
The Hybrid's Mate

A Witch, A werewolf , A vampire. As a witch, she has a betrothed As a werewolf, she has a mate As a vampire, she has a beloved. *** Centuries ago, a mage had prophesied that a savior with a special blood would be born. She would be born with great powers to save and to destroy; to build and to crumble; to save the magical race from an impending doom. This prophecy leads the various races to a power thirsty and selfish, desperate search for this prophesied savior. *** On the day Elena is mysteriously born into the world as a Hybrid, her fate had been decided and it was inescapable. Stuck between her fated love for three different men from different races and the destiny that had been prophesied her, Elena must make the right choices and suffer the consequences of her fated duty.

DaoisteekVoa · ファンタジー
10 Chs


Chapter Five


Ten minutes later, the three of us landed on the roof of the pack's head base. My wings flapped gently for a while before retracting back in and I placed my hand on the hilt of the silver sword strapped to my side.

I spotted a guard standing at the foot of the stairs leading from the roof into the building and the three of us nodded in understanding to ourselves.

We couldn't let any single one spot us before dying as they could send a telepathic message across the whole pack in a second. Aldus opened his mouth wide and a silent battle cry escaped his lips as he jumped down the stairs on the guard. Aldus' legs wrapped around the guard's neck instantly and in that same second, Aldus sent his sword through the guard's brain. He died instantly.

Aldus looked up and gave Rufus and me a signal that the way was clear. We immediately climbed down the stairs and we sneaked towards the left direction. The mansion was large and we didn't know where exactly the Serum was.

I signaled to them to wait and I whispered almost quietly to them, "wait. Just watch out." I didn't want to risk the werewolves picking up our words with their enhanced sense of hearing.

I took a deep breath and swallowed as closed my eyes to scan the mansion. An ability of mine. I felt my aura travel through the mansion like a gentle breeze and cloaked it to avoid being detected. It took 30 seconds for me to finally locate the Serum and I suddenly opened my eyes that remained a bright blue for a second before reverting to its normal state. I felt the urge to check again, because I felt a spike in aura when about to pull out, but I ignored it.

"That way," I pointed at the path to the Serum and I turned left. Aldus and Rufus also followed behind, but we all immediately hid behind a wall as we heard people approaching.

"I heard the Luna found her mate." Two men dressed in expensive robes walked by us. They were nobles, my best guess. One of the two nobles suddenly stopped when I thought we could finally go and he turned around with a sensitive expression.

"Did you just smell what I smelt. It smelled like vampires." He said and faced his counterpart. The other noble looked at him in confusion and sniffed in the air to confirm.

Not risking the present factors, I didn't let him confirm his inhalation and I dashed at them with my sword. The older one surprised me and knocked off sword I slashed at him with a stunning strength and the sword escaped my grip; clattering to the floor.

They already had enough time to contact the others, but I felt Aldus' telepathic wave whoosh past me and take grip of them. I and Rufus immediately utilized the little time and I slashed one's neck with my long and sharp silver laced claws.

The other noble got stabbed in the gut quickly with Rufus' blade and we continued towards the Serum's location.

We walked down the last corridor that would lead us to the chamber in which the Serum was kept and we slowed down this time.

We became more at alert since the security would be certainly tighter. I suddenly sensed a huge gathering of people in the chamber before us and my friends seemed to have also sensed the same thing since they both looked at me at the same time.

I signaled to them to them to turn back before we get detected and we immediately retreated. The number of presences being detected in that chamber was huge and the Serum X was also in there. It was like they were hosting an insane party to exhibit it. Maybe that was the reason we hardly encountered people in a head base. I had expected more action.

We stopped walking as soon as we were a safe distance away from the party.

"We have to get into that room," I said and pressed my lips into a tight line, "we can't leave here without the Serum." I added.

"Are you insane?" Aldus looked really hysterical, "going into that chamber would mean committing suicide. They'll all smell our vampire blood the moment we step our feet in." He added and Rufus nodded in affirmation.

"Maybe that's exactly what we need to carry out this mission," I suddenly said as an idea popped up in my mind, "I have a plan."

Five minutes later, I stood a few meters away from the chamber and I watched as three guards dragged Rufus and Aldus into the chamber.

I quickly adjusted the tray on my hand and I followed behind. I was dressed like a waiter in a black pant and a white shirt. My hair was also neatly brushed forward to cover my face to some extent. I sniffed my self to check for the effect of the lycan cologne I used. It hid my vampire scent, but only to my extent. Still people would believe the scent is from the other two vampires; Rufus and Aldus.

I walked into the chamber and blended in with the party.

"Leave me you savages! I'll kill you all!" Rufus screamed as a guard dragged him forward. His mouth was bleeding and his clothes were torn. Aldus wasn't any different and he struggled with to break free from the guard.

"Luna, we found these two vampires trying to sneak in at the border," a guard said and they were pushed forward. I, on the other hand looked around the chamber and finally spotted a transparent glass tube filled with a bright green liquid. I behaved naturally and just walked through the gathering, while serving the guests present with drinks.

"Why are you here?!" Luna Eva's voice echoed across the chamber and she stood up from where she sat: directly beside the serum.

"You wanted to know why we are here?" Rufus smiled outrageously and spat blood from his mouth to the floor.

"We wanted to feed! Ha hahaha," Rufus laughed loudly, "We were thirsty for the blood of you wolfs." He groaned and tried to push shake off the guard holding him down.

I continued walking towards the Serum and was now only a few meters away from it when a guest stopped me. Damn! I cursed within myself.

"Do you need a refill?" I asked the guest. He was a blonde in his mid-forties and had a somehow red face.

"No," he replied without taking his observing eyes away from me, "I haven't seen you around before." He said and I smiled as naturally as I could.

"Actually, I'm new here. I'm from the White Crescent Pack." I lied, "I moved to this pack cause my mate is from here and she insisted. Women. Ha ha," I laughed and he joined me.

"Is she around?" He asked and I began to feel really uncomfortable. I had to carry out my move fast. I glanced at the Serum X and back at the guest before me.

"No, she's not," I replied and signaled to Aldus who immediately also signaled to Rufus, "I'm sorry, but I need to attend to other guests." I excused myself and walked away.

At the same time, Rufus and Aldus shook off the guards holding them and immediately stunned them with punches to the face and snatched their swords.

Everyone present immediately stood up and while there was distraction, I took my chance and grabbed the Serum. Attention was quickly drawn towards me this time. I suddenly began to move extremely fast and as everything around me slowed down, I snatched a guard's sword and grabbed the Luna; holding the sword to her neck.

Time returned to the normal pace and commotion erupted in the chamber.

"Don't you dare!" I held the sword closer to Luna Eva's neck as people attempted to attack. Slowly, I moved backward with Rufus and Aldus standing before me and holding out their swords.

As we got to the door, I prepared to turn around, but was suddenly stunned when a blue wave whizzed at me and hit me. The Serum got knocked out of my hands and Luna Eva quickly took her chance to jab me with her elbow and escape from my grip.

I looked sideway to see who had done this and I saw a wizard stretching out his glowing palms at me. Sorcerer's were also here?! Rufus and a werewolf quickly rushed at the serum on the floor, but before they could reach it, it floated into the air and flew into the hands of another wizard.

Knowing we had lost our leverage, I and my friends fled out of the chamber and I also saw the wizards turn into bright rays of light that whizzed out of the chamber. Our wings immediately sprouted as the werewolves chased after us and we leaped into the air.

We finally landed after reaching kilometers away from the Blue Lunar territory.

"I should have known the Sorcerer's will also be after the serum." I gritted my teeth in anger. We had almost made it out with the serum, but the wizards just had to steal our prize from us and ruin everything.