
The Hidden Wizard

Manga adaptation STARTING NOW https://thehiddenwizardviet.wixsite.com/the-hidden-wizard-ma Jake Vietnam was once a being of immeasurable power, one above all concepts of existence. However, what happens when a being of such inaccessible power goes down upon Earth and reincarnates as a boy? What happens when a famous chef wants his revenge on him for a reason he doesn't know? What happens when he has to band together with a former teacher and an enemy of the army against the 7th dimensional cereal the chef wants to obtain? Find out by reading the Hidden Wizard. Follow my TikTok for lore segments! https://www.tiktok.com/@icarus_cosmology Check out the wiki here! https://the-hidden-wizard.fandom.com/wiki/The_Hidden_Wizard_Wiki

Icarus_Cosmology · ファンタジー
31 Chs


I knew that I couldn't do this alone. I needed someone to guide me on my quest to find Gordon Raemusy and stop him once and for all. And so, I set out to find Jason Bourne, a teacher who had survived the explosion and was rumored to have information about the forces of evil that threatened the multiverse.

I finally found Jason in a secluded cabin deep in the forest. As soon as I walked in, he began speaking in a low, measured tone.

"Jake, I know what you're looking for. I know what you seek. But first, you need to understand the true nature of the verse, the ultimate force that created it all."

Jason explained to me about the Stellar Heavenly Child, the supreme God of the verse who was infinitely transcendent above all of the cosmology described before. The Stellar Heavenly Child, according to Jason, was the one who had created the first narrative to entertain itself, essentially being a child with godlike powers.

"This child is beyond our understanding," Jason said. "It has the power to shape reality, to bend the laws of physics, to create and destroy entire universes with a thought. And it has done just that, playing with the multiverse as if it were a toy, creating and destroying countless realities for its own amusement."

I listened intently as Jason spoke, trying to wrap my mind around the concept of a being with such immense power. I couldn't imagine what it must be like to have that kind of control over the universe.

"But this child is not our enemy," Jason continued. "It is the key to stopping Gordon Raemusy and preventing him from causing any more destruction. We must find the Stellar Heavenly Child and convince it to intervene, to use its power to put an end to Gordon's evil once and for all."

With a newfound sense of purpose, I set out with Jason, determined to find the Stellar Heavenly Child and bring an end to the chaos and destruction that threatened the multiverse.

I set out on my quest with Jason Bourne by my side. Our goal was to find Gordon Rameusy and put an end to his destruction. We traveled through the desolate remains of destroyed realms, facing various obstacles along the way. Our first challenge came in the form of a group of powerful wizards hired by Gordon to stop us.

I charged at the wizard, ready to unleash all of my power. The wizard responded by conjuring up a massive asteroid, which they hurled towards me with deadly precision. I could feel the intense heat of the celestial body as it hurtled towards me, but I didn't back down. I channeled all of my energy, reaching immeasurable layers into boundless, and let out a roar.


I lifted my hand and with a flick of my wrist, I sent the asteroid hurtling back at the wizard. They dodged it just in time, only for me to then conjure up a sun and throw it at them with even greater force.

The wizard was quick, however, and summoned a black hole to swallow the sun. But I wasn't going to let that stop me. I summoned an entire galaxy and threw it at the wizard, causing a massive explosion that sent shockwaves throughout the entire realm.

The wizard countered by summoning a horde of comets and meteors, raining them down upon me like a meteor shower. But I was ready. I summoned my own horde of celestial bodies and we clashed, each throwing planet after planet, star after star, in a relentless barrage of cosmic fury.

As Jake and the wizard engaged in their intense battle, throwing planets and suns at each other as if they were nothing but mere toys, Jason watched on in awe and fear. Despite his own immense magical abilities, he couldn't help but feel completely outmatched by the sheer power being displayed in front of him.

However, he didn't let his fear stop him from being an active participant in the fight. Jason used his magic to create a barrier around them to protect any innocent bystanders, as well as to create constructs to assist Jake in his battle.

As Jake proclaimed that he was "immeasurable layers into boundless," Jason couldn't help but wonder about the connection between Jake and the Stellar Heavenly Child. The idea was both fascinating and terrifying, and he couldn't help but think about the implications if it were true.

Despite all of this, Jason's focus remained on the task at hand. He knew that they were in a dire situation and that their survival hinged on the outcome of this battle. So, he poured all of his magic into supporting Jake, hoping that together they would be able to emerge victorious.

It was a battle like nothing I had ever seen before, and I felt my power growing with every passing moment. The wizard was relentless, but I was determined. I summoned every ounce of energy I had, and let out a final scream, something which I felt like I was not doing consciously, as the words just escaped my lips.


With a final burst of energy, I sent the wizard hurtling back, defeated. And with a sigh of relief, I took a moment to catch my breath, knowing that I had only just begun my quest to stop Gordon Rameusy and bring peace to the multiverse.

As Jake stood amidst the rubble of the defeated wizards, he couldn't help but think about the words he had shouted during the fight. "I AM IMMEASURABLE LAYERS INTO BOUNDLESS!! ARGGHHH!" They echoed in his mind, as he tried to comprehend the full extent of his powers.

And then, the thought hit him like a ton of bricks. Could it be possible that he was related to the Stellar Heavenly Child, the supreme God of the verse who created the first narrative to entertain itself?

It was a wild thought, but the more Jake thought about it, the more it made sense. After all, he had only wielded 0.0000000000000000001% of the child's power. Could it be that he was somehow connected to this all-powerful being?

Jake couldn't shake off the thought, and as he and Jason continued on their quest, he made a mental note to bring this up with the first person he met who had the knowledge to answer his questions.

"Wow," Jason breathed, surveying the aftermath of the battle. "You were incredible out there, Jake."

Jake let out a heavy sigh, "Thanks. It's a lot to take in, though. All that power... it's almost too much."

"I can imagine," Jason nodded sympathetically. "But you need to remember that you have control over it, Jake. You can wield it for good, just like you did in this fight."

Jake smiled, "Yeah, I know. It's just... it's all so overwhelming. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in all this power, you know?"

Jason clapped a hand on Jake's shoulder, "I understand. But you're not alone in this. We're in this together, Jake."

Jake nodded, "I know. And I'm grateful to have you by my side."

"Yes," Jason replied. "But it's important to remember that we are only a small fraction of the whole picture. The multiverse, inner realms, outer realms, relics, vessel space, voids of nothingness, cardinal space. They all make up a minuscule portion of the cosmology."

Jake nodded in agreement, "And now we are on the path to finding the Stellar Heavenly Child, the one who created all of this and possibly holds the key to unlocking even greater power."

"Exactly," Jason continued. "And with every battle, every victory, every defeat, we learn more about the intricacies of cosmology. We learn about the interconnections between all the realms, the way the narrative shapes the verse, and the way we shape the narrative."

"It's mind-boggling," Jake added. "And every time I think I have a grasp on it all, I discover something new that I never even considered before."

"It's the beauty of cosmology," Jason said with a smile. "It's infinite and always expanding, always changing. And it's our job as wizards to learn as much as we can and to protect it from those who would use its power for evil."

Jake and Jason continued to talk, delving deeper and deeper into the cosmology as they walked on their quest.

"Of course," Jason grinned. "Now come on, we have a Stellar Heavenly Child to find."

Jake laughed, "Yeah, let's go."

As we approached the village, I couldn't help but think about my past. I've been trying to hide it for so long, but it always finds a way to catch up to me, especially in my dreams.

It's only going up from here, heh.

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