
Gu Ding in the Lead

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

With Liliath was in danger, Neptune sounded a warning in Gu Ding's ear, "Liliath's in trouble!"

"What?!" Gu Ding almost screamed. "Didn't you check that there was no one else with the monitor?"

"It's not someone..." When Neptune was about to explain, but he was interrupted by someone behind Gu Ding.

"Do you still want to continue to run? Your partner snuck into the space dock and was caught. I don't think you need to waste any more time trying to get me further away." Cooper's voice came from behind Gu Ding, less than ten meters away.

"You already knew?" Gu Ding felt that his plan was a failure as he thought that his opponent had guessed his every move.