
Chapter 1:The first time we met

chapter 1

Hinata Akito walked into his classroom everyone started signaling him to

sit down but it was to late,he turned around to find a male figure who was about six foot tall with pale white skin. Hinata turned blue at the site of him"ahh! Good day sir, how are you"The strange man just smiled and told him to sit down.

He introduced him self as Bella Drake and set down and told everyone to open their textbooks.At lunch the students had left for lunch but Hinata had forgotten his lunch ,when got inside the class he found his teacher sucking on a bag of blood. Hinata got shocked and tried to run when he was stopped by his teacher .

The teacher tried to seduce Hinata but he wasn't gay "Hey !Baby how are you and did you see what I was doing,uhm if you did I might have to shut you up"said Drake. Hinata turned him down and left to have lunch but Drake pulled him in and tried kissing him but Hinata stopped him.

After lunch they went back to learning but Drake wouldn't stop thinking of Hinata as he teaches .After school Drake followed Hinata home and pulled him in and kissed him, Hinata tried to stop him but he was over powered and two girls who leave in his street saw them kissing and they took pictures.

When Hinata got home his mom punched him and she cried "Hinata why I thought I raised you well ,and your busy making out with older man"She slapped him and he asked what she meant and she showed him the picture and she just left to her room.

The next day Hinata went to school and saw the two girls from yesterday and asked them if they had shown anyone else but they said no and said they ship them and would never expose them again to anyone who doesn't know.

When he got to class he was called by the principal,so he left and when he got there he found Drake and tried to leave but Drake hugged him "let go of me you perverted pedophile"but Drake just hugged him tighter

Hinata tried pushing him away but he was overpowered he fell asleep for a few minutes and woke up ,his eyes turned red . Hinata looked at his finger and asked "what is a ring doing on my finger and why does it look like that it's black with a black diamond, that's rare"Drake stopped and kissed Hinata all over giving him bite marks and some how he didn't turn into a vampire, he asked why and Drake said he didn't release his venom on him.

Hinata tried to get it off his finger but it wouldn't get off it was stuck he tried everything but it didn't work ,Drake told him it's an infinity ring it's stuck until you get married to a vampire male since a male put it on him ,Hinata freaked and said how come ,his still so young he can't get married at such a young and why did Drake put it on him .

Drake told him it's because he fell for him and now his stuck with that ring for the rest of his life until he gets married. Hinata left and went home his mom asked were that ring came from and he said a friend but his mom didn't believe him and told him to tell the truth and he told her what happened at school and that his teacher put it on him but he didn't tell her about the vampire part. She hugged him and just said she excepts him being homosexual but he said his not, Drake forced himself on to him.

She got furious and went to the school principal and asked for Drake. When he got there she slapped him and told him to never touch her son ever again and asked for transfer papers and got Hinata transferred to a new school far away from Drake.

The girls from Hinata's neighborhood told him Drake transferred to Hinata's new school , Hinata got scared and he became anxious about going to the new school,on his first day he saw him but brushed it off. Drake all of a suddenly appeared in front of him(whispers)why did you transfer Hinata hmm "Hinata started shivering and sweating.

Hinata ran into the school and into his classroom and a strange girl with braces and red hair stared at him with a smile on her face and she called him over and he went to sit and she introduced her self as Piper Flynn and she rendomly blushed and said Hinata is the first good looking boy she's seen in Japan.

Hinata thanks her for the compliment and they chat for a while and she gave him her number but the girl behind her poked him and told him to be careful around Piper she is the clingy and creapy type but he didn't listen and became friends with her.

When lunch came a bunch of girls picked on Piper and told her to move the leader of the group was Hinata kamazaki ,she started talking about how they have the same name how they should hang out sometime but he just turned around and stood up, took Piper's hand and walked away from kamazaki and her gang.

Piper pulled away and yelled what was he thinking walking away from kamazaki -chan and Hinata just looked at her and she blushed again and started following him back to class were they ate alone in peace.

Class started again and kamazaki was busy focusing on Hinata and Piper when she's suppose to be focusing on the board.Then Hinata turned around to find her staring at them and he just glared at her.

After school he was going home when Drake appeared behind Hinata and whispers "I see your ring is gone did you fall in love with another person and it not a male it's a female too wow you've changed Hina -chan"but Hinata just ignored him , held Piper's hand and ran.

Drake got jealous and followed him to her place but he found out Piper leaves in the same neighborhood as Hinata . Drake went to Piper's door step and knocked with an angry facial expression.When Piper opened the door Drake started chocking her and almost killed her but Hinata came and kicked drakes hand ,he grabbed Piper and ran inside her house , closed the door.