
The Hybrid's Mate

A Witch, A werewolf , A vampire. As a witch, she has a betrothed As a werewolf, she has a mate As a vampire, she has a beloved. *** Centuries ago, a mage had prophesied that a savior with a special blood would be born. She would be born with great powers to save and to destroy; to build and to crumble; to save the magical race from an impending doom. This prophecy leads the various races to a power thirsty and selfish, desperate search for this prophesied savior. *** On the day Elena is mysteriously born into the world as a Hybrid, her fate had been decided and it was inescapable. Stuck between her fated love for three different men from different races and the destiny that had been prophesied her, Elena must make the right choices and suffer the consequences of her fated duty.

DaoisteekVoa · ファンタジー
10 Chs


Chapter three.


I groaned as I landed before the border of the Feurkahur territory and my wings retracted back in. I had to report to the General on my progress so far. I had to make it quick.

The guards at the border held out long silver swords and crossed it before me to block my path. Though they saw me come in almost every day, they still needed my confirmations, but I didn't blame them. After all, there were people with shape shifting abilities.

I pulled my right sleeve up to show them the tattoo on my wrist and they immediately made way for me to pass.

Immediately, I entered the coven's territory, the familiar scent of blood hit my nose and I felt my fangs extend. When last have I fed? Maybe that was the reason for the single pimple I saw on my nose this morning.

I increased my pace and soon I was running at super speed towards the General's base. I suddenly stopped before a large building with an ancient Roman architecture and the wind I created blew the dried leaves and dust on the floor. I had to show my tattoo once again and I walked into the building.

My nostrils were suddenly introduced to another smell as the air reeked of alcohol and smoke from cigarettes. The loud music made my ear drums vibrate violently, but everyone still seemed to enjoy it as they danced to the beat.

"Good to see you Eren," a friend of mine walked up to me while moving to the beat of the music. I guess he's not really a friend, since I don't even remember his name. He was actually a party freak and loved clinging. He had a very wide smile on and he stretched out the bottle of alcohol in his hand to me.

"No thanks, I'm not here to party?" I refused him with a polite smile, "I'm here to see the General." I added.

"Seems important, Hungh?" he winked at me and left, dancing back to the club where two half naked ladies kept his company.

I walked further into the club and climbed down a dark staircase. For the third time, I had to show my tattoo to the guards standing before the General's chamber.

I walked into the chamber to hear the sound of clattering of swords and I looked forward to see the General training with Haron, a fellow combat lord.

"Eren," Marcus, the General called my name without seeing me. His back was turned to me and Haron was the one who could see me.

"How have you been Eren?" Marcus asks and jumped into the air as Haron swung his sword at his feet. Still in the air, Marcus, threw double kicks at Haron, which Haron simultaneously blocked with his arms.

"I'm fine," I replied with my close attention on the fight, "I've met with Luna Eva." I continued.

"How was it?" Marcus landed with a loud thud on the floor and in the same second, he threw a punch, targeted at Haron's side. Swiftly, Haron caught the General's arm and attempted to break it with his other arm, but Marcus's left wing suddenly sprouted and slashed through Haron's arm.

That was awesome. I grinned.

The wing's edges were fortified with silver plates so it penetrated Haron who winced in pain as blood spurted from his arm.

Haron didn't spare too much time for his injury and he stepped on the hilt of the sword on the floor. I watched the sword fly into the air and Haron caught it precisely by the hilt.

Marcus didn't attack, but continued avoiding the attacks. He moved left, then right, then he bent over backwards, the sword in Haron's hand passing over his face by an inch. Taking advantage of the split second Haron lost his balance, I saw Marcus move like the wind, that I found it hard to follow his movement even with my enhanced sight.

By the time, I blinked once, I saw Haron pinned to the wall with Marcus' wings held to his throat.

"I let her know we wanted the Serum X," I replied and Marcus finally turned around to face me.

He pushed off a strand of his long raven black hair that stuck to his sweaty face. Even I was stunned by his beauty. Though Marcus was centuries older than I, he looked younger than I do.

He had peaked only at the 21 and I peaked at the age of 30. I was always so fucking jealous of him whenever I remember that.

"Good." Marcus said and rested his palms on his waste; sweat trickling down his perfectly sculpted abs.

"Get two other combat lords to accompany you for the attack. That Serum must be ours." Marcus continued and I nodded in affirmation.

"Okay?" Marcus asked and stared at me like he wanted to hear what I had to say. What else did he want me to say? I had to reply him, "That's all."

"Eren. You and I know that you can't lie to me." Marcus walked closer to me and immediately, I realized what he meant. My expression had betrayed me.

Marcus was right. I can't lie to him. Every time, I try to hide something from him, I feel like I'm betraying him and it becomes really obvious in my expression.

Marcus was the only reason why I was alive. The former General had attacked my parents for an empty offence they had committed when I was a young boy. As a combat lord, Marcus accompanied the General and had taken compassion of me. He hid me away for years and trained me to be a warrior.

I remained hidden for years, until the previous General died in a battle with a werewolf pack.

"Now, be a good boy and tell me what is on your mind." Marcus was now so close to me and he placed his left palm gently on my face.

"I found something precious." I cursed within myself when I uncontrollable blurted that out.

"Good. Now tell me what you found," Marcus said. The way he stared at me looked as though he was hypnotizing me and compelling me to speak, but no, Marcus didn't have such ability. I had to say the truth now, since I had talked halfway already.

"My tattoo glowed. I found the Salvatore (Chosen)." I said quickly and Marcus slowly took his hand away from my face with his eyes widened in shock. Haron also looked shocked at the information.

"Eren, do you know how serious this is. Are you sure of what you're saying?" Marcus asked.

I felt tempted to just deny it and pretend it was a joke, but I just had to confirm it, "I'm sure of this, I saw her."

"Great. Finally Salvatore is found and guess what? The Vampire race found her!" Marcus laughed outrageously. He looked hysterical.

"We have to get our hands on her first." Marcus suddenly became serious.

There was a dead silence for a minute and I gritted my teeth in indecision before finally speaking up again.

'The Salvatore is my Beloved."