
The Hybrid's Mate

A Witch, A werewolf , A vampire. As a witch, she has a betrothed As a werewolf, she has a mate As a vampire, she has a beloved. *** Centuries ago, a mage had prophesied that a savior with a special blood would be born. She would be born with great powers to save and to destroy; to build and to crumble; to save the magical race from an impending doom. This prophecy leads the various races to a power thirsty and selfish, desperate search for this prophesied savior. *** On the day Elena is mysteriously born into the world as a Hybrid, her fate had been decided and it was inescapable. Stuck between her fated love for three different men from different races and the destiny that had been prophesied her, Elena must make the right choices and suffer the consequences of her fated duty.

DaoisteekVoa · ファンタジー
10 Chs



I hurriedly tied my hair into a bun and I grabbed my handbag before slamming the door shut and rushing down the stairs. It was already a week and Linda was leaving today.

Immediately I reached the foot of the stairs, I was hit by the smell of freshly baked cookies. Damn! I would once again miss my mom's cooking. All I eat when she is not around are junk food and can food.

"How's my little wizard?" I smiled as I spotted Jake, my little brother approach me with a hug.

Though, he was just thirteen, he was almost as tall as I was and I'm definitely tall.

"By little, you mean master," Jake suddenly withdrew the hug and crossed his arms with a disagreeing pout. So cute!

"Fine, how's my master wizard?" I chuckled and he finally embraced me into a tight hug. I couldn't help but smile to myself. Jake was definitely a brother worth having. He behaved like a little child when around me and he loved me sincerely.

Despite Wyatt's several attempts to poison his heart against me, his love for me never wavered. Whenever he was chanced, he saw that he defended and supported me. Still, Wyatt could never dislike or treat him like he did to me. After all, Jake was a perfect projection of his honor; an hybrid just like he was; an half sorcerer and half vampire.

"Let's have breakfast quickly, so we can see mom off to the airport." Jake suddenly sounded mature and headed for the dining table. He regretted having lost his cool earlier and I smirked in realization of that.

"Where's your dad?" Linda asked and walked down the stairs with her suitcase in hand.

"I don't know, but I think he mentioned attending a meeting with the Generals and Alpha's at DragonFalls." I heard a familiar voice say and I turned to the kitchen to see Jack walk out with a tray in hand.

What the fuck is he doing here?! Shouldn't he be halfway across the city right now?!

"He decided to see me before I left. He arrived last night and you were already asleep," Linda replied when she saw the shocked look on my face.

I don't even know why I haven't moved to my own apartment. That way, I can avoid having to come across Wyatt and Jack's...unpleasantries.

"That's the third meeting he's going to be having with the DragonFalls leaders," Jake said to cut the awkward hate glares me and Jack shot at each other, "He's really passionate about uniting werewolves and vampires."

"Vampires and Werewolves. Yeah, I don't see that happening," I scoffed and walked towards the dining.

"You shouldn't speak about matters you know nothing of. Human." Jack whispered the last word so that only I could hear him.

"I'm getting late already. Let's eat," Linda said and sat down as Jack served the breakfast.

She was the first to eat out of the cookies and she moaned in satisfaction after taking the first bite.

"You could just teleport back to Canada, you know," Jake said while playing with a blue magical ball he had created and I faced my mom with an affirmative expression.

"Yes Jake, but I've told you that we live in a world dominated by humans and we have to try as much as possible to stay low." Linda rested her palms on her waist.

"This is so good," She commended and took another bite. My appetite was already stimulated by this and I took a cookie from the ones served before me.

I immediately coughed and hit my chest with my palm the instant I took a bite. The cookie was so damn salty and peppery!

"Are you okay?" My mom asked in concern, "is there anything wrong with the cookies?" She was beginning to worry, so I faked a smile and nodded.

"No it's okay. I think I'm coming up with the Flu or something?" I lied and clenched my fists beneath the table as Jack smirked wickedly at me.

I can't believe he spared so much time to make separate cookies just to anger me.

"Excuse me, I'm not feeling so well," I lied and dropped the cookie in my hand while sparing Jack one last hateful glare.

"I'll be back down to see you off later," I walked up the stairs and walked into my room. I heaved a sigh as I got on my bed. Today was a weekend and it was going to be so fucking boring.

Twenty minutes later, Linda was ready to leave and so was Jack. Finally he could go back to the rat hole he was coming from. The journey to the airport took less than 30 minutes and after that, I had to drive Jake to his summer dance class.

I drove back home hoping to just waste away in the fantasy of the internet and then have a long sleep, but as I walked into the compound, my nostrils caught up a smell; a smell I had perceived only once, but had become so familiar.

What was he doing here and how did he know where I live? The last question immediately sounded stupid to me. Finding me was one of the easiest things possible even without considering the fact that he could trace me as my beloved. I sighed nervously and walked into the house. I winced in pain as my wrist was grabbed roughly and I felt myself being turned around.

I gasped as I nearly slammed into him, but he stopped me from falling onto him only when our lips were almost touching each other. I swallowed as I looked down at his lips and I imagined myself kissing those lips, but his next action caught me by surprise.

I groaned in pain as he slammed me against the wall. I gritted my teeth in anger, but decided not to react just yet.

I opened my eyes in surprise, and felt my fist clench subconsciously. I was filled with anger, but I tried my best to control it.

How dare he treat me this way. At first he had showed up in my mansion, and now he was going to hurt me.

I had smelt him immediately I saw him, and I knew he was a vampire, my beloved.

He clearly didn't know who I was, or better still what I was, but I was sure he knew I was his beloved. I knew this by the way he looked at me during the gala, and he only proved this by the next words he said, "You are mine."

I let out a moan when he extended his fangs, and gently bared it against my neck. I couldn't help but inhale his scent; a bit of mint and freshly cut roses.

I was angry because I felt this way and he smirked when he noticed. I tried my best to push away the lust that was filling me, and I pushed him by the chest which sent him crashing into the opposite wall.

That was revenge. I expected him to try to retaliate, but instead, his lips curled up into a wild grin.

Just then did I notice how he looked. He had a raven black hair that was neatly brushed forward. His face was pale, and a sharp contrast to his voluptuous red lips. His jaws were rigid, and pale jaw lines ran through them.

His eyes were a sapphire blue color, and his eyebrows were full.

"Eren." He stretched his hand out towards me, and he smiled when I stared at it in surprise.

"I'm not going to bite you." He put on an even wider grin when I moved backwards.

I knew I loved him, yes I was destined to love him, but I wasn't going to give in to him so quickly. Not to a jerk like him.

"Elena, Elena Mendez." I plastered on a fake smile and received his hand into a warm handshake.