
The Hopeless Hero

Hiro Satomi is a 20 year old university student in Tokyo with a life of nothing but stress constantly killing him on the inside. Xylvia is a 22 year old therianthrope cat-girl traveling through continent after continent in hopes of finding a place of belonging. These two are from different worlds, both trying to find meaning in there lives. That is, until they finally meet and go on an adventure.

Kuro_Kaen · ファンタジー
31 Chs


A deep wave of exhaustion washed throughout my body as Xylvia helped me onto the bed. We had arrived back in out Temporary after helping everyone get back to the city. Wanderer went with Rosary which sounded like a good idea, so we at least didn't have to worry about that. However…

"What are we gonna do about that man?" I muffled through my pillow.

"There's gotta be something," Xylvia said. "There's no way he's that strong. The Spectrum of Magic doesn't allow something like that."

"Spectrum of Magic?"

"It's basically an analysis of what each type of magic does. While they all have their strengths and weaknesses, every one of them are equal in terms of power and efficiency. It's strength is determined by the individual. And if any unstable sources of magic are discovered, and if the Spectrum detects it, then it'll shut that source down completely."

"Was that the spectrum he was talking about earlier?"

"I doubt it. The Spectrum of Magic has no scaling system. Magic isn't ranked, but it is regulated."

'You mere pesticides really can't comprehend just how far down the spectrum you truly are.'

The way he said that…

"Hey, Xylvia. Is there more than one god in this world?" I asked her.

"Hmm? No. Gleam is the only goddess," She answered. "Where'd that come from?"

"Do you think the reason why that Spectrum of Magic thing didn't stop his magic is because he's a god?"

"That can't be it. Gleam would've taken care of it. At least way before anyone could've had a chance to have gotten hurt."

"He mentioned something about getting caught by a 'wench.' Think he could've been talking about Gleam?"

"If that's so, then that just proves that he isn't a god. There's no way that Gleam wouldn't know about there being a different god here. It's gotta be something else."

"He seems powerful to me," I said, turning to lay on my back. "Did you see what he did to Catherine? It's like I just blinked and it already happened. Didn't even have a chance to react."

Xylvia continued to pace around the edges of the room, the knuckles of her fingers brushing across the dark red walls. She appeared deep in thought, but would also glance back at me to see if I had anything else to say.

I too was thinking for any answers. The soft bedsheets began to bring out the tiredness in me, so I quickly sat myself up and gave my face a few slaps to keep myself up a little longer.

"That man's seems psychotic." I said.

"Hmm? What's that mean?" Xylvia asked, glancing back at me.

"Well, I'm not sure how you guys would say it, but I guess the best way to say it is that he's not right in the head. Just the way he moves. The way he speaks. Someone who claims to be a god is definitely not sane."

"A Spectrum Breaker…"

"I'm sorry?"

"These people were ancient in this world. They were people who hated Gleam, who hated being human. They wanted to be more, so they attempted to break the Spectrum of Magic in order to obtain Magic only gods could use. They failed obviously, and were killed after multiple attempts. It was during early civilization, but there are still some out there every now and then to this day."

"You think the Corruption's got a play in this?"

"Definitely nowadays."

Xylvia now had her arm pressed onto a part of the wall that was next to the window, her eyes gazing out at the setting sun.

"Should we ask Gleam for help?" I asked her.

"She can give us guidance, but she can't interact with anyone or anything. All she can do it observe and wait as the cards play for themselves."

The automatic light on the brown furniture desk next to the bed lit ourself on. It was like a three bar candle holder with glowing orbs sticking out from the ends of the bars.

"You think she knows our futures?" I asked her.

"Every question you can think of…*HUuuuAAhhh*…I asked already," Xylvia said through her yawn. "She would always respond with 'Sorry, but that's classified' and move on. We just aren't allowed to know the life of a goddess."

"Sounds about right…"

Seeing Xylvia yawning consistently suddenly gave me the urge to let out one myself. We're both obviously tired, but there's still something that's been on my mind.

"Hey…what that man said to you…" I started.


"He…he called you a…well… I-I'm gonna assume it was something really bad, but-"

"A biter." She said.

I nodded my head.

Xylvia said nothing back. All of her attention was completely on me now, waiting for what I was gonna say next.

I don't know if I should ask about it. Seeing Xylvia that pissed off…she was definitely hurt by it. It was like a switch had just flipped inside her soul.

"I-I'm sorry," I apologized. We can talk about it some other time if when you're ok with it. It's been a long day anyways, so let's just sleep it off."

I could see Xylvia's eyes staring at the floor as she began to walk to the bed.

"How's your leg?" Xylvia asked me from the other side of the bed.

"Sore, burning slightly, and no longer attached to my thigh." I groaned.


Her voice sounded painful, which made me feel bad.

"It's not your fault," I quickly said. "I was just too slow."

"Hiro, I promise you we can make this work."

"How so?"

I slightly moved the stub that was my left leg. It felt weird not having it anymore, like lifting a weight with only a plate on one side. I just felt weak and useless, like everything I could always do had just been taken away from me.

"You just have to give me a bit of time to work that one out." Xylvia said.

"…good luck with that…"

That was a little rude.

"Hey, how come you sleep with your back turned?"

Before I could shut my eyes, Xylvia had asked me that question.

"I figured you'd be less creeped out if someone wasn't staring at you." I answered.

"You don't creep me out."


I guess if she doesn't care, then it doesn't matter. I turned my whole body around and found myself face to face with her. Those deep, crimson eyes of hers sparkles in the dark.

"Your eyes are pretty," she said to me. "Such a pretty green. Like a walk in the forrest during a sunrise."

Was this her way of trying to make me feel better?

"You think so? Heh, thanks. Yours are pretty too."

If so, it's kind've working.

"Hm, thank you. I was born with my mother's eyes and a lot of ppl in my childhood home would often tell me how much I look like her."

"Huh, must've been a beautiful woman."


Xylvia gently karate chopped my head.

"That was way too smooth even for you." Xylvia joked.

We were about a pillow's length away from each other, our eyes locked onto each other's like wires. Staring at Xylvia made me feel like a weirdo, so I began to glance all around the place.

"What's wrong?" Xylvia asked me.

"Nothing. Just…I feel like a bit of a weirdo when I'm just staring at you."


A part of me thought that she was just messing with me, but her eyes were dead serious.

"Well, when you're staring at someone without saying anything to them, it can be a little creepy."

"Creepy? What do you mean?"

"It basically means that it makes you feel uncomfortable. It makes you shake with fear or anxiety. Something along those lines."

Xylvia karate chopped my head again.

"You really are afraid of yourself. Honestly, you're not 'creepy' to me at all. Yes, there are people here who may have I'll intentions, but two friends staring at each other like this isn't something you need to be worried about."

Why do I always need her reassurance just to know that I'm not being weird. I know what my intentions are. It's just…sometimes I let my own head get the better of me. Warping my own thoughts into things that never crossed my mind in the first place. Why can't I just trust myself?

"I'm not sure if this stands true in your world, but when close people stare at each other that's basically our way of trying to memorize each other."

"What's there to memorize about me?" I asked.

I always saw myself as an average person. Like, if someone were to look into a crowd of a hundred people, I don't think I'd stand out as much as anyone else.

Suddenly, Xylvia's hand that had karate chopped my head twice began running through my hair. Each one of her fingers snatching up strands of it as her nails would gently scratch my head. My eyes started closing on reflex from how nice it felt.

"Your hair's really soft," Xylvia smiled. "And there's some curls at the end of it to. And black as a starless night. I'm kind've jealous."

Her other hand went up to my face and carefully slid open my eyelids. I felt like I had fallen asleep for a brief moment.

"I've never seen eyes like these before," she said. "Such a pretty green. Of course, there's much more to a person than how they look. For instance-."

Xylvia then grabbed my hand and had it rest on the top of her head, one of her ears buried right underneath it.

"-their way of helping others," Xylvia continued. "The fire in their eyes when they get serious. Their frantic movement when they feel embarrassed. And for you, it'd be the way you apologize for every little thing you do…"

Her eyes went a little sad after she said that.

"You heard me?" I asked her.

"Felinian's are the heaviest sleepers, but that doesn't mean we're oblivious. Our ears are constantly active to the point where the things our ears pick up can even effect our dreams."

Neither of us had moved an inch, but for some reason it felt like we were much more closer to each other than we were a few minutes ago. Every second I spend staring at her, I grew more and more wary of just how beautiful she really is. My hand that was placed on top of her head began moving instinctively, gently pulling on strands of hair while also give some attention to her ears.

"Were you dreaming that night?" I asked her.

"Mmhmm." She nodded.

"What was it about?"

"…My mother…"

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing."

She karate chopped my head for the third time, but then her hand suddenly went flat and she began rubbing and scratching it gently again.

"The way you rub my head was the same way my mother did when I was little," she said to me. "Every day when she got home, she'd always crawl in bed with me and hold me tight while petting my head just like this. She'd hum lullaby's to me until I fell asleep."

She stopped scratching my head and slowly stretched her arms around me. I felt myself get pulled slightly closer to her. Closer and closer until I could feel her heartbeat. I picked up a sweet smelling scent from her body. A sweet smell of vanilla, something I wouldn't expect from someone who fights with fire.

"I could be wrong you know." Xylvia suddenly choked.

I can't stand seeing Xylvia cry.

"That man could end up being a god," she continued. "Gleam may not have noticed him yet. Maybe he does have the power to kill us whenever he wants."

"But you're still going to call his bluff?" I asked her with a smile.

"I've no clue what that means, but I'm gonna say yes to that."

She buried her head into my chest.

"You know any lullaby's?" She asked me.

"Are you afraid?" I asked.

"Why else do you think I'm crying?"

"Just wanted to make sure."

I didn't exactly know what song Xylvia's mother would him to her, but I didn't want to just ignore it completely.

"I'll give it a shot." I said to her.

So I began humming softly to her. I hummed a song that I came up with back when I was playing the piano. I never finished it, but I always did remember the nice, catchy tune I came up with. I was a little impressed with myself, even though I resented that damned instrument.

"That's such a nice tune," Xylvia yawned. "I've never heard it before though."

"It's part of a song I came up with back in my old world," I said. "I used to play an instrument for a while."

"What'd you play?"

"We call it a piano."

She stayed silent after that, basically telling me that she wanted to hear more of it. I never gave the song a name, but I remember the feeling I always had whenever I played it. Lonely, inspiring, and hopeful. The song starts of somber, giving off a feeling of loneliness, but as it continues the tune begins to grow more intense, more inspirational, something that makes you wanna look up and fight.

I never finished it, so I couldn't include the hopeful part of it. I don't like the piano anymore, but I do regret never finishing that song.

Luckily, Xylvia was already fast asleep before I had even crossed that bridge in the song, so I stopped humming and went to sleep myself. This time however, I kept my hand on her head.