After conversing with Naheer for a few hours and practically stealing gold coins from the Night Warriors, Alex headed out once again. He rested for a few hours, but that was it. With only a few hours of sleep, Durendal, and a few gold coins, he left the Night Warriors.
The assassin who'd asked for his identity apologized to him after a good while, and Alex brushed the issue to the side.
His first destination was Nessia's abode.
"You're back?" The guard inquired, raising an eyebrow. "At this point, you'll become a regular customer in no time. You really like this, don't you? Too bad everyone you sleep with ends up dying after you leave."
Alex chuckled at that remark. "I don't know… maybe it's my bad luck."
"Yeah," said the guard. "It can't be you, since the Brothel Queen would have already killed you by now. Anyway, who're you here for?"