
The Hybrid's Mate

A Witch, A werewolf , A vampire. As a witch, she has a betrothed As a werewolf, she has a mate As a vampire, she has a beloved. *** Centuries ago, a mage had prophesied that a savior with a special blood would be born. She would be born with great powers to save and to destroy; to build and to crumble; to save the magical race from an impending doom. This prophecy leads the various races to a power thirsty and selfish, desperate search for this prophesied savior. *** On the day Elena is mysteriously born into the world as a Hybrid, her fate had been decided and it was inescapable. Stuck between her fated love for three different men from different races and the destiny that had been prophesied her, Elena must make the right choices and suffer the consequences of her fated duty.

DaoisteekVoa · ファンタジー
10 Chs


Chapter One

I slowly opened my eyes to the feeling of immense pain. I felt like my body was being hit with rocks from every angle. Where was I? That was the first thought that ran through my mind.

My vision was blurry tears and sweat that clogged my eyes. My joints ached and my skin cried from the cold hard floor I was forced to lie on.

The room I was in was empty and there was nothing else in it apart from the cobwebs handing around the corners of the room.

My frantic effort to remember who I had offended or a crime I had committed was all in vain. I couldn't remember doing any of this things, so why would someone do this to me?

Who were those that abducted me and punished me to this horrible condition.

I mustered the little bit of strength in me and groaned in pain as I got on my feet. The sharp pain in my feet caused me to look down at them and I realized that they were bleeding. My feet were badly scarred with deep cuts and bruises.

I managed to take a few more steps forward and would have continued, but for the sharp pain that came from the cold metal that bite into my skin. I looked at my wrist and cursed in frustration to see the metal cuffs strapped around them.

That moment, a door at the other end of the room creaked as it opened. My eyes were suddenly hit by the sudden influx of sunlight and I was forced to close them. I opened my eyes when they finally adjusted to the sunlight and I saw a man standing before me.

He was huge and had long hair, but I couldn't make out his facial features because of the sunlight. My lips quivered as I struggled to speak and I could finally ask him the most important question of my mind now.

"Where am I?" My breathing tensed and the man seemed to notice it cause he reached for a old plastic chair at a corner of the room and made me sit on it.

"You will know when the time is right. " He refused to give me a direct reply. Maybe he thought, I'd try to escape and didn't want me to have an idea of the way out. My lips moved again to speak, but this time, my voice only came out as a weak whisper. "Why am I here."

I noticed the wide grin on his face and he finally gave me an answer this time.

"You committed no offence or offended no one, but the special nature that runs through your blood is the reason for this," he paused and cupped my left cheek with his cold hands, "you are the hope and salvation of the entire Werewolf race."

Many thoughts went through my mind at that instant. I wanted to scream at him that I was not in one bit special and that in fact, I was an anomaly. I was weak and powerless, but I just remained silent as I didn't have the strength to do this.


One week earlier.

I tapped my fingers at a continuous rhythm on my laps; the subtle morning breeze blowing filling the car.

I raised my left arm up, to check the time on a Rolex wristwatch wrapped around my wrist.

I soon began to see the large building of my company's headquarter slowly getting nearer. I was the major shareholder, and CEO of Mendez Corporation, a housing and estates management company; one of the biggest here in California.

I didn't notice when the car stopped, and only snapped back into reality, when my driver slammed the door shut. He turned round the car, over to where I sat in the passenger's seat, and opened the door.

I stepped out of the car, and sighed lightly. I looked forward to see my personal assistant, Kara, approach.

"Morning ma'am, you're just right on time for the board meeting." Kara flashed a smile at me, and took my handbag, replacing it with a cup of coffee.

I walked elegantly into the building's main entrance, the heels of my shoe creating rhythmic clicks on the smooth white marble floor.

I pushed a strand of my blonde hair off my forehead and tucked it behind my ear as I walked through the building, trying my best to put on the most elegant smile possible.

"Morning ma'am," the tech guy greeted and adjusted his eyeglasses.

He had come for the routine check and maintenance and was probably done since he was now heading out with his tech kit in his hands.

I tried my best to remember his name and finally did.

"Morning Steve."

A minute later, my private elevator dinged open and I headed straight for the board room. I walked into the room to see the rest of the board members seated on their seats. I was late.

The meeting went on for about 35 minutes before ending. In brief, all that was discussed was the Gala coming up.

A collaboration between Mendez Corporation and Star Limited, another housing company. We were jointly planning to host a Gala to showcase our latest building designs and auction them to highest bidders.

The day went on in the usual routine and it was finally time to go home. I smiled the instant I realized I was thinking like a teenage girl in high school anticipating the close of school.

My driver was already waiting outside for me and I immediately hopped into the car. In five minutes, the driver drove into the large compound of my home and he parked in the garage.

I headed straight for the house and as I stepped in, my nostrils were hit by the smell of freshly made toast. I looked towards the dining table to see my mom, Linda setting the table.

"Mom!" I exclaimed and dropped my handbag carefully on a couch, "you didn't say you'll be coming." I hugged her tightly.

"It was an impromptu decision. I was free and I decided to come. I'll go back next week." Linda said with a smile, "so I made toast, chicken, spaghetti and meat balls and I ordered some yoghurt cream."

"Wow. What do we have here?" I heard my dad, Wyatt and looked towards the door leading to the garage to see him step out with leather gloves in hand.

He walked towards my mom and he kissed her on the forehead.

"Mom, I'll go clean up the kitchen," I said and headed towards the kitchen, but I was stopped by my dad.

"No honey, you just arrived from work," Wyatt plastered on a fake smile, "why don't you go and freshen up. Then, you can have dinner and help your mom in the kitchen." He added.

"I'm fine. Don't w..." I tried to protest, but my mom cut me short, "Elena, listen to your dad and go freshen up. I'll clean up the kitchen myself."

"Okay mom," I said and gave Wyatt a stern glare with my back turned to my mom.

His fake smile didn't waver, but he also still managed to send me that 'you disgust me' signal.

Wyatt has always hated me, right from the day I was born. He was the leader of the Creed, a very big coven of united vampires and werewolves and he only saw me as an humiliation to his respected person.

The sole reason he hated me was for who I was. Wyatt was an hybrid, an half vampire and half werewolf while my mom was a witch, but instead of picking up one of this traits, I was mundane. I was like a human.

I had no abilities, but what others didn't know was that I could somehow feel my blood curdling with the supernatural. I could still determine a person's race like others. I could know if he were a vampire, werewolf, witch or human.

Wyatt and my immediate younger brother, Zach treated me like a nobody. They only pretended to care when mom was around and that was because of Wyatt's love for my mom.

They were soul mates and Wyatt would feel like an empty shell if she left him. The same was for my mom which was why I refused to let her know about Wyatt's hateful treatment.

I and Zach were very close when we were kids, but as we grew older, Wyatt slowly poisoned his mind against me and now, whenever we cross paths, he would look for ways to insult me or just shake his head in disgust and disappointment.

For a long time, I would try to win their hearts, but it was never enough. I later stopped when I discovered my actions were all in vain.

No matter how much I tried, there would always see me as a weak, mundane human.