
The Hybrid's Mate

A Witch, A werewolf , A vampire. As a witch, she has a betrothed As a werewolf, she has a mate As a vampire, she has a beloved. *** Centuries ago, a mage had prophesied that a savior with a special blood would be born. She would be born with great powers to save and to destroy; to build and to crumble; to save the magical race from an impending doom. This prophecy leads the various races to a power thirsty and selfish, desperate search for this prophesied savior. *** On the day Elena is mysteriously born into the world as a Hybrid, her fate had been decided and it was inescapable. Stuck between her fated love for three different men from different races and the destiny that had been prophesied her, Elena must make the right choices and suffer the consequences of her fated duty.

DaoisteekVoa · ファンタジー
10 Chs



I moved forward and stared defiantly into her visor; her icy cold eyes staring back at me. I moved closer to her and everyone around stretched out their swords; silver swords, and pointed them at me.

My lips curled up into a smirk when the lady standing before me raised up her hands to stop them from attacking me. Of course, she didn't want to risk sparking a war with the General.

"You can order them to kill me if you want to. You have way more things to lose than I do," I threatened even though I was the one in a vulnerable state now.

"I have nothing to do with you, so go!" the Luna of the Blue Lunar pack ordered, but I ignored her.

"But I do. You have something that belongs to the General; to the Feurkahur Coven." I said and gave her a blood shot stare.

"The Serum X belongs to the Blue Lunar pack and not to the general," the Luna retorted and I saw her wolf's eyes flash for a split second before disappearing.

"Luna Eva, I'll advice that you watch how you speak and talk with respect." I seethed and moved even closer to her.

Our faces were now only breaths away from each other.

The Luna remained adamant and blatantly refused, "No!"

I stared blankly at her. Is she fucking kidding me? She's lucky I'm in haste. I have to attend a Gala in 10 minutes. I and other top staffs were to represent Star Limited at the Gala.

"Leave!" Her voice thickened and I stepped backward, not out of fear, but I was impressed.

I didn't know a female leader could be so confrontational and bold.

"Alright, I said and turned around to go, "I will go as you wish, but I'll be back to claim what rightfully belongs to the Feurkahur Coven." I warned her of my next visit.

I won't be so gentle next time and I hoped she got the message.

My wings immediately sprouted as I got out, and I leaped into the air. My perfectly streamlined body and wings slashed through the air as I flew back to my house.

To avoid attention from curious humans, I flew faster as I neared my house, so that I appeared only as a blur and blend with the air.

I landed on the roof of my house and walked down the stairs into the building.

I took a quick shower and got dressed before driving to the venue of the Gala, a VIP hall in Manhattan.

I got there at exactly 6pm and I walked into the hall. I didn't really have much to do as I was there to supervise the Star team as managing director of Star Limited. The CEO was away on a business trip, so, I was here to represent him too.

I was directed to where I was to seat and the Gala soon commenced. Barely one minute had passed when the CEO of Mendez Corporation, a lady in her mid twenties walked towards my direction and sat next to me.

I immediately felt sick from within. I felt a great heat that threatened to burn me up from the inside and my head began to ache. I looked sideways at the lady and she also looked really uncomfortable.

As if we both planned it, we stood up together and headed separate directions. I panted heavily as I ran into the men's room.

I opened the tap and I let water run into my open palms before splashing it on my face. I immediately felt relieved and I let out a loud sigh.

After drying my face, I walked back into the hall and took my seat. The lady also arrived shortly after and took her seat. Just like before, I began to feel the pain all over again. This time, it was worse.

I held my stomach in pain while still trying not to get noticed. I suddenly began to grow suspicious of Luna Eva. Had she somehow poisoned me? Was she pretending all along?

I didn't want to stand up the second time to avoid unnecessary attention, so I tried to endure the feeling, but when it became unbearable, I decided to stand up.

She also attempted to stand up and our bodies came in contact with each other. That instant, I felt my blood curdle and electricity ran through my veins. I finally realized what was happening, and at the same time, we faced each other.

She was beloved. My Mate.

Then, the pain and feeling of sickness disappeared and I abandoned the idea of leaving. The Gala finally came to a successful end and it was time for the dance.

"Where's Mr Lewis?" She asked and I faced her. Her beauty was stunning and I couldn't help but stare. On the other hand, she didn't seem dazed by my vampire beauty, unlike other ladies. I often catch even men and old women gawking and drooling over me.

"Hello?" She snapped me out of my thought and I quickly replied, "He's away on an important business trip."

I smiled and stretched out my hands towards her.

"Do you mind a dance with me?" I asked.

"No, I don't." She received my hands and I smirked when I noticed her regret the way she sounded desperate. We walked to the dance floor and I wrapped my right arm around her waist, placing my other arm on her shoulder.

"Why can't I determine the race you belong to?" I asked as we waltzed slowly to the solemn music, "you're supposed to be a vampire, aren't you?" I knew the only way she could be my beloved was if she was a vampire, but I can't smell vampire blood in her. I can't smell any other blood too.

"Let's just say I'm special," she replied with a smile I noticed was fake. She was trying to avoid giving me a direct and honest answer.

I cursed within myself when she was called to attend to something and the dance had to end.

"See you later," She said and walked away. I felt the man in me itch as she teased me seductively by looking over her shoulder gracefully and wink at me.


I also decided to leave already, but then I began to feel a burning pain on my right wrist.

I pulled off the sleeve of my suit and looked at the initiation tattoo on my hand glow in a bright red color.

Oh no! It can't be! She can't be the one!