
The hunt for last full blood vampire

Some blood and Gore Some swearing

WVwriter_RR · ファンタジー
16 Chs

descriptions of the character in the story

Jack Anderson

33 years old

Full-blood vampires have super speed,super stamina,super vision,super hearing,enhanced sense of smell, super strength and sixth sense.

Jackson Anderson

32 year old

Jackson is an alpha werewolf so he heals quickly and  larger, Super Leap,super speed,super stamina,super vision,super hearing,enhanced sense of smell,super durability,metamorphic ability,night vision,resistance to cold,Rage enhancement and super strength

Alan Anderson 

26 years old

Alan is a beta werewolf but soon a alpha werewolf and he heal quickly and Super Leap,super speed,super stamina,super vision,super hearing,enhanced sense of smell,super durability,metamorphic ability,night vision,resistance to cold,Rage enhancement,and super strength

This is Alan in the werewolf form.

Mike Carter 

25 year old 

Mike is a omega werewolf but soon a beta werewolf and he heal quickly and Super Leap,super speed,super stamina,super vision,super hearing,enhanced sense of smell,super     durability,metamorphic ability,night vision,resistance to cold,Rage enhancement  and super strength.

Emily Delaney

24 year old 

Emily is just human and Alan girlfriend.

Catherine Anderson

32 year old

Catherine is vampire wife and she have super speed,super stamina,super vision,super hearing,enhanced sense of smell, super strength and sixth sense.

Atom Anderson

Atom is alpha werewolf and he heal quickly and Super Leap,super speed,super stamina,super vision,super hearing,enhanced sense of smell,super durability,metamorphic ability,night vision,resistance to cold,Rage enhancement,and super strength.

This will tell you what is an alpha. beta, and omega werewolves.

The werewolves have four weakest they are 

Wolfsbane: Wolfsbane acts as an Acid if a wolf comes in contact with it. it will induce involuntary Changing, and will act as a poison if ingested.

A Silver Weapon Dipped in the herb will be Twice as Deadly.

Moonstone: Moonstone will turn off a Werewolf's power if contact with Moonstone is Made.

Mercury: Mercury will kill a Werewolf if It enters the Blood.

The vampires have three weakest they are 

Vervain: A mystic herb called vervain is poisonous to vampires. Exposure to or ingestion of vervain can cause a vampire to become severely feverish and weak. Also, physical contact with vervain will burn a vampire's skin. If a human is holding, wearing, or has vervain in their system, a vampire cannot hypnotize or compel anyone who has ingested vervain or has it on their person. Vervain can be mixed with a vampire's drink which, if drunk, will severely weaken them.

Silver: Any contact with silver will burn and melt the surface of the vampire it touches. The touch of silver burns a vampire's skin and causes great pain. Like with Shapeshifters, including Werewolves, Silver can also kill vampires.

Wild Rose: When ingested, wild rose causes a vampire to become severely weak and feverish. Also, If a vampire's skin is exposed to wild rose, it can result in burning them.

Iron: Iron can be used to contain, injure, and kill vampires.

Wooden Stake: can paralyze vampires

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