
6. Ban's request

Level eighteen was different from the rest, when I finish shifting I notice I was in a small lobby and there was a desk and strangely enough Ivy was there.

"State where your business here lies and I will transfer you to that location if you are permitted to do so." she says

"I'm here to see Ban" I say

She looks at here screen pushes a few buttons, and not even a few seconds later she slide her fingers across the screen causing the room to move.

A door to the right of me open and a tall man about my age came out in a lab coat. Ban was actually my age had white hair due to the amount of stress he went through since it was black when we were kids. His safety goggles covered his purple eyes and he was as white as can be probably due to the fact that he never went outside.

"Roxas it's you it's been a while since you have been back to my lab" he says

"Hey Ban how are you" I ask

"I'm good I actually have something I want to show you" he says leading me to his lab

His lab did not really have the whole lab feel in fact it looked homey. He had a couch a TV what looks to be a refrigerator in one of the walls and even a bed there the only thing I see that would resemble a lab is a work bench with special equipment on it.

He made his way over to the bench, pulling a screen up at the end of the work bench.

"Alright I need your help making these weapons and since I heard you are going international this is the perfect opportunity to collect all these materials" he says

"Why me Ban why not ask a hunter that is already doing international missions." I ask

"Because these weapons are gonna be specially made for you, that and we are friends you collecting the material for me will help me make more of my ideas possible." he says

"Well ok is there a list of these supplies" I ask

A notification goes of on my HUD and sure enough there was all the material.

"Some are from categories and some are from the environment" he says

I nod at the request

"If you find something out of the ordinary please do not hesitate to bring it back" he says calmly

I nod again

He walk over to an empty wall and gently knocks on it a few times. The wall opens to reveal several items.

"There's a few things I want you to have before you go on any mission" he says to me

He reaches for the first item it looks just like a short bar maybe as long as my forearm.

"Here you go this has a number of functions to save your life when necessary" he says as he places it on my forearm. The device latches on an turns into a arm crossbow, it feels kinda weird I'm not very used to having something attached to me like this.

"You'll get used to it" he says like he knows what I'm thinking. (He usually does by the way)

Gilbert pops up on my HUD "sir instructions have been sent to us would you like me to read them to you?" he asks.

"You might want to wait Gilbert I don't think this is gonna be it" I say knowing that this isn't that only thing coming my way.

As if on que Ban goes back to the wall his picks a small metallic box the size of two playing card decks put together.

"This is for storing the materials that I have asked you" he says as he places a big chunk over the top and it's turning miniature and falling in.

"Is there anything else Ban" I ask

"Yes two more things some creatures can produce a gas and some can even blind you with a bright light" he says

He hands me a small necklace and also takes off my phone from my wrist.

"The device around your neck is to detect any kind of poison and toxins that can affect you by airborne means, so you need some kind of defense against that so this will immediately deploy once it senses danger." he says

"Well that's cool so what are you doing to my phone" I ask

"On your HUD I am doing a thing called tinting it will help you adjust to the sun in certain places it shines way brighter due to the different region climates, also some categories have a flashing abilities for defense so that should help" he says

It doesn't take long for him to finish doing the "tinting". He places the phone back on my wrist and a loading screen appears on my HUD. Gilbert pops up "installing new program" he says

I look over at Ban who is putting on dark safety glasses and goes to a nearby light switch.

As the program finishes to load Ban starts explaining how everything works "So not only does this help you see in extremely bright light, it also works in reverse" he says as he turns off the lights. The room didn't really change except for the color of everything it was a shade darker.

Ban flips on the switch and everything went back to normal or so I thought because then Ban asks me " Hey can you still see" I turn to answer him and I see him with one arm over his eyes and safety glasses flailing around.

"Um Ban what are you doing" I ask

"Well I guess I didn't make these powerful enough on my end" he says with a slight chuckle

I walk over to the light switch and see the tiny words above them, I see the one marked ultraviolet is on so I flip that one off. I hear Ban sign in relief as he takes off the safety glasses, blinking a few time I'm guessing to get a hold of his bearings.

"Well I think that's time for you to go" he says rubbing his eyes.

"Are you alright Ban?" I ask

"My vision is kinda blurry, it will take a little bit before I can see clearly again, I think I'm gonna go lie down I'm sure you can walk yourself out." he says

He walks only a few steps away before he disappears behind a wall. I thought it was weird for him not to say bye but from the memories that had come back to me of him being this way and that was the equivalent of a goodbye for him.

As I walk back into the lobby I still see Ivy at the desk and wonder why she was the one here and even though there was hundreds of others working the first floor desk why was she the one here on this floor as well.

She acknowledges me with a smile and a wave. I walk over to her actually paying attention to her features for the first time. I couldn't tell her height since she was sitting behind a desk but it looks like she isn't very tall. She had black hair and pale skin which was very eye catching her green eyes were also very eye-catching.

"Well hello Roxas are you ready to go somewhere else" she asks

"No I was actually wondering about you" I say to her

she blushes her cheeks turn a bright red.

I wasn't sure why I was doing this but if I was stuck in this world I might as well enjoy it.

" well would you like to go out someday to hear about me" she asks quite boldly

"Sure that sounds good" I say

She places her hand onto my phone.

"Ivy arroyo has been added to your contacts" Gilbert says

"I know you're a hunter so I don't expect you to get back to me soon but if you could get back to me at one point" she says

"Wouldn't dream of keeping waiting too long" I say

She giggles

Gilbert pops up on my HUD

"Sir it's now six o'clock we should be leaving" he says

"Hey Ivy can you transfer me back to the bottom floor" I ask her

She nods and transfer me back down to the bottom floor.

I give her a goodbye wave and head out the door.

"Hey Gilbert do we have time to visit my parents" I ask

"We do but why don't we have breakfast with them tomorrow, after all you are still dealing with your amnesia." he says

He's got a good point I'd rather not let anymore people let on about that, it could bring on suspicion. Going back home we take a different route I get to see more of the city and it was different than I had imagine. I was obviously in the central district where all the major facilities are like hospitals large shopping buildings, large vehicle depots which carried all types of vehicles. As we got closer to home everything big started fading away even though the city had big buildings somethings were incorporated into nature and office overlooking a waterfall a building using inside a mountain there was even building that were like treehouses. it's like humankind didn't really destroy or try to govern nature more like try to be more involved with it.