
The Hidden : Secrets of the Past

4 nations, Erlia, Siragon, Kynd and Tyring raged war against the nation of Daimonas. To protect its people, the Ruler of Daimonas, sealed the nation away, never to be found again. 20 years pass and people forget about the events of the war and Daimonas becomes a legend, a myth. Aeras, prince of Erlia meets Athoos and the past begins to come forth. Aeras starts questioning things, what exactly happened 20 years ago?, why did the war take place?, what happened to Daimonas?

V25 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 4: The Queen

After the group hug came to an end, all three of them looked at each other and smiled.

Aeras: I should take my leave now father, I'm sure you must've been restless because of me, I'll leave you to rest now.

Aileen: Sure son, you should go and rest too.

Aeras left the resting chambers and now Hue and Aileen were left alone in the room.

Aileen: Hue, I know what you thinking, but trust me we did the right thing, he is not ready yet to know the truth.

General: Aileen, I know that...otherwise I wouldn't have listened to you when we were discussing the plan on what to say to Aeras when we both returned back.

****Flashback to before General went for Aeras****

Aileen: Hue, I have an idea, but we would have to lie a little.

General: No hue, this time I won't lie, we'll tell him everything.....

Aileen: Everything? Do you think he's ready to know everything?


Aileen: See, even you think that he's not ready, please, this is for his own good Aileen.

General: Ok go on.....

Aileen explains everything that Hue has to say to Aeras and the whole scene.

General: Are you sure it'll work?

Aileen: Yes it will work.

****Back to present****

Aileen: Hue, if this time we are caught, there is no forgiveness waiting for us at the end like this time.

General: I know Aileen, but you and I both know that Aeras is not ready to handle the truth, we will tell him everything when the time is right.

Aileen agreed and both of them just stood there in silence, taking in the decision they had made.

General: I'm leaving now, too, Rest up.

General exits the room and Aileen is left alone, with only his thoughts to keep him company.

Aileen: If only you were here, would things have been different?

****Meanwhile Athoos****

Athoos cooked the food just the way Queen liked them. She made her way up the stairs and in front of the Queen's resting chamber. She knocked on the door but got no response. After few more tries, she entered with a.....

Athoos: My Queen, I'm entering, I've brought your food.

Athoos entered inside and saw that Queen was sitting on the window sill and a cold but soothing breeze entered the room through the window. Athoos couldn't help but observe her. She always thought that Queen looked like a sculpture made by gentle hands with care, a beam of moonlight shimmered on her silver hair, making it shine like starlight and the breeze made them flutter, she had clear, sharp and eyes as red as blood, pale skin, features that were sharp yet delicate. Queen was as if she was a hunky man disguised as a fragile flower. Athoos always wondered why such a beautiful person has to be this cold-hearted. Even though Queen was cold-hearted and can be cruel, she was still a loyal servant and gladly served the queen. Athoos didn't realize she was staring at Queen for a long time now. She was interrupted...

Queen: Athoos, it's been a while You are looking at me, want to drill a hole in my head?

Athoos: N-No your highness, that wasn't my intention, I was just-

Queen: Ugh, whatever, you are pretty useless anyway, so just leave my food and get the hell out of my sight. The sight of you makes me sick.

Athoos: Yes Queen.

Athoos set the tray with food on the table for the queen to eat.

Queen: I have good news Athoos….

Athoos(smiling): Really, Your Highness?

Queen: Yes, we had leftovers from this morning, go have a feast.

Athoos: But your highness it must've gone bad by now.

Queen: Are you looking down on my Kindness?

Athoos: I w-wouldn't dare your highness.

Queen: Well…..whatever, it's your fault for not enjoying them while you could've. Now get out, and don't come in front of my eyes until tomorrow.

Athoos: Yes, your highness.

Athoos exits the room, she didn't feel bad for the way Queen treated her, she was used to it anyway. She was still loyal and just as grateful towards the Queen for taking her in years ago, even though the Queen didn't have to. She was grateful that Queen would even ask her to have leftovers. Athoos always thought and believed that there was a reason Queen was the way she is, something made her that way because the Queen would always have an expression she didn't quite understand. That is the reason Athoos didn't resent or hate Queen, even though Queen is said to not have a heart. Each time queen hurt someone, she had that expression, it wasn't regret or sorrow but something completely different. Athoos just picked up a loaf of bread and started making her way towards the dungeon. Yes, that is where Athoos slept and stayed, Queen never allowed the servants or anyone working in the castle to stay in any normal rooms out of 500 that the castle had, excluding the ones for the guests, which were also vacant since no one came to the castle anyway. Athoos's room in the dungeon was cramped, suffocating, smelled bad, had no windows and the only source of light was candles. All the other servants stayed away from Athoos, as she was the one who was Mostly targeted by the Queen, so she was alone. Athoos ate the bread as if it was a big three-course meal and got ready to sleep. She laid down and looked at the ceiling when Aeras appeared in her mind again, "Why am I thinking about him again? No, Athoos no, don't", She said in her mind but muttered out few words...

Athoos: ....but I do hope he is alright, at least doing better than me. Well, of course, he did better than me, he's a prince…..but still, I hope he's ok, he wasn't doing so well earlier.

Athoos drifted to sleep soon after, and a new day began. She woke up before the sun came out, washed up, wore her hood, and went out to get supplies again since yesterday she couldn't because of Aeras. She didn't tell anyone she was going out, not even Queen, as she knew the queen wouldn't really care anyway. On the way, she occasionally hid if she saw other workers approaching as she wanted to avoid interrogation that she would have to go through if she was caught. She finally made her way out of the castle and into the town. the town is pretty much deserted of quiet during the mornings, as daimonas is a town that celebrates the night. She reached a spot and muttered the magical words again, and sure enough, the crack appeared revealing the other side. She walked through the jungle and reached the outskirts of Erlia. There is a shop that sells groceries and supplies, Athoos always went there to buy the supplies for the castle. She entered the shop and was warmly greeted by the old owner of the shop. He had a bit of a rare Erlian accent.

Mr. Rabi: Ah! Good morning Athoos, a little bit too early are yer not?

Athoos: Good morning Mr. Rabi and yes, I came early since I needed an urgent refill of supply, I hope that's not a problem.

Mr. Rabi: Oh why, absolutely not, yer will always be welcomed here, anytime. So, what can me do for yer today?

Athoos handed him the list of things she needed, some of them he handed to her on the spot but some of them he didn't have in the front so, he pointed her in the direction to the back of the shop, where the supplies were being refilled and asked her to ask for rest of the things there.

Mr. Rabi: Yer can go to the back and ask for yer supplies. Me grandson, Eisen, is working back there, he'll hand yer the rest.

Athoos made her way to the back and saw Mr. Rabi's grandson, he was covered in sweat from all the work he was doing back there. Athoos kind of looked at him, his cold demeanor reminded her a lot of Queen, Eisen looked at her, not directly but from the corner of his eyes. Athoos noticed that and felt shivers down her spine from the cold gaze that was pointed at her. Eisen stopped what he was doing and finally faced her and spoke in a monotonous voice.

Eisen: What do you need?

Athoos handed him the list and he started searching for those items in the large stash of goods that were in front of them. Suddenly someone entered the shop and came to the back of the shop as well. Athoos turned around to look who it was and...

Athoos: You?!

****End of Chapter 4****