he finds out I'm 'mundane'. This fear made me feel so insecure around other supernaturals and I just wished it'll disappear.

"How?" He asked and stirred the two cups of hot chocolate on the kitchen slab, "who are your parents and which race do they belong to?" He asked and finally turned around to face me.

"My dad is a vampire-werewolf hybrid. He's the leader of The Creed," I replied honestly this time and I saw his eyes widen in surprise, "My mom is a sorcerer; a witch." I continued and collected the cup of chocolate he stretched out towards me.

"Wow!" He looked surprise and I looked at him closely to determine if he faked it. He didn't.

"Then how come no one has ever heard of you? General Wyatt's daughter." He said.

"I like to stay low," I replied and he chuckled.

"Says the CEO of Mendez Corporation. Give me a break." Eren scoffed, "So have you heard the stories about the Salvatore?" He suddenly changed the topic to one I considered a fairy tale.

"Yes, my mom read the prophecies about the Salvatore to me when I was a kid," I sipped the chocolate in my hand, "if you ask me, it's all a story made up to amuse kids." I scoffed.

"So you don't believe that the Salvatore is going to exist to save the magical race. Hungh?" Eren stared at me like he was trying to pry my thoughts out of my head.

"Yeah, the only thing the magical race needs saving from is this believe in a savior who is going to save them from a so called unforseen danger or doom, whatever." I scoffed again and Eren just nodded.

"Just wanted to check up on you. I'll take my leave now." Eren dropped his cup on a table and walked towards me. He leaned in and thinking he wanted to kiss me, my breath tensed, but he only pecked me on the cheek.

He winked at me as he walked towards the door and I gritted my teeth. He just teased me.

"Bye," he said and opened the door, "Beloved." He said it. He said the word! I just stood where I was, watching him walk out.

I also needed to just get out of this confinement, so I locked the door and walked into my garden. It was something I treasured so much. I had fine collection of plants and flowers grown there and just sniffing in the green scent brought smiles to my lips.

Lately though, I've been busy so I hired a gardener to take care of them. He'll be around soon to water and trim them, but today, I'm going to be doing that myself. I grabbed the watering can next to me and I walked towards the tap to fill it with water.

I patiently waited for it to get filled up and then I headed back for the garden. I immediately stopped in my tracks as my senses picked up another presence. Jake wouldn't be back in another one hour and it definitely wasn't Wyatt.

I Iooked for something around to defend myself as I felt the presence nearer. It was obviously a werewolf. No, werewolves, they were two.

Since it would be stupid thinking I can defend myself if they were here to attack, I immediately felt the instinct to hide, but before I could take a step, I saw a seven foot tall wolf pounce on me and knock off the watering can in my hand.

The last thing I saw and remembered before drifting into darkness was the wolf who had pounced on me changing into a young beautiful lady with red hair and the other person dragging me with my foot getting bruised by the ground.


I slowly opened my eyes to the feeling of immense pain. I felt like my body was being hit with rocks from every angle. Where was I? That was the first thought that ran through my mind.

My vision was blurry tear and sweat clogged my eyes. My joints ached and my skin cried from the cold hard floor I was forced to lie on.

The room I was in was empty and there was nothing else in it apart from the cobwebs handing around the corners of the room.

My frantic effort to remember who I had offended or a crime I had committed was all in vain. I couldn't remember doing any of this things, so why would someone do this to me?

Who were those that abducted me and punished me to this horrible condition.

I mustered the little bit of strength in me and groaned in pain as I got on my feet. The sharp pain in my feet caused me to look down at them and I realized that they were bleeding. My feet were badly scarred with deep cuts and bruises.

I managed to take a few more steps forward and would have continued, but for the sharp pain that came from the cold metal that bite into my skin. I looked at my wrist and cursed in frustration to see the metal cuffs strapped around them.

That moment, a door at the other end of the room creaked as it opened. My eyes were suddenly hit by the sudden influx of sunlight and I was forced to close them. I opened my eyes when they finally adjusted to the sunlight and I saw a man standing before me.

He was huge and had long hair, but I couldn't make out his facial features because of the sunlight. My lips quivered as I struggled to speak and I could finally ask him the most important question of my mind now.

"Where am I?" My breathing tensed and the man seemed to notice it cause he reached for a old plastic chair at a corner of the room and made me sit on it.

"You will know when the time is right. " He refused to give me a direct reply. Maybe he thought, I'd try to escape and didn't want me to have an idea of the way out. My lips moved again to speak, but this time, my voice only came out as a weak whisper. "Why am I here."

I noticed the wide grin on his face and he finally gave me an answer this time.

"You committed no offence or offended no one, but the special nature that runs through your blood is the reason for this," he paused and cupped my left cheek with his cold hands, "you are the hope and salvation of the entire Werewolf race."

Many thoughts went through my mind at that instant. I wanted to scream at him that I was not in one bit special and that in fact, I was an anomaly. I was weak and powerless, but I just remained silent as I didn't have the strength to do this

White Crescent Pack


I didn't know what happened after the conversation with one of my abductors, but I knew the pain and weakness I was feeling had driven me into another long sleep.

I suddenly opened my eyes this time and I looked around me in surprise. I wasn't in that miserable 'dungeon' anymore. Instead, I was lying on a very comfortable bed in a large chamber.

Curious, I got up on my feet and that was when I also discovered that the pain in my body had disappeared completely like it had never been there. I glanced down at my feet too and saw that the bruises and cuts that had been there had disappeared without with a trace or scar.

I walked towards the door with a faith I immediately considered stupid, but still I turned the door knob and to my surprise, the door opened with ease.

I curiously left the room and walked down the long empty corridor before finally getting to a dining table where I saw a family of 3 eating together.

They all sensed my presence and at the same time, they faced me.

"Food." The one who seemed to be the father and husband pointed at the several dishes on the table. Seeing so many food suddenly made me remember I hadn't eaten anything in two days and my stomach grumbled. Loudly.

Damn! I cursed within myself

Hesitantly, I walked towards the table and decided to postpone the questions on my mind till later. If the food was poisoned or drugged, I would know.

I pulled myself a chair to seat on and I looked up to see a lady staring at me. Red hair; She had red hair. She was the wolf who had pounced on me. I looked at her eerily and returned the smile she gave me with a forced grin.

"I'm Griffin?" The same man from before said and glanced at me, "I'm the Alpha of the White Crescent Pack." He introduced himself and it was only proper for me to do the same. I think.

"I'm Elena Mendez?" I said and scooped a spoonful of Macaroni and Cheese. It tasted so good. Silly me.

"These are my children, Madelyn and Jonah." Griffin introduced his children one after the other and I just hummed a silent response with a fake smile.

"My eldest son, Lucas is currently away for studies. He'll be back very soon though." Griffin added and then continued, "so, aren't you curious about why you're here?" He asked and I remained silent for a while before giving a reply.

"The man who visited me in the dungeon said it was because of who I was." I shifted my attention away from the food.

"Sorry about that. They took the instructions wrongly." Griffin faced his children and I glanced at them. Madelyn had an uneasy smile when I looked at her while Jonah just stared like he didn't care.

"You are actually here because of the great powers you possess," Griffin said and I just stared at him blankly.

Now I'm sure, they've got the wrong person. Powers?! Definitely not me. As if that wasn't enough, he continued and said, "After all, you're the Salvatore."

I immediately choked on my saliva and I coughed violently before bursting into laughter. I continued laughing for about thirty seconds and they all just looked at me as though I was crazy or something.

"You're so funny. All of you," I continued laughing, "I have no powers. I'm mundane. I'm human!" I yelled and hit my palm on the table.

"I understand that you don't want your powers to get into the wrong hands, but you can trust us." Griffin looked rather calm as he said this.

"Look you have the wrong person. I said I don't have powers!" I flared up suddenly and stood up from my seat.

"You're lying!" Griffin hollered back at me and hit his palm on the table.

"I'm not!" I retorted.

"I said you are!!!" Griffin suddenly picked up a knife on the table and thew it at me. It all happened so fast that before I could blink, the knife was right before my face.

Only a few inches away from my head, I saw Griffin move and the next thing I saw was a blur before the knife suddenly disappeared. By the time, my eyes adjusted to the sudden speed, I saw Griffin standing before me with the knife in his hand. I looked at him with an expression that said 'I told you so'

"She's saying the truth. She isn't the Salvatore. She's just Mundane." Jonah said with a stress on the last word and I gave him a stern glare. He was rude.

"Or maybe she knew I'll save her if she didn't defend herself." Griffin said and walked away without completing his breakfast.

I was still hungry, but I also hesitantly abandoned the food. I didn't want to look desperate and hungry.

I wanted to go back to my room, but I changed that thought and decided to go outside the mansion. I wanted to do this only so I could test how close or how far my boundaries with them were. At what point they would begin to restrict me.

I opened the door and stepped out of the house without being stopped. The whole horizon was filled with grasses and the sun radiated off a nearby pool. There were various houses scattered across as far as my eyes could go and people moved here and there.

I continued walking and expected to receive stares, but nobody seemed to care or notice me. A quick glance and that was all. I was only a few metres away from the mansion and I just kept staring everything that I didn't notice the car that was driving in my direction.

By the time I noticed the car, it would have been too late for me if the car hadn't suddenly stopped only a few inches from me. The door to the driver's seat immediately opened and a man stepped out of the car. He wasn't just a man! I felt my head ache and my knees go weak as I heard a silent whisper in my head. How can this be?